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MAP26 - Hydrotech by Liberation

PrBoom+ / HMP / Continuous






This map was a joy to play from start to finish. And it has the coolest name. It begins with a lovely view of a courtyard and lots of pleasing angled surfaces. Hydrotech keeps up this level of detail throughout; truly a feast for the eyes. The prevalent water plays nicely with the rest of the theme and I love atmosphere it lends to the interior areas. Skulking through dark water pipes was creepy and reminiscent of Underhalls at times, but they are much more menacing here.


I enjoyed how the walls lower down to reveal the courtyard. I've noticed Liberation tends to subvert expectations when it comes to how you expect to progress through their maps. Nowhere was this more apparent than the red key trap. I haven't been caught so off guard in perhaps the entire wad. It had me scrambling before I could come up with a plan.


As has already been mentioned, the vile/cyberdemon ambush was incredibly well done. I ended up tanking a vile explosion with the supercharge just so I could put some cover between myself and the cyberdemon while I pumped the vile full of rockets. One last thought: at least on continuous, the first half of the map is rather sedate, and yet it keeps tossing you lots of cells and rockets, and you keep going and not needing them and it starts to get really tense. And then you need them. Great map!


Map ranking (favorite -> least) 

23 9 25 10 26 17 3 19 15 8 5 13 4 21 1 20 32 14 11 2 6 24 22 34 33 12 18 7 31

Edited by Krenium

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MAP26: Hydrotech by Liberation (100% kills/100% items/100%secrets)   Deaths: 8

Blind Run|UV|Continuous|ProjectBrutality3.0


Not sure If i've said this already, but I do really enjoy Liberation's maps.

The detailing in his maps are very good for the limits, even if that means his maps tend to be shorter. Its short but very savory.

The combat was decent, well placed and was consistently tricky, with the end being rather difficult. The structure was fun, more inter-connectivity feels very nice. At first the use of blue key textures in what seemed a non-keyed area was concerning, but Liberation uses keys rather unconventionally with this map, which I do like. Technically all of the progress he chose to use could have been done without keys, but I do like their usage even if they are unnecessary.


Overall, a fun and well designed map. Liberation doesn't necessarily have the hardest maps, nor the most line efficient in the sense of map length, but they look decently pretty and are fun to play. My only downside with this map is a lack of secrets, just because I like finding them.




MAP10: Type A

MAP17: Boiling Blood

MAP18: Beyond Life

MAP25: Deltas and Ladders

MAP26: Hydrotech

MAP32: Rocket for my Valentine

MAP16: Virulent Well

MAP23: Restricted Sector

MAP03: Town Square

MAP13: Gotcha Now!

MAP07: Ground Beneath

MAP11: Arch-Enemy

MAP19: Caconic Leftovers

MAP15: The Nest

MAP04: Stormdrain

MAP09: Steep Drain

MAP24: Nukage Utilizer

MAP22: Phase Center

MAP20 Last Journey Through Pain

MAP34: Bad Treatement

MAP08: Gateway
MAP01: Ebb

MAP21: Intergalactic Delivery

MAP14: Fortress of Catamarca

MAP12: Ambrosia

MAP33: Untitled

MAP31: Among the Stars

MAP06: On the Block

MAP05: Demolition Zone
MAP02: Flow


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MAP27 - Moonstrikers Outpost

HMP | Continuous with Saves | GZDoom + Zagemod


The fun times keep rolling, hot damn, these techbases haven't stopped being fun on a bun. This one's layout really lends itself to the theme of the megaWAD by doing some really neat designs that're simple but really effective with it's use of height variation and swiss-cheese design with lots of holes that can get you hit if you're not careful. It's got a great hot start/monster closet to get things rolling and there's never a dull moment to be found. Almost got me at one point, but I was able to recover reasonably quickly thanks to the generous supply of health pickups. Antares is quickly becoming a mapper I've really come to respect for his outstanding designs and imaginative layouts and they bring their A game for sure. Definitely one of my top favourite techbases of the WAD.



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MAP27: Moonstrikers Outpost




These maps do nothing but increase in detail!

But at this point, I'm beginning to notice a certain characteristic.


This is map 27, and curiously now the difficulty instead of going up, seemed to go down relatively. The number of enemies is more reduced, and the encounters are not extremely difficult except for a few archies. After that, what stands out from this map is its detailed design and excellent use of textures. The gameplay is a bit behind, but that doesn't make it bad.


