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[wip] ESP3 - Eternal Slumber Party 3 (8 maps)

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  • 3 months later...

The original premise for this wad would take way too long for me to finish these days, so instead of redesigning my old maps from scratch I'm just going to modify the original maps themselves. This will still take time, but at least now I can finish modifying and testing a map in one or two days. This will involve completely redoing thing placement for superguns, making the map zdaemon coop compatible, and sometimes adding a new room or two. Purely cosmetic stuff that doesn't affect gameplay will be ignored.


The new dehacked monsters are:

- pain elemental spits out viles (archvile replaces lost soul)

- green caco from coopbuildlm.wad with pain elemental death (spits out viles)

- super pain elemental that fires fast rockets/missiles/fireballs and drops green caco upon death (super pain elemental replaces sergeant and green caco replaces shotgun)

- red caco fires fast missiles

- flying vile that fires fast missiles and drops cyber upon death (missile vile replaces zombieman and cyber replaces clip)

- flying vile that does 3 vile attacks and drops cyber upon death (3 attack vile replaces nazi)


I'm going through my maps chronologically using this list and I've finished 5 maps so far (the OP has been updated accordingly).

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20 hours ago, TimeOfDeath666 said:

- pain elemental spits out viles (archvile replaces lost soul)


Does that replace the regular pain elem? No normal PEs? :(

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Unfortunately yes, but keep in mind you have the super fast weapons from supergun2 and regular pain elementals aren't very threatening against the supergun bfg. zdaemon also has the lost soul limit by default (you can raise the limit with a server variable, but the default limit is more online-friendly).

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29 minutes ago, TimeOfDeath666 said:

Unfortunately yes, but keep in mind you have the super fast weapons from supergun2 and regular pain elementals aren't very threatening against the supergun bfg


Ah, that does make sense, actually

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MAP06 has been added. Also, I recorded first-exit demos for all the maps and added them to the OP. To watch demos in zdaemon, open zlauncher and go to Local -> View Demo. By the way, I think there might be a bug with the zdaemon monster counter and the dehacked monsters because on a couple rare occasions the counter said there were still unkilled monsters even though I could swear everything was dead.

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Nice one. There an alternative supergun's wad which you might wanna have a look at also. Its a little different from the original superguns2.wad. https://doomshack.org/uploads/super-gun-z-v2.wad


One thing I'd recommend in the ZDaemon zserv config is to set the CVAR "sv_teamautoaim" to "1" which will prevent the BFG "tracers" pushing other players round. This might be appreciated in coop.

Edited by damo2k

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Thanks for the info, yeah I definitely want that cvar added. I noticed the Buddha-Fingers server has the disabled tracers on teammates so I just assumed it was a side effect of using a positive splashfactor value. So to add that cvar to a server in zswizard, do I just have to write set sv_teamautoaim "1" in the Misc. CMDs window?


EDIT: ok I tested it with a bot and that works, thanks!

Edited by TimeOfDeath666

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  • 4 weeks later...

MAP07 is done, it's Drown in Blood MAP23. There's a lot of new stuff in it. It took an hour for a first exit max, even with the supergun2 bfg, with 167 platforming secrets and only 2566 monsters.

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That would be great, thanks! Flambeau put up a zdaemon server yesterday with v7 called [USDQC] Coop - esp3 by ToD. The server held up great with no lag while 3-4 of us played through the wad.

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On 11/28/2020 at 2:24 PM, TimeOfDeath666 said:

The new dehacked monsters are:

- pain elemental spits out viles (archvile replaces lost soul)

- green caco from coopbuildlm.wad with pain elemental death (spits out viles)

- super pain elemental that fires fast rockets/missiles/fireballs and drops green caco upon death (super pain elemental replaces sergeant and green caco replaces shotgun)

- red caco fires fast missiles

- flying vile that fires fast missiles and drops cyber upon death (missile vile replaces zombieman and cyber replaces clip)

- flying vile that does 3 vile attacks and drops cyber upon death (3 attack vile replaces nazi)

Pain Elamentals spawning archviles & a fast moving variant that shoots rockets, missiles AND fireballs!? 


Solid 10/10 dehacked monsters because this is the kind of punishing coop experience I would expect from you.

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  • 4 months later...
23 hours ago, TimeOfDeath666 said:

fucking christ





[possible deh bug showing <100% kills when everything's dead]


Maybe the "boss cacos" are spawning archviles outside the map when they die? Kinda like whichever iwad port it is that has PEs that spawn outside walls and break the progression of a certain map. That's the only thing I can think of.



I think it's from duke3d


It is! :D

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Some more...






The gates of hell!



Edited by damo

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