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What gun is the Doom 64 marine holding?

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It looks like the gun Doom Guy and the former humans hold. The former humans kinda just uses a pistol, but Doom Guy has the same gun sprite for any weapon. So who knows.


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Just a random rifle, highly improbable to be a cut weapon, and if it is, it's probably the one that the Zombiemen hold in PC Doom but more HD.

Edited by seed

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Same thing with OG Doom, its a normal rifle. the doomguy sprites are a clay model posed, and they take photos of it. its represented as the pistol normally

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In the Doom novels it is a known as the Sigcow, it uses the same 10mm ammo as the generic pistol. I assume this still holds true for D64.

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I always assumed they were going for this, but they changed the stock to a more M16 style to avoid copyright infringement. 





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Despite reading about how they made the Pulse rifle movie props and looking at countless pictures, I've never realised how obvious the main firing mechanism is the old tommy guns.



Sorry, slightly off topic.

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