dsm Posted December 1, 2002 Just because I feel like it, here's my take on what has "caused" the different types of former humans in Doom 3. Undead zombie (moaning dudes with their arms stretched out in front of them and lots of gashes): My assumption is simple: these are humans that were killed when the demons overran the place. They were then "resurrected" (by an archvile maybe?) and are now virtually braindead, walking dolts aka "target practice". They're too braindead to use tools of any kind including weapons and even sticks or pipes, they just use their bare hands and their supernatural strenght. Possessed soldiers: So far we have only seen the Commando, (and the black guard that got possessed at the start of the Alpha/bootleg video, but we didn't see him in action). Focusing exclusively on the commando, I'd say that the possessed soldiers are humans that were possessed by evil spirits aka lost souls (I'm talking about the ghostly lost souls - not the cyborg rocket head). Their own soul either got killed or just driven out of their bodies. Their brain, as I've already said in another thread, works perfectly all right and pretty much like a human brain. So in a nutshell, these mean dudes are exactly like humans except that they have a meaaaannnn attitude, a voice which make them sound like they could use a week in bed, and that the demonic spririt make some of them mutate slightly. So being all around human except for the three "small" distortions mentioned above, this means that they can handle tools, maintain machinery, possibly pilot vehicles and most interestingly, handle weapons. This stuff may all be a load of bull. I'm particularly interested in that small scene with the possessed black guard. He's obviously a possessed soldier, but after the possession, he seems to act a little too much like a regular undead zombie. So maybe the undead zombies are possessed too (though I don't think that'd make sense at all) and the commandos are possessed in a different way. Thoughts? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DOOM Anomaly Posted December 1, 2002 I myself have been wondering these things too. With an exception for the gaurd dude cause I've only seen the video that was shown at macWorld so I dont know much about, well anything actually. Im also wondering what inda of attacks they will have; will they only have one, or many, perhaps depending on its situation or condition? May sound like a bunch of wacky-smacky but hey, who knows, I certainly for one don't. But in the end, I just hope they have more than just the regular smack or punch attack, or more than just firing the weapon, but hey, I'm not making it so I shouldn't talk, meh, Just a thought. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
tsareppsun Posted December 1, 2002 Beats the hell out of me, My take on the zombies(*as we all call them) were at first made that way in results of going through the unstable gateways. Remember the part in the original storyline? (*Military "volunteers" entering them either disappeared or been stricking with a strange form of insanity-babbling vulgarities, bludgeoning anything that breaths, and finally suffering an untimely death of full-body explosion.) Notice it didn't mention anything about the humans becoming "Zombies" or anything resembling the "Undead". I just figured maybe that the volunteer's molecular patterns of the brain and body has completely "Screwed Up" in result of rematerializing on the other side of the gateways. As their brain matter slowly turns to mush, they start out nervous and desponded, then goofy and irate, and when the brain destortion reaches the deepest part of the brain, the "Primal" part. It makes the person/s very violent, crazy, aggressive and animalistic, also the "Molucular Destortion" deadens the nerves around the body which results of the former human becoming unatuarally strong and more numb and tolerent to shock, pain or even *Gunshots! At the molucular breakdown reaches it's peak, the body goes "MOLUCULAR MELTDOWN" and just collapse an starts violently convulsing and flopping around and then it just pops, which MIGHT explain why in the original storyline why the human mutants "suffers full body explosion". Therefor, my take(*AT first!) on the former human, mutants or whatever we suppose to call'em, were never really "dead" or "undead" to begin with. Just tranformed and slightly mutated, not by the demons or lost souls but by the unstable Gates on Phobos/Deimos. Which was pretty odd, because in the D2"Hell on Earth" chapter, it's implied that demons HAVE turn humans into "Flesh Eating Cannible" things. I guess THIS is why everyone refers to the *former humans as zombies. As for the mutant marines, Whether they're possessed by the demons or whatever happens. When he/she was alive, they've been drilled and drilled numerous times on how to load/point and shoot firearms. So it should be no big suprise that the undead marines should still posess the primal instinct to load/point and fire a rifle. Even though he/she is a deadhead violent retard. So the commando mutant you mentioned is just going to keep acting his role, being a chaingunner, no longer killing for god, country and marine core, but killin' for "Hell" and the HORDE!!! And for the Black guard you seen in the demo? He's should be a deadhead as any of the zombies you incounter. but just maintaining his role as when he was alive, a security guard. While in his mutant state, he's guarding passage ways to other areas, confronting, attacking you while demanding to see some id. Speaking about the "BLACK" guard you've mentioned. Was he UAC SG(security guard) or was he a marine like the hero of D3? Which ever the case is I'm glad id is making an effort of putting a little more Racial Diversity in their human characters on their FPS. Even though the(BLK)guard is nothing more than another target to shoot and kill. I'd still would like id to make an unlockable option that after you finish the game, you can tranform the marine's face and skin textures into whatever suit your preference and than replay the game with the marine looking more like you.