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Line in the Sand - Team Mapping Challenge [BETA 1 OUT NOW!]

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I'll join in but my half will probably be on the smaller side, I have several irons in the fire so to speak taking my time.

I can Handle Vanilla, Boom, UDMF, I could try doom in Hexan format.

Edited by Steve88

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  On 7/20/2020 at 7:02 PM, Steve88 said:

I'll join in but my half will probably be on the smaller side, I have several irons in the fire so to speak taking my time.


Don't worry about that man! Once this thread has circulated enough, I will see if a time extension is needed. Not everyone has enough time to make a cool ass map with another person within a month. I will be willing to extend the deadline to September or maybe even October if it calls for it. We'll see what doomworld has to say about it.

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I've changed the rules to allow for teams to choose their format, as long as it is capable of running in GZDoom, to allow for more mappers to participate. Come! Participate!




Oh! Also, if you do sign-up, post what format you are most willing to use and if you're willing to conform to another format to make it easier to match you with another player. It will still be random, but I don't want to run into a situation where two mappers come together and neither one are willing to meet in the middle ground for what format to use.

Edited by BluePineapple72

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I'm in. This should be fun.


I am willing and able to map in vanilla, limit-removing, Boom, and MBF.

I don't know how to map in Eternity, Doom-in-Hexen, or UDMF.

Edited by Pegleg
Added formats.

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Count me in, this should be interesting.

As for the timeframe, 1 month is a bit strict imo. I suggest extending to about mid September - October.


(Btw I'm primitive, that means no Hexen or above pls)

Edited by TheNoob_Gamer

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  On 7/21/2020 at 3:18 AM, TheNoob_Gamer said:

Count me in, this should be interesting.

As for the timeframe, 1 month is a bit strict imo. I suggest extending to about mid September - October.


(Btw I'm primitive, that means no Hexen or above pls)


Awesome! I’ll make sure to edit the post to extend the timeline, as well as to include contestant compatibility wishes

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Oooh, interesting. Sign me up. Doom/Boom/hexen/udmf format (boom/udmf preffered)

If project will use otex (i'am fine with vanilla or lost resources) i need more time, since otex is huge and i took a glance at it, never used before.


And, i think, we need more strict rules, so the map won't be huge and complex at one side and simplistic at other sides. Like square of 2048 map units, or 20 sectors, or something like this

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Ehh... might as well throw my hat into the ring. :3

I can work with just about any format but I do love Vanilla... even IF it breaks a lot. XD


(Though if possible, I'd like to avoid strife & Hexen).

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i'm thinking Boom format or Doom 2 format, though i will compromise for Doom in Hexen if needed (Vanilla is my preference though)

Edited by Morpheus666

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I would prefer Doom 2 format because Boom mapping somehow makes everything unstable. Although I can just map in the Doom 2 format like a caveman regardless, I believe Boom incorporates all the actions.


This seems like an interesting project, although I'm unsure how the linkage is supposed to work. Will we be making requests like "Can you please connect your upper sector with lower because I didn't"?

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  On 7/21/2020 at 6:50 PM, ViolentBeetle said:

I would prefer Doom 2 format because Boom mapping somehow makes everything unstable. Although I can just map in the Doom 2 format like a caveman regardless, I believe Boom incorporates all the actions.


This seems like an interesting project, although I'm unsure how the linkage is supposed to work. Will we be making requests like "Can you please connect your upper sector with lower because I didn't"?


Basically, before mapping begins, both mappers will have access to the line file, which has three undefined connecting points. One of you will modify those sectors to whatever properties the two of you have decided on, and then give that modified file to the other player. The connecting point sectors are sacred ground once they’ve been modified, and the whole of your map should be built off of them. 


I think a small degree of communication will be necessary to make sure that the maps don’t fuck up (I.e. both mappers have a connecting point that goes nowhere). But you’re essentially working in your own file, and once you’re ready one side will have all of its stuff copied over into the other’s file to make the map whole (make sure you save your unattached side however)

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This challenge sounds intriguing, and definitely unique. Count me in.


As for the mapping format, I would be happy with Vanilla, but I prefer Boom. I do not wish to map under MBF or above, as I have no experience with those.

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Awesome! So glad to see so many sign ups!


Quick update, I've extended the deadline to September, with the high probability of pushing back to October, as the upcoming school season begins in August and many folks here may be strapped for time.


On Friday, once teams are picked, and the video of that is up and ready, I will update the list to be have teams and such. I will then get into contact with each team on either doomworld or discord. Doomworld would be easy since it is right here, but discord's features may make so many parts of this competition easier, so look into that if you haven't created an account already. But worry not! It is not a requirement for you to be on there, but it may make communicating with your partner incredibly easier.


I'll also request team names from each pair. I think once teams are selected, you will have the weekend to plan out your basic ideas for how the maps connect with the intention of beginning your maps the following week. But of course, before you do I will check in with every team to make sure that both members are ready and willing to participate.

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Sign me up. I prefer vanilla and limit-removing. I won't do anything above MBF.

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Just a heads up! Team drawing will be done tomorrow, I will be closing sign ups at 10 PM. Soon thereafter I will draw teams and provide the template file to hopefully begin the mapping process for the upcoming week. 

If you’d like to participate, it is not too late to join! The more the merrier!

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Hold on to your butts everyone! Signups are closed, that means that you'll know which team you are on shortly! I will be making a drafting video as soon as this post goes up. This post and the OP Will be edited with the teams

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@Elio AF



Well that was fun. I'm looking forward to getting in touch with you all! Tomorrow, I will contact each team individually to make sure that the ball begins rolling. I will provide the map file Sunday. Tomorrow, I will also look to see if I need to modify this list based on mapping formats. If memory serves me right then the majority of people are good with Doom format, so hopefully nothing wrong goes on that front. Anyway, make sure you can get in contact with your teammate; once you do, go ahead and discuss how you want your levels to connect!



EDIT: ALSO BIG THING!!! Once you get in contact, make a team name and I’ll add it here!

Edited by BluePineapple72

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I have a suggestion and a question:


Suggestion: To avoid maps having repeated linedef tags / sector tags, perhaps mappers on the left hand side of the line should utilise odd numbering for these, while mappers on the right hand side use even numbers.


Question: Say if one team decides on a limit removing map, and another on a Vanilla one that runs on Chocolate Doom, would there be compatibility issues in the compiling process? Unless the maps are going to be released separately, of course. Or the compatibility is going to be uniform across all teams.

Edited by TheV1perK1ller

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  On 7/25/2020 at 7:49 AM, TheV1perK1ller said:

Suggestion: To avoid maps having repeated linedef tags / sector tags, perhaps mappers on the left hand side of the line should utilise odd numbering for these, while mappers on the right hand side use even numbers.


I thought first one will use numbers from 1 to 999, and another one from 1000 to ifinity (and beyond). One thousand would be enough


I have a suggestion too, concerning map naming: one contestant will choose noun, and another one adjective. Diablo style


Also, a question. Let's say both contestants decided to make an open space map, could maps be stitched together on line, and 3 sectors serving as a bridges?

Edited by 4MaTC

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