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Which Doom II enemy is worse than the arch-vile

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15 hours ago, NonniR said:

For me it's two of them but only in special circumstances.


Chaingunners (those pricks) when they are too far away so your weapons can't reach them (often happens if they are far away and slightly elevated). You will just shoot the wall below them while the snipe the shit out of you.


Maps where I have to fight Cacodemons with only a shotgun (especially early in the map). Such a drain and super repetitive with no challenge whatsoever. Awful.


I find this true of monsters in general.  The positioning in the map and how that plays to their strengths versus your weaknesses changes threat calculation quickly.  Weapon availability I find definitely is a huge factor as well.  If I have a good weapon an Archvile comes down a peg or two as I am likely to just light them up with the bigger weapon as they are a huge threat.  Paradoxically this causes them to be eliminated quickly from the fight making them less of a threat then they would have been.

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Spider Mastermind is quite useless due to size and not too dangerous, usually just adds tedium imo - essentially being just a really fat chaingunner with ton of HP.


Also arch-viles are great and you can expect at least one in my every map.

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I really hate pain elementals and when mappers throw way too many of them in their maps it pisses me off


Screw you doom 2 " the pit "

Edited by Clippy

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5 hours ago, Clippy said:

I really hate pain elementals and when mappers throw way too many of them in their maps it pisses me off


Screw you doom 2 " the pit "

I remember the stairs room with the imps and the former sergeants in "the pit" It would be 1,000x worse if it had the Killer Meatballs.

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