The small size that intersperses what appears to be a tech-base gives it an interesting flavor, and it's definitely fun, so for me, that still means it's a good map, albeit a bit easy on the gameplay aspect may I add, but sill, breaks like this are always welcomed.


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MAP27 - Moonstrikers Outpost

UV / Pistol start / GZDoom


Another map where most of the pressure consists of bunches of low-tier monsters, with a few bigger ones in critical locations. There's only one really big set piece fight in the map that occurs in at the yellow key, and I think that was the best part of the map. Almost all the monsters are visible from the star and there's only a few traps here and there. I never felt that I was in immediate danger, and the times where I got close to death was because I was careless. There's generous health and ammo, and if you get the secrets, you're set. 


I liked the layout of this map, but found the texturing too bare. It's mostly just grey and not terribly inspiring.


Cool map. Not as hard as I had hoped, but still fun to thrash through!


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Well, its as good of a time to do this as any other, so...







... I just hope this time it gets chosen so I don't have to do this the rest of my life... I don't want this to become my custom title at all...

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I'm like a week behind by now but weekend is coming so maybe I can still catch up.


Map20: Last Journey Through Pain


This is a pretty excellent map. AD's and Breezeep's styles really do mesh together very well and there's little telling who designed what here. The architecture and layout are well made and naturally reminiscent of both of the mappers' previous efforts seen in this wad. Gameplay, along with the fitting MIDI track, feels rather ominous throughout and makes you feel that an ambush can spring at any moment here. And the map does culminate in a pretty big ambush too when you eventually get to the blue key. The final area beyond the BK roadblocks is a surprisingly expansive one in a sense that I was fully expecting the map to end there immediately. Overall the map isn't a super difficult one but can definitely kill the careless player. I got a nice 1% health scare at the RL ambush but managed to recover and finished the map without much trouble after. Very enjoyable stuff from this mapper trio.


Map21: Intergalactic Delivery


This opener for the tech base episode is a pretty short affair. Space station vibes instead of a standard green & brown techbase is appreciated as I'm sure we'll have those later too. There are a couple of memorable scenes here; the subtle shadowing work in the outdoor area en route to the RK and the glowing pillar in the big open area on the way to the YK to name two. Gameplay is pretty weird overall as it's very easy expect for the evil and unexpected AV spawn at the RK. There's no way to really hide there unless you think quick and back out through the tele. The map features a lot of hitscanners in open areas but they're fairly easy to snipe from distance and recovery items are aplenty. The perched Nobles at the YK room are a little puzzling as they pose minimal threat unless you decide to stand around and admire the architecture but at least they are easily disposed of with the RL and an abundance of rockets. There's also the secret PG but little use for it in the end, certainly nothing you couldn't handle without.


Map22: Phase Center


This one continues with a similar space station theme but immediately feels much punchier than the previous map. The environments are tighter and the map throws a bunch of Chaingunners at you right away so you're dropped straight into action. The layout is a bit of the room-to-room type with fighting usually constricted to one area at a time, and the feeling is amplified by the heavy use of doors. Action features many rather meaty encounters and doesn't shy away from utilizing closet traps with more Chaingunners in tight quarters. The YK ambush with the AV at the latest turns up the pressure if you're not feeling it already, certainly left me in poor shape for a while. The finale is straight out of 90's with the rectangular monster closets and monsters cheekily teleporting to your back. My experience of the later stages of the map were not as intended as I completely missed the RL, which is very unnecessarily tucked away in a random alcove, until clearing  the entire map. At least the PG secret is a gimme so I wasn't totally under-equipped and lacking the RL only made things slower than what they could have been. Decent fun overall.



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27 was a blast! The music was great again, and it wasn't so long a level that I got tired of said music. I like the contrast of the grey metal/stone, blue, and green acid.

Edited by RottingZombie

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MAP27 - Moonstrikers Outpost

glBoom+, skill 4, pistol starts with saves, no complevel specified


Another spicy first encounter.

Great looking architecture. Well choreographed combat.

Everything in its proper place.



As a note: give me plasma and I will empty it all into the nearest arachnotron, no matter how many arch-viles or cyberdemons are left.





