Uber-1337Undies Posted December 1, 2002 Good-in-teh-evening. On Doom III, assuming that they hadn't already given him a name, what do you think teh name of teh Doom guy should be? Or if he already has one, what would you preffer it to be? or do you like it? I myself think that he should remain nameless...How about you? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DOOM Anomaly Posted December 1, 2002 Hue G. Rection :D but in seriousness or the Dee-Leelessness, Will it allow you to name yourself or just give you one, or not use one at all? perhaps in teh future....They dont use names Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnnn What ever its gunna be, better not be Flynn Taggart imo. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted December 1, 2002 A name??? The doomguy shouldn't have a friggin' name in Doom 3 - that would ruin everything. I mean he didn't have a name in the old Doom and that worked perfectly, in fact, that was one of the cool things about Doom, made it easier to see yourself as the hero. This thread is stupid. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted December 1, 2002 dsm said:I mean he didn't have a name in the old Doom and that worked perfectly, in fact, that was one of the cool things about Doom, made it easier to see yourself as the hero.I concur. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
zzz Posted December 1, 2002 freakin asslickers. OF Course DoomGuy should have name, like any other human. (i hope id-guys seeks to create realistic game, without those stupid nameless characters) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted December 1, 2002 You are not playing a special character like in Duke Nukem, you are playing yourself beeing a Spacemarine. It´s more immersive that way, got it? So the name of the Doomguy is whatever you type in as your player name in the settings of the game :p 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted December 1, 2002 zzz said:freakin asslickers. OF Course DoomGuy should have name, like any other human. (i hope id-guys seeks to create realistic game, without those stupid nameless characters) You want a piece of me!? And just what do you mean by a "realistic game"? Hopefully not something that feels remotely like CS (but what I've seen so far doesn't seem too much like that either so I'll rest my case). And as Tetzlaff just said, playing as a nameless character is tons more immersive than some cheesy hero with a name, because you can better see yourself as the marine, you can better immerse yourself in the character, which is also the reason why he shouldn't talk either. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted December 1, 2002 dsm said:You want a piece of me!? And just what do you mean by a "realistic game"? Hopefully not something that feels remotely like CS (but what I've seen so far doesn't seem too much like that either so I'll rest my case). And as Tetzlaff just said, playing as a nameless character is tons more immersive than some cheesy hero with a name, because you can better see yourself as the marine, you can better immerse yourself in the character, which is also the reason why he shouldn't talk either. Yes. When playing a fixed character, you often get annoyed with his 'super skills'. I hate playing a character like John Mullins of SOF I/II. He's just too arrogant and 'fantastic'. With yourself as the character, you get immersed in a whole other way. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Captain Red Posted December 1, 2002 They should call him John Doe. And give him no personality like Gordon Freeman in half-life. You make your own John Doe!! (I’d like a name for the sake of fan fics and the like, I suck at thinking up names). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Katarhyne Posted December 2, 2002 WTF is with Doomers and realistic games? I ah..."heard from a friend" that Doom III, or at least, the alpha, actually plays exceptionally like Half-Life. So, by extension, it plays/should play at least similarly to Counter-Strike, since CS is little more than a weapon-mod for HL. Whee. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted December 2, 2002 Katarhyne said:WTF is with Doomers and realistic games? I ah..."heard from a friend" that Doom III, or at least, the alpha, actually plays exceptionally like Half-Life. So, by extension, it plays/should play at least similarly to Counter-Strike, since CS is little more than a weapon-mod for HL. Whee. uhmm no it doesn't. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Livo Posted December 2, 2002 All this talk about "it's less immersive if you have a name" doesn't make sense to me. Should we not be immersed in a novel or factual written in first person account all because we prefer to have the main character without a name? I mean, if you're talking to someone in Doom 3, it'll be pretty unrealistic to hear all their dialogue aimed without mentioning a name, because after all, you would nautrally use a person's name or nickname while talking to them. It's bad enough not talking in HL since Freeman has some kind of telephathic ability, but at least you feel more like a character in that game world, and thus more immersed in it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
