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Which Doom II enemy is worse than the arch-vile

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In terms of enemies I love to hate, that definitely goes to The Triage of Asshole: Revenant, ArchVile and Lost Soul. These three get up my goat, but they can be deadly, especially when teamed up, which makes them great. As for enemies I have absolutely no love for whatsoever and wish they did not exist at all, well, that award goes to the Pain Elemental. Pain by name, pain by nature. This graphic Civvie11 made for his Doom II video really sums up my sentiments towards them perfectly.



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None of them because they are all great and serve a purpose in the bestiary.


People should get over themselves and stop hating the enemies because they suck at dealing with them...

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  On 8/1/2020 at 2:41 PM, seed said:

None of them because they are all great and serve a purpose in the bestiary.


People should get over themselves and stop hating the enemies because they suck at dealing with them...


Really? I don't think anyone is saying we hate the enemies. Like for me with Revenants, they're a great enemy in the game, but I'm bad at fighting them. I hate fighting them cuz of that, but they're well designed and fair. That's what most people are saying here, not "OH ENEMY SUX I CANT FITE IT".

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  On 8/1/2020 at 2:45 PM, Biodegradable said:

My tongue is firmly planted in my cheek when I express my hatred for certain enemies. It's all in good fun :P


This exactly. Nobody really hates the enemies or we just wouldn't play.

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I remember someone saying, that barons are just bullet sponges and I definitely agree with that. I'm aware, that barons were here since Doom 1, but they definitely slow down the gameplay, especially, when you combine them with some of the beefier Doom 2 monsters.

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The Icon of sin, no question. The only circumstance where i can tolerate it is when it's used purely as a monster spawner gimmick like in HRs MAP32.

Oh, and John Romeros head being the "real" boss is admittedly a funny idea.

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  On 8/1/2020 at 2:24 PM, Biodegradable said:

In terms of enemies I love to hate, that definitely goes to The Triage of Asshole: Revenant, ArchVile and Lost Soul. These three get up my goat, but they can be deadly, especially when teamed up, which makes them great. As for enemies I have absolutely no love for whatsoever and wish they did not exist at all, well, that award goes to the Pain Elemental. Pain by name, pain by nature. This graphic Civvie11 made for his Doom II video really sums up my sentiments towards them perfectly.




The Pain Elemental is the real boss of Doom II

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I actually love seeing an Elemental or two in a large fight. They are a great asset when you're trying to cause monster infighting in a particularly tough battle. 

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Chaingunners that snipe you from a long distance and not to mention their grin as they shoot away at you!

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Barons of Hell, too bulletspongy


I said this before in another similar thread lol.

Edited by sluggard

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Pain Elementals are ass if you are in tight quarters, there's at least three of them, and your only weapon is a rocket launcher. 


Any combination or all of the above. 


For everyone talking smack about zombie guy, we need a 1 monster  all zombie guy challenge map. A painful homage to how miserable a carefully placed fodder enemies can make your day. 

Edited by SYS

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Revenants by far, because the randomness of when they shoot a homing shot never fails to get me. Especially since the homing shot is remarkably persistent, and custom WADs love to throw a whole bunch of them at you at once.


Archviles are difficult but at least their behaviour and attacks are 100% consistent.

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Chain gunner. I've said it before and I'll say it again...….

THE worst enemy in classic doom, in a good way. I mean, he's an absolute bastards bastard.  

Edited by Eurisko

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  On 8/2/2020 at 9:40 AM, blob1024 said:

Pain Elementals

especially under uv-fast or Nightmare

rest doesnt panic me the same way.


Ugh. Especially if they start infighting with something, cuz that's even more common with fast monsters.

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  On 8/2/2020 at 12:54 AM, SYS said:

For everyone talking smack about zombie guy, we need a 1 monster  all zombie guy challenge map. A painful homage to how miserable a carefully placed fodder enemies can make your day. 



Have you heard of [url=https://www.wad-archive.com/wad/noobs]Noobs.wad[/url]?


  On 8/2/2020 at 6:05 PM, DownloadTheseSweetViruses said:

Those guys are the reason I never play nightmare



Learn how to multi-quote. It's the "+" button right next to "Quote". That way, you don't make 15 replies, spamming up the thread.

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  On 8/2/2020 at 8:51 PM, Stabbey said:

Learn how to multi-quote. It's the "+" button right next to "Quote". That way, you don't make 15 replies, spamming up the thread.


He's clearly just trying to boost his post count.  Going for that coveted Forum Spammer rank.

Edited by guitardz

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