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IronEagle Competition 22: Fracture

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Welcome to the next monthly installment of the IronEagle Competition, the ironman competition that welcomes everyone, from hardened veterans to those just getting their feet wet. Additionally, streamers and non-streamers alike are welcome. The more the merrier, so join the fun!


This month, participants will be challenging themselves against Fracture, a 5-map set for Doom 2 released by Adam Foster in January, 1999.



The winners for this month (further details are in the post below):


UV: @Bdubzzz (runner-up: @leodoom85)

HMP: @Horus (runner-up: @RiviTheWarlock)

HNTR: Pegleg (runner-up: @kalaeth)


Also, in the first-ever IronEagle Impromptu BritBowl Contest:

1. @Dragonfly

2. @Suitepee


Congratulation to Dragonfly for winning the bowl he didn't even know he was competing for. Will there be another unplanned BritBowl in future months? Only time will tell.


Thank you to all the competitors and congratulations to the winners.




Fracture begins at Map 01. Survival is completion of Map 05. There are no secret levels and no death exits. This wad uses complevel 2 or Doom (strict).




Template for PRBoom+:

-iwad doom2.wad -file fracture.wad -complevel 2 -skill <x> -warp 01 -record <IEfracture>


Template for ZDoom:

-iwad doom2.wad -file fracture.wad +compatmode 2 -skill <x> +map map01 -record <IEfracture>


For the command lines, x = 2 for HNTR, x = 3 for HMP, and x = 4 for UV. Also IEfracture would be replaced by whatever the name of your demo is.

Obviously, remove the angled brackets.



The rules are basically the same as they have been. Either demos or streams are permissible. If you are creating a demo, post the demo. If you are streaming, post a video of the stream. Even if streaming, you can still submit a demo, if you want to.



The basic rule is that you submit a demo/stream played at a particular difficulty level (HNTR, HMP, or UV) and you play without saving and reloading, ending your run when you die (or survive). Further, more specific, rules are below.



  • Submissions (except for streams, as described below) must include a demo from one of the listed acceptable ports. The first actual attempt must be submitted, there are no do-overs (with very few possible exceptions, which I will address as they arise).
    • You may practice a mapset if you want, but these practice runs should not be submitted as your official entry, and your run would be Category 2, unless there are exceptional circumstances (such as described below).
  • A run must be done in a singular sitting with no saves. (With room for breaks. This will be addressed below.)
  • Streams and video runs are accepted provided you post a video of the stream/run or a link to the video.
    • If you post a video of the stream, you may post a demo if you want, but it is not mandatory. You may also post a demo if you, for some reason, do not want to post the video or a link.
  • Secret levels are treated as extra credit.
  • Freelook is allowed. Jumping and crouching must be disabled.



Any port is accepted provided it will actually run the mapset. There is no preference. Of course, if you want to try a Boom map in Chocolate, your run may be over rather quickly.


Category System:

Category 1: Blind run.

This explains itself. You have no knowledge of the wad and have not played/seen it before.

Category 2: Non-blind.

If you have played the wad before and/or possess any foreknowledge, your run is non-blind. Basically, anything that is not Category 1 is Category 2. The exception to this is if, for example, you do something like die in the first or second room or two of Map 01 and then decide to play again for your run. Call that Category 1.


Difficulty System:

You may submit a demo/stream for only one of HNTR, HMP, or UV. Choose only one, because subsequent submittals will be rejected (i.e., if you submit a HMP demo, the HNTR demo you then submit will be rejected). We're not using the 1CC rule set here.


Only runs from the same difficulty will be pitted against each other. Each difficulty will be graded separately.


When you submit your run, please the include the following information:

  • The category (1 or 2)
  • The difficulty
  • If you survived or what map you died on
  • The time elapsed when you survived/died (even if it's only approximate)
  • How many kills you had on the map where you died
  • The port you used (if you included a demo)
  • A link to the stream/video (if you did a stream)


You may include a commentary about the maps or details about them, if you want to. If you do include specific information about the map (e.g. "The demon trap in Map 08 is rough"), please put it in a spoiler, so that people that want a completely blind experience won't be tipped off. In you're just putting in a general comment (e.g., "Pro tip: don't get hit"), then no need for a spoiler.