doomedout Posted December 2, 2002 Its all a matter of how one allows himself to be immersed, some people prefer a nameless doomguy and it allows them to be more involved in the game, others find that having a name allows them to better identify with the hero and in turn be immersed in that sense. Its all a matter of preference. As far as name goes...i think the doomguy should be called Bob Millin. Others word, I really dont care. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted December 2, 2002 doomedout said:As far as name goes...i think the doomguy should be called Bob Millin. Others word, I really dont care. No! It should be Richard M. Nixon, dammit! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DOOM Anomaly Posted December 2, 2002 Shaviro said:No! It should be Richard M. Nixon, dammit! Bob Dole! :D ...or my previous choice. Either way, I dont care about the name, really. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted December 2, 2002 Katarhyne said:WTF is with Doomers and realistic games? I ah..."heard from a friend" that Doom III, or at least, the alpha, actually plays exceptionally like Half-Life. So, by extension, it plays/should play at least similarly to Counter-Strike, since CS is little more than a weapon-mod for HL. Whee. HERETIC!!!! PRISON SENTENCE! COURT MARSHAL! EXECUTION BY FIRING SQUAD AT DAWN! BURN!!!!!!!!!!! :-P What several people have already mentioned in the thread I made in the R&P forum about game realism, games that are remotely too realistic suck because it becomes bothersome to play. Realism like the kind in half life makes the game more complex and to a great deal of us this is less fun. You say that the D3 Alpha plays like Half Life? How's that? From the looks of the bootleg video it seems like Doom with slower movement speed and the ability to crouch, jump and look up/down, plus the weapons (not counting the pistol) seem a lot more powerful and effective than HL's wimpy weapons (not counting the explosives in HL). It has been mentioned by several people, but now the situation calls for it again: NO FUCKING CS-STYLE REALISM IN DOOM 3!!! If that were the case, we wouldn't be able to run and shoot effectively at the same time because moving while shooting would throw the aim off of the target which = Teh suck! I want to be able to fire and dodge enemy attacks simultaneously. Get it!? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted December 2, 2002 dsm: Doom3 plays nothing like half-life. It feels like Doom. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
zzz Posted December 2, 2002 Oh yea, doom3 is just a doom with better graphics. Yeeess hordes enemys attacking me from left/right/back/front , decimals of former humans, punch of imps + Archvile.. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted December 2, 2002 zzz said:Oh yea, doom3 is just a doom with better graphics. Yeeess hordes enemys attacking me from left/right/back/front , decimals of former humans, punch of imps + Archvile.. Hordes? There were never hordes of enemies in Doom. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Alientank Posted December 2, 2002 John Smith....that would suck ass! HAHA don't give him a name leave him be! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted December 2, 2002 zzz said:Oh yea, doom3 is just a doom with better graphics. Yeeess hordes enemys attacking me from left/right/back/front , decimals of former humans, punch of imps + Archvile.. *Sigh* Lemme go through it again by the numbers: 1. Doom (1) was about sneaking around inside a gloomy space station where a lot of the lights didn't work properly and potentially with a monster around every corner, a real Aliens atmosphere - Doom 3 certainly has that. 2. Doom was about a lot of action, constantly something to kill. The monsters were placed in such a way that you would constantly run into them - Doom 3 constantly has something to throw at you, maybe not in such large groups, but there is constantly something to kill from what I've seen and heard. 3. Doom was about the occult vs. futuristic weaponry, basically Aliens meets Call of Chtulhu - this certainly is present within the new Doom, I'm actually thinking that it's more aliens like than before, while still keeping it nicely occult (and if you start bitching about lack of Hell maps in the Alpha I'll rip your friggin' head off for displaying the IQ of a brick). 4. Doom 3 is a retelling of Doom 1, not Doom 2 and even Doom 2 did not throw hordes upon hordes of monsters at you. Doom 2 would throw a maximum of fifty enemies (or so) at you in *some* of the levels, so your claim above is total bullshit. 5. I've explained these things so many times now that I'm getting extremely annoyed at people like you who claim that "D0uM w0z Ebout h0hds uf m0nstaRs!" to the point where I'm seriously tempted to just flame your asses off. People who think that Doom was all about killing hordes of monsters on-screen haven't been able to properly immerse themselves in the first Doom game. Doom 3 may not be completely identical to Doom 1, since it can only display less monsters on-screen, but the stuff I've seen so far seems to capture the actual essence, the very fucking core of Doom, nicely. Anyone who disagrees needs to explain exactly where Doom 3 is different from the old game (and those arguments had better be good!). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted December 2, 2002 dsm said:Doom 3 may not be completely identical to Doom 1, since it can only display less monsters on-screen, but the stuff I've seen so far seems to capture the actual essence, the very fucking core of Doom, nicely. Anyone who disagrees needs to explain exactly where Doom 3 is different from the old game (and those arguments had better be good!). I can vouch for that! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