(the player) Ahh Well...... Hears hope'n. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted December 1, 2002 tsareppsun said: Beats the hell out of me, My take on the zombies(*as we all call them) were at first made that way in results of going through the unstable gateways. Remember the part in the original storyline? (*Military "volunteers" entering them either disappeared or been stricking with a strange form of insanity-babbling vulgarities, bludgeoning anything that breaths, and finally suffering an untimely death of full-body explosion.) Notice it didn't mention anything about the humans becoming "Zombies" or anything resembling the "Undead". I just figured maybe that the volunteer's molecular patterns of the brain and body has completely "Screwed Up" in result of rematerializing on the other side of the gateways. As their brain matter slowly turns to mush, they start out nervous and desponded, then goofy and irate, and when the brain destortion reaches the deepest part of the brain, the "Primal" part. It makes the person/s very violent, crazy, aggressive and animalistic, also the "Molucular Destortion" deadens the nerves around the body which results of the former human becoming unatuarally strong and more numb and tolerent to shock, pain or even *Gunshots! At the molucular breakdown reaches it's peak, the body goes "MOLUCULAR MELTDOWN" and just collapse an starts violently convulsing and flopping around and then it just pops, which MIGHT explain why in the original storyline why the human mutants "suffers full body explosion". Interesting suggestions, but personally I see a few problems with that. I mean if those "gateway victims" suffer full body explosion, then that means that their bodies are ripped to pieces and scattered all over the place, how can it be that they then have the complete shape of a human in the game. If these former humans were those gateway victims, you'd expect them to be sewn together and look pretty...uhhh...weird, don't you think? My take on the original zombies and "gateway victims" is that the voluntereers went through the gate and briefly into Hell. There they were attacked by evil spirits that tried to possess them, a few of the volunteers returned, still containing the evil spririt making them insane. But since their own spirit was still inside the body, the body couldn't contain TWO spirits for long and the end result was that the body exploded from the inside from the "pressure" of two souls. But once the gateway to Hell is open, the demons rush in and kill anyone. The killed guards are "resurrected" and instilled with an evil soul, dried blood on their combat suits still revealing that they have been killed once. And for the Black guard you seen in the demo? He's should be a deadhead as any of the zombies you incounter. but just maintaining his role as when he was alive, a security guard. While in his mutant state, he's guarding passage ways to other areas, confronting, attacking you while demanding to see some id. Speaking about the "BLACK" guard you've mentioned. Was he UAC SG(security guard) or was he a marine like the hero of D3? Which ever the case is I'm glad id is making an effort of putting a little more Racial Diversity in their human characters on their FPS. Even though the(BLK)guard is nothing more than another target to shoot and kill. I'd still would like id to make an unlockable option that after you finish the game, you can tranform the marine's face and skin textures into whatever suit your preference and than replay the game with the marine looking more like you.(the player) Firstly, sorry to disappoint you, but the "black guard" is not a black soldier in the sense of being an African American. His combat suit, helmet and armour is black, but he himself is white so no racial diversity there... I'm taling about the black-uniformed guy on this pic Personally, I don't like the prospect of those black-uniformed troopers staggering around moaning mindlessly, I'd rather like to see them toting a shotgun like the former human sergeants in the old Doom, but that's just my opinion. What happens in the leaked movie is that we see the black-uniformed guard getting lifted off of his feet and then he staggeres a little, making odd grunts while the lost soul slowly moves into his head. When the lost soul enters his head, the head begins to shake violently and the guard lets out a distorted yell and we see a ghostly mass move out of his mouth and dissolve (his own soul) and the glass in his goggles turns red. Black screen, then we see the black-uniformed guard raise his head, we see that his skin is grey and it looks like his eyes are gone. He staggers a few steps while making a groaning sound (which doesn't sound like the moaning zombies later in the movie...at least not to my ears). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