Everyone gets tired. Sometimes people survive longer than they expected. Nature calls. Every now and then, there are family emergencies. Needing to take a break shouldn't necessarily end a promising run. While you should try to complete the run in a single setting, this isn't always possible. If you have to take a break, try to make it quick.


Attempting to max the maps is not necessary to win.


Ranking for this mapset will be determined by:

  • Survival
  • Map of death
  • Total time for survival/death
  • Kill count at death


All mods used during play must be merely cosmetic.

If you die, please wait a few seconds before quitting.


Happy Dooming!




Previous IronEagle Competitions





Scientist 2 (Winners -- UV: leodoom85   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Liberation)

Vanguard (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Liberation)

Crumpets (Winners -- UV: NoisyVelvet   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)






Dark Covenant (Winners -- UV: kmc   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)

Brood of Hatred (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: Crusader No Regret   HNTR: Pegleg)

Riot Control (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: Walter Confetti   HNTR: Pegleg)

Scimitar (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: Crusader No Regret   HNTR: Pegleg)

Bauhaus (Winners -- UV: vdgg   HMP: Crusader No Regret   HNTR: Pegleg)

Bloody Steel (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)

The Brotherhood of Ruin (Winners -- UV: leodoom85   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)

Flashback to Hell (Winners -- UV: kmc/Bdubzzz   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)

A Taste for Blood (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)

Back to Basics (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: Horus   HNTR: Pegleg)

Whitemare (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz & NaZa   HMP: Crusader No Regret   HNTR: Pegleg)






Thy Flesh Turned into a Draft-Excluder (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)

Fava Beans (Winners -- UV: NaZa   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)

Beyond Revival (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)

Absolute Dishonor (Winners -- UV: Veinen   HMP: Crusader No Regret   HNTR: kalaeth)

Ever Shrine (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: Dieting Hippo   HNTR: Pegleg)

Operation: Biowar (Winners -- UV: Veinen   HMP: Austinado   HNTR: Pegleg)

The Attraction of All Things Uncertain (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: seed   HNTR: Pegleg)



Edited by Pegleg
Winners added.

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1 hour ago, Dragonfly said:

I also have a video but unless you need it I didn't see the point uploading it since my internet's being a bit shit and this isn't a great run. :P


It's OK. You included all the information necessary to determine positioning at the end of the month.

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1 hour ago, Suitepee said:

You got this thread out on the first of the month AND ahead of the Ironman League. Good stuff @Pegleg.


Thank you. I hope you enjoy playing it.


You know, with DF here, you could renew your Britbowl competition, for this one month, at least.

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Category 1



Level 3

82/95 monsters killed

15 minutes elapsed



This mapper sure loved hitscanners and barrels. And annoying backtracking



Edited by Horus

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Category 1 w/ Glboom+
Level 3
Kills: 65 / 95

Time: 17:31



I'll be honest my death kind of pissed me off. This was my first iron man so I was playing pretty cautiously, only to get shredded by 10 surprise hit-scanners in the yellow-key room. Map 2 took an embarrassingly long time as it locked me into a room until I found a secret wall switch, twice.



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Category 1



~20 Minutes total

64 kills on MAP04




This map was genuinely sleazy with the hitscanners, traps, movement space, and the amount of health items. There were times where it felt genuinely unfun because you have to use lifts and hitscanners can instantly shoot you as they ride it or as you ride it before you even see them. Also an issue with them shooting you in places too high or through textures where the player's line of sight is blocked. Damaging floor/crusher trap (How I died) with no obvious visible exit was extremely dumb. Map actually looks quite decent especially so for 1999. Is this made by the same Adam Foster who created Minerva?



edit: Thanks for hosting the competition by the way. It was extremely fun to do especially since it was my first time. I’m looking forward to everyone else’s submissions!

edit #2: Video of my demo for easy viewing. 


Edited by UndeadRyker
video added

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5 hours ago, Endless said:

This looks interesting. Hey man, are youtube videos valid too? (of course uploaded by me.)


Yes, Youtube videos are acceptable, too.


Join the fun!

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1 hour ago, UndeadRyker said:

Is this made by the same Adam Foster who created Minerva?