doomedout Posted December 2, 2002 dsm said:5. I've explained these things so many times now that I'm getting extremely annoyed at people like you who claim that "D0uM w0z Ebout h0hds uf m0nstaRs!" to the point where I'm seriously tempted to just flame your asses off. People who think that Doom was all about killing hordes of monsters on-screen haven't been able to properly immerse themselves in the first Doom game. Doom 3 may not be completely identical to Doom 1, since it can only display less monsters on-screen, but the stuff I've seen so far seems to capture the actual essence, the very fucking core of Doom, nicely. Anyone who disagrees needs to explain exactly where Doom 3 is different from the old game (and those arguments had better be good!). Well first off, DSM, the point is different people have different ways of getting involved in the game. It seems you like an outlook on doom where emphasis is given on the mystery quality of the game, where monsters would pop up, lights would not work, an overall alien type atmosphere which is full of suspense. Other people view it differently; they prefer demons coming at you at a frenetic pace. To them that is how they are immersed and that is how they get involved. Although your view on doom is so much similar to mine :), PLease for fucks sake don't force your opinion on others. I think the point zzz made was valid because most of my friends enjoyed doom mainly because of its frentic action. Secondly, Doom3 plays a LOT like HALF LIFE, I'm sorry if this upsets a few but I feel this is true. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted December 2, 2002 doomedout said:Secondly, Doom3 plays a LOT like HALF LIFE, I'm sorry if this upsets a few but I feel this is true. uhmm... Please tell me how Doom3 plays like half-life! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DooMBoy Posted December 2, 2002 AFAIK, Doom's storyline says the Doom Marine is you. Therefore you're the marine, and whatever your name is, that's the marine's name. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted December 2, 2002 doomedout said: PLease for fucks sake don't force your opinion on others. I think the point zzz made was valid because most of my friends enjoyed doom mainly because of its frentic action. There's plenty of frentic action in Doom 3, there's just not hordes of demons on-screen and I'm not forcing my opinions on people as such, I'm saying, which is perfectly true, that neither Doom nor Doom 2 had hordes of monsters on-screen - they may support hordes of monsters, but that's not what you got in the levels in two old games made by id. And I'm simply tired of explaining this to people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about.Secondly, Doom3 plays a LOT like HALF LIFE, I'm sorry if this upsets a few but I feel this is true. Once again, you're doing exactly what I've said I don't want people to: To say that it plays like Half Life, without giving a damn good explanation as to why. Would you be so kind as to explain, in detail please, which elements make it play like HL - is there a special damage bonus for head or upper torso shots like in HL? Does crouching increase accuracy? Do the monsters feel like they're fucking terminators when you shoot them? Is the shotgun pathetic as fuck when you're a little farther away from your target than a meager ten feet? Tell me what makes the Alpha Half Life'ish for fucks sake and I may take you more serious. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
doomedout Posted December 3, 2002 Before I got into details DSM, have you played the alpha? If that is a yes, try firing the smg, please. Please. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted December 3, 2002 doomedout said:Before I got into details DSM, have you played the alpha? If that is a yes, try firing the smg, please. Please. I haven't tried the Alpha no, but I see no annoying puzzles that are hard to figure out like in HL, I see lots of monsters getting killed constantly and they all appear to jerk in pain when you shoot at them judging by the video. The thing about crouching increasing accuracy doesn't mean shit as most modern FPSs out there work the same way, it is no longer Half Life specific. RtCW does the same thing as it does not feel even remotely like Half Life imo. Plus, the video clearly shows that most enemies go down pretty quickly when you use the shotgun, in Half Life the shotgun is only effective against the weakest of the enemies and it does not have the stopping power that I witnessed that the Doom 3 shotgun had in the video. I may be wrong that D3 does not play like Half Life, but I have yet to see proof of it or any decent explanations to how - and forget about persuading me to d/l the Alpha because I WON'T! All I'm asking for is an explanation on how D3 can possibly be or play like Half Life - all I've seen so far is "Doom 3 play like Half Life because it DOES!" THAT is not valid argumentation. Gimme some valid argumentation and I'll likely be a lot friendlier towards you. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
doomedout Posted December 3, 2002 dsm said:All I'm asking for is an explanation on how D3 can possibly be or play like Half Life - all I've seen so far is "Doom 3 play like Half Life because it DOES!" THAT is not valid argumentation. Gimme some valid argumentation and I'll likely be a lot friendlier towards you. Well actually it is premature to judge Doom3 entirely based on how Alpha plays. If you play Alpha, maybe you can understand what I am getting at. Because you have not(lucky bastard, don't know where u get the patience from), I cannot possibly convince you otherwise. However, those who have played alpha, would you agree it plays similar to half life? Once I get the response, I can probably point out the similarities and differences. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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