tsareppsun Posted December 2, 2002 On the "full body explosion" theory, I kinda thought that the tranformation would'nt happen exactly immediately. But within a certain Time-Frame, I don't know, let's say maybe 72 hours/3 days or maybe last a week or so. Of course I'm talking about the change AFTER the human turns formerhuman, then the molucular clock-down starts. Then again maybe what happen to the Gateway "volunteers" and the UAC/Marines on Phobos/Deimos as a whole were 2 seperate issues ENTIRELY. And as for the marine or S.Guard in BLACK? ("OHHH, So That's the guy your talking about!") Well since I'm so far off the wall on that. Forget what I wrote on that issue. (*Even though I still wish id would do it.) Thanx for explaining what went on the demo, I would've never known what you're describing. I can't(and I won't mess with the bootleg demo anyway, my pc is too far outdated to be able to run D3 anyway. I'll either have to buy a stronger PC or play D3 on my XBOX when it ships, that is if id is telling the truth about being able to port over an exact version with all it features/levels intact. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Anonymous Posted December 2, 2002 How could the black suited guard in the intro be possesed by the the lost soul? I watched that bootleged video and it appears that the lost soul flies right through his face when he sreams. I even paused it and it is in fact a lost soul flying through his face. I think the lost soul posseses him when he bites him. Weird. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted December 2, 2002 Anonymous said:How could the black suited guard in the intro be possesed by the the lost soul? I watched that bootleged video and it appears that the lost soul flies right through his face when he sreams. I even paused it and it is in fact a lost soul flying through his face. I think the lost soul posseses him when he bites him. Weird. It's not the lost soul that flies out of his face when he screams - it's his own soul. The ghostly mass is too small and too "messed up" to be the lost soul, plus, the lost soul has this red glowing effect around it, the "ghost mass" exiting the guard is transparent white without the red glow. Basically the lost soul enters the guard and "kicks" the guard's own soul out of his mouth. And I've watched and examined that video enough to know what I'm talking about here, I seriously doubt that anything else happens. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted December 2, 2002 I saw it that way, that the Lost Soul carried the guards soul away with herself, leaving the body without a soul. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted December 2, 2002 Tetzlaff said:I saw it that way, that the Lost Soul carried the guards soul away with herself, leaving the body without a soul. Hmm, technically, a body without a soul is a dead body. But that's the way I've been told it and there are numerous ways of interpreting it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Anonymous Posted December 3, 2002 ok I saw this video again and this is what I noticed- He does infact get possesed by a lost soul that we are seeing through the eyes of(when the cam zooms right up to him) And if you look closly you'll notice that when the guard start's growling and getting aggressive from the lost soul fighting for control of the body, the lost soul that DMS thinks bumped the guards soul out is still behind him. SO HA!! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted December 3, 2002 Anonymous said:ok I saw this video again and this is what I noticed- He does infact get possesed by a lost soul that we are seeing through the eyes of(when the cam zooms right up to him) And if you look closly you'll notice that when the guard start's growling and getting aggressive from the lost soul fighting for control of the body, the lost soul that DMS thinks bumped the guards soul out is still behind him. SO HA!! What's so "Ha!!" about that? He starts growling while the lost soul slowly enters his head, because the two souls are fighting over control of the body, but the lost soul is winning so already there the human starts acting weird, but he's first possessed when he screams his own soul out, then we briefly see a black screen and THEN we see him with apparently no eyes and groaning like a zombie. So "HA!!!" right back at you! At any rate, the new screenshot clearly shows that I'm completely wrong about the undead zombies as that picture clearly shows that they CAN wield tools. Damn! I still don't like the idea of undead zombies using guns because I find it cheesier and because I like the possessed human idea better - it's cooler that way I think. Undead zombies using guns would be dumb imho, because how can a guy who doesn't have enough control of his own body that he can't walk without staggering be able to aim straight? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Anonymous Posted December 4, 2002 Well DSM your theory sounds like stupid bullsh*t, But I have to agree with you that possesed zombies are better then Normal zombies for this game but at least the chain gunners/tantacle guys are possessed and agressive. Conclusion is that Id needs to pay attension to little details and fix them. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
SpammerMike Posted December 4, 2002 Does anyone ever consider sending these ideas to id? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted December 4, 2002 SaviourMike said:Does anyone ever consider sending these ideas to id? The id guys occasionally visit these forums so we don't need to send the ideas to id. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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