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Is 100% kills important?

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Gotta kill 'em all.


Seriously though, I like killing demons in Doom, so I usually try for 100%, unless I'm running low on ammo or health. Or it's something like a slaughter map, where you're just not going to kill them all on UV. Not enough supplies, best to just get to the exit as fast as possible.

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14 hours ago, Can't play on Nightmare said:

I never cared to kill everything in the map. I kill what is in my way.


Am I doing wrong?

Nah, you do that when you're doing an 100% run, NM100 run, etc. Looking at you as a player, you seem to be more of a casual player, like I am, and anyone else.

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Hey it's a game. Run with iddqd or get a mod and spawn as a demon if you like.


But seriously, you not killing 100% is sloppy. A single Baron can cause major damage. And don't you dare leave a pain elemental behind. What if some marines do a sweep after you in attempt to secure the area, those guys are like bread to ducks!


Yes you're doing it wrong!

Edited by Chezza

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@seed said it perfectly :-D Play however you enjoy playing!


That said, I personally try to UV-max everything (100% kills and secrets) as you can miss large chunks of some some map packs / levels if you don’t (Ancient Aliens for example has 1 or 2 levels where half the enemies are hidden in secrets) :-D


Plus the more boom boom’s and dead enemies in my DooM game the better ;-P 

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Yes, if you don't get 100% kills on all levels you'll get the bad ending.


Just kidding, like other said play it however you like. personally I just like to kill whatever is on my way as I go through the levels, I never put too much thought into the stats on the intermission screen so I'm not fussed about not getting 100, getting +70% is like a nice little bonus to me.

Edited by sluggard

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Thank god not :P


Some levels features enemies in criptic secrets, others are a bit too grindy and killing all enemies would kill the pace of that map.

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I prefer getting 100% on kills, items, and secrets. (though sometimes, I may not feel like wasting my time having to hunt for the last enemy or item). However, that isn't needed to exit the map (unless it is required via scripting. I've made maps where in some areas, you have to kill all the enemies for progression).

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short answer : no

longer answer : I normally do try to get that 100% kill, and I might do a lap around the level to kill the remaining monster when it is a short one, same for secrets, but I don't get too bothered by it if a few monsters escape me. I normally save as soon as I reach the exit switch and then go hunt for secrets I missed (and monsters, but it's rare that a map has a significant number of monsters missing by the time you have all secrets and have reached the exit)

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I already gave my answer earlier, but I will say that I try to 100% the kills at least. I only do it with WAD's though, did the IWAD's years ago so no point getting 100% in them for me.


That said, every time I finish a level in a WAD without 100% kills I admit, I get a little twitch in my eye. Sometimes I'll even spend some extra time on a map just to find the last few enemies. In general though I'm not bothered but I do make an attempt if it's the first time I have played the WAD/map.


Unless it's an especially difficult map, I'll mysteriously suffer memory loss and forget about those last few kills just so I can reach the exit and move on.

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Topic already exists, and I think you already knew that. LoL


Edited by LiT_gam3r

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Sincerely, If you are rewarded for those 100% kills on any way - For example, a script reveals a secret area with many items and probably a weapon or something better, then you can go ahead and kill alll monsters.

Death n' Decay does something like this with 100% kills, 100% secrets, 100% items and 100% all.


Otherwise, just killing what is most convenient and allows you to progress is fine.

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On 7/28/2020 at 12:24 AM, Archanhell said:

Sincerely, If you are rewarded for those 100% kills on any way - For example, a script reveals a secret area with many items and probably a weapon or something better, then you can go ahead and kill alll monsters.

Death n' Decay does something like this with 100% kills, 100% secrets, 100% items and 100% all.


Otherwise, just killing what is most convenient and allows you to progress is fine.

Death Foretold gives you an ability upgrade if you 100% kills and secrets.

Otherwise it's fine to leave a map with some stragglers.

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On 7/22/2020 at 4:09 PM, Chezza said:

But seriously, you not killing 100% is sloppy. A single Baron can cause major damage. And don't you dare leave a pain elemental behind. What if some marines do a sweep after you in attempt to secure the area, those guys are like bread to ducks!


"You call yourself a Doom Slayer? Get your worthless ass back in there and bring me 50 more blood-soaked demon skulls, marine!"

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I usually feel like running to the exit as fast as possible is the right way to play. After all, that's my goal.


And I don't like wall molestation much, so I barely uncover any secrets.

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