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MAP27: Moonstriker's Outpost by Antares031 (100% kills/100% items/100%secrets)   Deaths: 5

Blind Run|UV|Continuous|ProjectBrutality3.0


This was a very pretty map, with a great layout. flows very well and reminds me a bit of the space maps of Deus Vult 2 / CChest4 without the space and laser grids. I do very much like the aesthetic of these moon bases, and the color choice with the blue banners makes it pop very well. Also the donut design really helps for both navigation and some non-linearity to a degree. Combat was pretty fair, but relatively tame for map 27. Secrets were fine, nothing super special. I guess i'd say my one criticism of this map is for a map27 slot having the final fight be a couple arch-viles is kinda lame, maybe because many previous maps opted for arch-vile bosses towards the end as well. It didn't have to be a spider mastermind or a cyber, but something more interesting would have been appreciated.



MAP10: Type A

MAP17: Boiling Blood

MAP18: Beyond Life

MAP25: Deltas and Ladders

MAP26: Hydrotech

MAP32: Rocket for my Valentine

MAP16: Virulent Well

MAP23: Restricted Sector

MAP03: Town Square

MAP27: Moonstriker's Outpost

MAP13: Gotcha Now!

MAP07: Ground Beneath

MAP11: Arch-Enemy

MAP19: Caconic Leftovers

MAP15: The Nest

MAP04: Stormdrain

MAP09: Steep Drain

MAP24: Nukage Utilizer

MAP22: Phase Center

MAP20 Last Journey Through Pain

MAP34: Bad Treatement

MAP08: Gateway
MAP01: Ebb

MAP21: Intergalactic Delivery

MAP14: Fortress of Catamarca

MAP12: Ambrosia

MAP33: Untitled

MAP31: Among the Stars

MAP06: On the Block

MAP05: Demolition Zone
MAP02: Flow


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MAP28 - Drown in Slime

HMP | Continuous with Saves | GZDoom + Zagemod


Chaingunner made one of my favourites maps for Akeldama, so naturally, I was rather excited for this one and boy did they not disappoint. Things get pretty hot and heavy at the start with a surprise Cacodemon closet, Revenants behind you and a chaingunner (ha!) plinking at you from an open window. This would be my most recent death in quite some time as I was rather unprepared for the amount of hitscanners getting me from open windows and high places, but I very much pulled through the second time and made short work of all those cheeky bastards. I also managed to find a fair few secrets in this one which was cool. The fun streak carries on with tight combat, a couple of well-timed monster closets and a rather generous supply of ammunition even though I already had plenty of it coming out of my ears at this point lol. The map's progression is simple, but also playful in a way that toys with your expectations and works well with the WAD theme. Lovely stuff. 



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MAP27 - “Moonstrikers Outpost” by Antares031


Now this is a real hot start! If you don’t run straight for the green armor (which I didn't the first time lol) you’re in for a torrid time. And the high tempo doesn’t really let up much throughout the level, though I only died once on this map, I still found it quite a challenge from start to finish. It’s another map with a strong flowing layout, and a pretty well detailed one at that, in fact aesthetically this might be the best level in the set (as others mentioned, I like how the grey contrasts with the blues and green nukage floor), and gameplay-wise it is also very fun. The archvile at the end certainly caused me some nerves.


MAP28 - “Drown in Slime” by Chaingunner


This level does remind me of Chaingunner's many contributions to Bloodspeed, particularly the level made in collaboration with Plut (Devil's Joy), partly thanks to all the nukage at the start, but also its fast-pace and close-quarters action, with the opening rev-caco-hitscanner party causing me all manner of problems. Eventually I stopped trying to stubbornly hold the opening area and proceeded to go straight through the door when the hitscanners are.


In general this level has a lot of hitscanners, including, you guessed it, chaingunners! They are populated throughout, including in one of the secret areas, that contains a soulsphere. This secret is interesting in the sense that it’s not just your regular closet, but it provides an alternate route to one of the battles, and offers a battle of its own for the soulsphere.


I had anticipated that the area to the far south of the map was going to be a crusher room. What I definitely did not anticipate was that after each switch closet containing a hitscanner, the last one contained a hell knight! I was totally unprepared and as a result, the crusher robbed me of most of my health. Very devious!

Overall, another challenging and enjoyable map.

