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Which Doom II enemy is worse than the arch-vile

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2 minutes ago, DownloadTheseSweetViruses said:

I kinda saw the Mastermind as 'ok' I mean sure her attack can be hard to dodge but she can be killed in two-three BFG Blasts. Idk just my opinion


I don't really see enemies as "Good" or "Bad" depending on how much of a personal nuisance they are, just on if they can / usually are used in interesting ways by good mappers who understand how to utilize them.. and the Mastermind never, ever hits that mark, at least for me. Every time I see her I just let out a sigh and get to blasting.

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Just now, Fairweather said:

I don't really see enemies as "Good" or "Bad" depending on how much of a personal nuisance they are, just on if they can / usually are used in interesting ways by good mappers who understand how to utilize them.. and the Mastermind never, ever hits that mark, at least for me. Every time I see her I just let out a sigh and get to blasting.

Yeah and 9 times out of 10 she'll always infight.

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5 minutes ago, DownloadTheseSweetViruses said:

You must hate Plutonia then


Definitely not my favourite WAD that's for sure. Nothing makes me stop playing a WAD faster than Revenant spam.

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3 hours ago, loveless said:

zombieman due to adding zero gameplay value.  at least the vile can offer interest and incentive to gameplay for the player.

At least mowing down a field of them can be pretty fun

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Pain elementals!


Normally they are just annoying meat balls that aren’t a threat in themselves but you have to waste your ammo and attention on them before they start overwhelming you with lost souls (especially when playing UV-fast)!


On the flip side, once the lost soul limit is reached they are just pathetic!


With the above in mind they have a threat level of no threat -> huge threat -> no threat which is unlike no other enemy in the game and is really annoying as you don’t always know if they are about to be a threat or are no longer a threat.


Note: yes I know I can turn the lost soul limit off :-P

Edited by DooM Bear

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revenant and their homing missles, no attack requires attention more than them outside of hitscanners and of course the arch vile. just a tad too much health

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5 hours ago, DownloadTheseSweetViruses said:

What if Lost Souls had double health, speed, and were invisible and could alter their aim in mid air

Well I would say, fuck that bullshit

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Asking what's worse than the archvile is like asking what's worse than nailing your balls to the table, THROUGH both of them.


Probably the Icon of Sin for the shear fact that it appears in the blandest, most generic final level ever.

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1 hour ago, DynamiteKaitorn said:

Asking what's worse than the archvile is like asking what's worse than nailing your balls to the table, THROUGH both of them.


Probably the Icon of Sin for the shear fact that it appears in the blandest, most generic final level ever.

But the John Romero head was kinda nice ngl

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4 hours ago, DooM Bear said:

Pain elementals!


Normally they are just annoying meat balls that aren’t a threat in themselves but you have to waste your ammo and attention on them before they start overwhelming you with lost souls (especially when playing UV-fast)!


On the flip side, once the lost soul limit is reached they are just pathetic!


With the above in mind they have a threat level of no threat -> huge threat -> no threat which is unlike no other enemy in the game and is really annoying as you don’t always know if they are about to be a threat or are no longer a threat.


Note: yes I know I can turn the lost soul limit off :-P

But 21 Lost Souls can be a pain. And also I think "Refueling Base" teaches you to hate these meatballs from hell.

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I feel like the people who complain about all the Doom 2 enemies would be happiest just playing Doom 1 maps but maybe with the SSG. (Which you can do in most ports as long as you load the sprites for it, BTW.)

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2 minutes ago, plums said:

I feel like the people who complain about all the Doom 2 enemies would be happiest just playing Doom 1 maps but maybe with the SSG. (Which you can do in most ports as long as you load the sprites for it, BTW.)

I like the Doom II enemies...I just asked which one of them is the harder than the arch-vile.

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I mean, it depends on what form of worse you're using so I'll answer both! Worst in terms of most annoying/difficult (basically, worst to deal with) other than the swarm of wanna-be Barneys is the revenant. For god's sake I hate dealing with them. I forget exactly which level tbh, but I think it's Suburbs which has that ledge full of nothing but revenants, which were the majority of my deaths. Worst design-wise is easily the pain elemental. You can cheese those meatball fuckers so easily once you figure out how they work. They still piss me off (obviously), but nothing satisfies me more than holding mouse 1 on them with a chainsaw.

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