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Why does Id or bethesda do this

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why is the long ass logo intro in every doom game no skip able I hate seeing it every fucking time I try to play any doom game, doom 64 is the worst it has like 12 intros before you can finally play the game like holy shit I feel crazy because I never see anyone talking about this 


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Bahahahaha was just watching A Jolly Wangcore’s video on HL: uplink (HL’s demo back when demos were a thing) today... apparently there is like a full 2 mins of unskipable “game of the year awards” before you can play :-P


Edit: just checked and it’s on his second channel! Link here :-) 

Edited by DooM Bear

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Rofl, this reminds me of that Mega Man episode of AVGN where the game series slowly but surely turns from "press start and play instantly" to being frozen while dialog boxes and explosions are on screen every 5 seconds! That episode made me laugh my ass off..



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fun fact: instead of -skipmovies you can just go in the game files and delete the movies folder entirely and it has the same effect. That way you can save hard drive space, too!

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Doom 1 and 2 on console you can blast on through them. 


D64 you can't at all however. Hey at least it gives time to grab a glass of monster or whatever drink you have. 

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