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MAP 28: Drown in Slime




A medium-sized drainage (or toxic waste) system that offers an interesting cleaning system: You. And what do you clean? Demons. And hell you're good at cleaning. The texture work remains the same theme as the previous ones, offering an interesting combination and good quality in both design and gameplay. This is probably the shortest of the group, being quite short compared to the previous ones in terms of size and also the amount of enemies; in general, it is a good break.

Edited by Endless

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MAP28 - Drown in Slime

UV / Pistol start / GZDoom


Checking the map and seeing only 70 monsters, I thought this was going to be a cakewalk. But almost all of those 70 are placed in some very critical spots! Especially the opening of the map, up to the blue key, is tense. Lot's of hitscanners and imps, with some tougher monsters weaved in. I was always a little low on ammunition and health, which gave a nice balance to the map. There's a lot of narrow corridors, and since the Rocket Launcher lives in a secret you're not in immediate risk of blowing yourself up.

The crusher got me the first time! It reminds me of the end to Tenements, just meaner. 


Design-wise there's more to this one than just tech base. Going into the small cave section was a neat break from the tech. As mentioned, there's a lot of cramped spaces, but somehow they don't feel overly claustrophobic. 


The difficulty has sort of leveled out from map 23 and on to this one. I hope that the last two maps my kick ass harder :D

Edited by klaymeb

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MAP28 - Drown in Slime

glBoom+, skill 4, pistol starts with saves, no complevel specified


As Biodegradable said, we start out günzàblazên yet again. dropped into a slime pool of enemies.

I didn't even notice that the slime room is the one you start out in. Pretty cool.


The crusher area was really neat. I almost felt bad leading the poor hell knight into it.


3 times i was duped by what I call the Hall of Disappointment. Got the blue key? ok, now get the red one! got the red one? Have an archvile!! Now get the yellow key!

Once all 3 were open though I loved stepping out into Spacebox





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On 8/23/2020 at 1:05 PM, DJVCardMaster said:

At this point I feel the 1K concept can't be optimized more without the liberty of having more custom textures, something that we could expand with 1K Lines 2, at some point further, but there are still 7 maps left and I could be wrong, yet again.

Well I've never been so wrong. Not once, but twice this time, and almost trice. Great set of maps:

MAP26 - "Hydrotech" - Philip "Liberation" Brown (100%K/100%I/0%S):

This map replaced other Lib's map, that is now at the MAP34 slot, probably because how good it is in comparison to MAP34, which is not a bad map at all, but an inferior one (Review the 31th).
Great techbase map, follows quite well the design of MAP23, but with Doom II things, like the sewers (Which I did like the least.) but overall, pretty enjoyable. A little bit on the punishing side, as the early game of this map is pretty ammo scarce. Luckly, it never gets frustrating, and the last fight at the sewers was a really nice setup. What a way to make a great map with 1K lines, other than being Lib. He is already the one who optimizes maps the most at this megaWAD, as any Lead Mapper should do. Great job by Lib.

MAP27- "Moonstriker's Outpost" - Seongbae "antares031" Park  (100%K/50%I/50%S):

Well, yet again I was mistaken, how are we going to have a better map than MAP23? Our guy Antares takes the cake again, as with Akeldama, here we have something totally different. Pretty nice looking. A real good use of the newer textures Lib was able to give us for work. Just a joy to play, good, balanced combat mixed with an excellent architechture. A joy to play, surprisingly. It leaves MAP23 and MAP10 opaque in comparison, both praised before. I can't help, Antares maps are always this good, and he managed to use 1000 linedefs in a great way.

MAP28- "Drown in Slime" - ChaingunnerX  (100%K/I/S):

Another interesting map, that sacrifices details for its length. Nothing much to say about this one, I like the setup, and how it feels like you are on a moon base. I liked it, a lot, but I did not find anything remarkable, aside from the crusher part, I hate crushers, luckly, this one does not take that much damage, so it's welcome.

Deaths: 71 (HMP Playthrough - Chocolate Doom)

Order of preference:










Edited by DJVCardMaster

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MAP28: Drown in Slime by Chaingunner (100% kills/100% items/100%secrets)   Deaths: 7

Blind Run|UV|Continuous|ProjectBrutality3.0


This is a very cool map; despite the name it lacks a lot of slime, but is a very cool void-esque space base. Combat is fair, not too tricky but very good for how limited the monster count is. A lot of the detailing creates a very fun and cool to explore map, with a few different themes of bases on display and a short crevice section.

Secrets here were rather well done. They all follow a very similar style, which to me is both a negative and a positive from different views. I think its good to have different types of secrets so that they engage the player in more than one waay, however having a consistent method for secrets can be very useful for longer maps. considering this is a single map CP i'd say i'd prefer more variety, but for a full megaWAD its a very solid plan that helps the players (Sunlust comes to mind with its fondness for small switch secrets). The secrets while basic did provide fun areas to explore.

Overall, a nice and fun map, perhaps tame for map28, but was exciting to explore.



MAP10: Type A

MAP17: Boiling Blood

MAP18: Beyond Life

MAP25: Deltas and Ladders

MAP26: Hydrotech

MAP32: Rocket for my Valentine

MAP16: Virulent Well

MAP23: Restricted Sector

MAP03: Town Square

MAP27: Moonstriker's Outpost

MAP28: Drown in Slime

MAP13: Gotcha Now!

MAP07: Ground Beneath

MAP11: Arch-Enemy

MAP19: Caconic Leftovers

MAP15: The Nest

MAP04: Stormdrain

MAP09: Steep Drain

MAP24: Nukage Utilizer

MAP22: Phase Center

MAP20 Last Journey Through Pain

MAP34: Bad Treatement

MAP08: Gateway
MAP01: Ebb

MAP21: Intergalactic Delivery

MAP14: Fortress of Catamarca

MAP12: Ambrosia

MAP33: Untitled

MAP31: Among the Stars

MAP06: On the Block

MAP05: Demolition Zone
MAP02: Flow


Edited by DFF

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This will be my last update of the wad as I didn't care for maps 29 or 30 and have no recording of them. I was stuck on 29 and wandered around long enough without finding (probably something obvious) a means to progress, so I stopped playing. I didn't care for map 30, but IoS maps usually aren't my thing. I don't have commentary because I was just trying to catch up!


Maps 25-28

This was a good batch of levels. I think 25 was my favorite of these end levels. The action was fast paced and constant. I had a lot of fun using the rocket launcher. 26 was harder and I wasn't expecting a cyberdemon in that small room near the end. I save scummed to get through that area quickly. I think 27 would have been difficult, but Combined Arms really felt like it pulled its weight here. I was killing stuff through windows and far reaches without even knowing it. This one seemed like it could easily have been in the top five hardest maps of the wad that I played (I didn't do the secret maps). 28 was a tough one as well, and I had to play it twice because I was killed and I hadn't saved. I didn't like the layout of it, though. I was confused about where keys and doors were located, but maybe it was just because I played too many levels in a row while I was tired.


Overall it was a fun wad. I think I would play it again without Combined Arms just to experience it vanilla style.


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heeeeey, i am back.  my phone service went kaput and i had nothing for four days(asides from frustration from dealing with tech support). 

i actually finished the wad and didn't do any writeups.  i recorded videos but i deleted them, i think the service provider doesn't like my bandwidth usage :v 


sooo here's my demos for map 22 to 28.  i'll watch demos and do writeups for the remaining maps on their specific days. 


1k lines cp demos 22-28.7z

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MAP29 - “Water Refining Facility” by Stormcatcher


I feel like I would have a decent shot of guessing the author of this one by playing the map alone! Stormcatcher is known for large maps, for example contributing epics to Eviternity and Bloodspeed (amongst others), and although nothing remotely close to that is possible using 1000 linedefs, Stormcatcher still maximises the linedefs available to create the longest map of the megawad.


This map has a steeper difficulty curve though, with it getting challenging as soon as you see your first revenant, thanks to the narrow geometry and clever monster placement to create some tough battles. The map unravels itself bit-by-bit as you progress, moving on from nukage to plain old water, with a series of paths and switches that can take time to navigate successfully, I certainly was stuck for a few minutes!


Texturing and detail is well done on this map, it’s pretty cohesive using a limited set of textures that complement each other well.

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Map23: Restricted Sector


Another really good map! I did some demos for Sinergy recently and this map really reminded me of Sinergy's E1; a similarly modern take on KDitD-style tech bases with a heavily interconnected layout and fast-paced fun for gameplay. The obvious difference here is that we get Doom 2 bestiary but also the SSG so this map can dish out more mid-tiers without compromising the pace. Difficulty escalates a bit towards the end, especially after grabbing the YK but overall it's not of the tougher maps in the set. But with the way it's laid out there's a lot of potential for skipping stuff early and creating wonderful chaos in the end. Visually this is to notch too, couldn't have guessed this was made with a linedef restriction in place if I dint know. Great work.


Map24: Nukage Utilizer


A surprisingly laid-back map from riderr3, considering I know him from stuff like Urania where difficulty is cranked to eleven. This map is still true to the familiar riderr3 mapping style with regards to general aesthetics and architecture, although the overall map layout is surprisingly linear. Like everyone else in this thread, I too see a lot of TNT in the opening few areas and especially the sewer tunnels. Finding the first switch in the green BK mini arena was somehow very hard for me and I spent a good minute there trying to figure out if I'm softlocked or just blind. Combat here is pretty mild throughout like I said. There are a couple of AVs and the first one managed to surprise me completely but he's not really placed in a difficult spot despite that. The AV in the finale is nothing but RL cannon fodder though, essentially just a roadblock for the  exit. My favorite part was probably the rocky outside section with some good old berserk punching innocent Demons.



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MAP29 - Water Refining Facility

UV / Pistol start / GZDoom


"Shawn's got the Shotgun" is one of my favourite MIDIs, so any map that uses it automatically starts on a high for me. The map opens as you'd expect with hitscanners and some Imps, and ramps up from there to Cacodemons and some Revenants. Resources are on a tightrope, and it strikes a nice balance in the encounters. The secrets I found were nicely hidden and useful, but not overly so. I like the increasing difficulty curve in the map, and it never gets to the *primal noises*-frustrating level. At least not because of the monster composition or the resource management. 


The final bit with the bridges did succeed in getting on my nerves. I never figured out the switches, and it felt like some sections were only beatable with SR40. SR40 isn't a problem for me, but it is annoying to fall into the nukage because you didn't automatically do it. Evading monsters, especially Mancubi and Revenants, on tight bridges is really annoying too. The fights in the final area were fine, but I was focusing too much on the environment to appreciate them.


And, again, a crusher got me... and it was even telegraphed as much as it could possibly be, short of a sign saying !! CRUSHER AHEAD !!. Well done, me.


The texturing and design fits well with the level name and looks great! The layout of the map is fantastic, and I'm impressed at how much Stormcatcher could do with it. The map doesn't really loop around itself, but you can almost always see into another part of the map; both where you're already been and where you might be going. Only the bridges in the final part and the (to me) nonsensical switches are a design choice that I don't particularly like. Also, what's with the bridge that just pops out of existence somehow?! Something like that doesn't detract from the map, it was just so unexpected since the rest is of so high quality. 


We're almost done. This was a good MAP29, although (once more) not as hard as I'd expect for it's placement this late in the WAD. Good map, and I just have to learn to parkour better!

Edited by klaymeb

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2 hours ago, <<Rewind said:

+++ A.L.T.

A.L.T. was already played in January 2019.  Idk if there is a hard rule against voting for wads that have already been played.  I personally think it would be fine to revisit some of them after enough time has passed with all the new members coming into the site all the time who may have missed out, but it would be hard to get a lot of the oldsters to vote for ones they already did on here.  Either way, i think Mayhem 2020 has this one in the bag.

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MAP29 - Water Refining Facility

HMP | Continuous with Saves | GZDoom + Zagemod


After having quite a few fun ones that kind of felt like the difficulty was ebbing with each succeeding level, Stormchaser comes in with the penultimate map and they didn't disappoint. I've played one map by Storm before, though for the life of me I can't remember what it was nor could I find the right thread but I remember it being pretty challenging, so I was on my toes for this one. It's very creative and makes great use of the WAD theme, though much like Horus, I too got stuck during the part with all the switches with the lifting and lowering wall chunks, so its progression can leave you a bit muddled at one point and even gets a little tedious towards the end. While I can't say I enjoyed this map nearly as much as a lot of the others, I respect Storm's imaginative approach to the WAD's theme very much and how they managed to come up with something quite unique. It's not for me, but it's a stand-out map that I tip my hat to nonetheless.



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