According to the text file, this Adam Foster created "some Quake levels." I came across an interview with Adam Foster (from Valve) where he talked about making levels for Quake and then moving on to Half-Life, so yes, I think this is the same Adam Foster that made Minerva and worked (works?) at Valve.


5 hours ago, Horus said:

This mapper sure loved 


hitscanners and barrels. And annoying backtracking



This is his only Doom release, from what I can tell. His focus as an amateur seemed to be with Quake and Half-Life.

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Blind UV Raging Demon'd the wad. 35:45. 

Hitscan Crusher Hell..........that's all. o/




EDIT: won't be doing some sessions as usual, so sorry for that

Edited by leodoom85

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Category 1.69


First time playing the wad so why Category 1.69? Well simple, it felt like I "gained to much information about the wad" from reading 1 sentence in the Ironman discord. Roofi says how he dies in Map 04 so I knew to be on the lookout for that trap. (no spoiler tags on how he died btw :p ) Otherwise any1 could easily die to that trap. 


Survived in 25:07


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Category 2

Dead on Map 05

Kills: 67/97

Time: 41:12

Difficulty: HNTR


So close to a survival! I fell at one of the last few obstacles in the last map. Ah well ... that's the nature of Ironman runs sometimes. Nevertheless, I'm happy.



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3 minutes ago, Suitepee said:

Stingy on health this mapset seems to be on UV.


That is true. It is less so on lower difficulties.


3 minutes ago, Suitepee said:

I managed to pull off the "survival of the century" on map 1, only to die on map 2.




3 minutes ago, Suitepee said:

Didn't manage to surpass @Dragonfly's monster kill total. 


Ranking is determined by:

  1. Final map
  2. Time
  3. Kill count

You died somewhere around 6:45, while Dragonfly died somewhere around 6:00. Therefore, Dragonfly would place before you. Although it looks like you both fell in the same room, whether to


the cacodemons or the hitscanners in and around that room.


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Since @Suitepee mentioned the Britbowl on his stream, I'll deem this impromptu Britbowl competition on.


At the moment, @Dragonfly holds the lead.


Britbowl August 2020 (IronEagle)

  1. Dragonfly
  2. Suitepee

@an_mutt, @dt_, @Jimmy, @Scotty Would any of you, or anyone else British-born or living in the UK, be interested in reviving the Britbowl for a month (or more--you'd always be welcome to that)?

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That was fast... Category 1 blind, hurt me plenty, died on Map 01 at around 4:15, 80/97 kills, played on GZdoom.



Dropped to the imp alcove which left me suitless on hurt floor. That sucks. Maybe the way back to the area before you drop in the pit is an elevator, saw it when I watched the replay and it kinda looks like one but I didn't have the time to see it then.









Btw the -skill 4 gzdoom param did not work for me, it loaded up hmp which is the default. Using +set skill 4 does work. I dunno if that's got anything to do with my gz or what.

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Category 2, map 02, skill 2. 33/63 kills, 03m36seconds.


(I tried doing a blind run first but died at something like 1 minute in. Then I decided I'd do the 1st level before starting again and doing it until I died.)


Not a great run but serviceable.


[will upload demo later]

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1 hour ago, kalaeth said:

I tried doing a blind run first but died at something like 1 minute in. Then I decided I'd do the 1st level before starting again and doing it until I died.


This brings up a great point. kalaeth, @eirc, @Pseudonaut, @RonnieColeman, @NoisyVelvet, @NaZa, @Roofi, @Suitepee, @leodoom85, @Bdubzzz, @UndeadRyker, @golbeeze, @RiviTheWarlock, @Horus, @Endless, @Dragonfly, and really everyone:

If you're not happy with your blind playthrough, or want to submit a run where you performed better, by all means, please do it! I can appreciate wanting to do a blind run, or not having a lot of time to devote to playing a mapset multiple times. However, if you fell victim to a trap that should have been easily avoided, or you just made a series of mistakes that you wouldn't have if you had known better, feel free to play again and submit that run. You won't be penalized. Call your first run "practice" and submit a demo that you'll be more happy with.


If you're happy with your result, then you don't have to play through it again. If you're streaming, and you don't want your viewers to watch you stream the same map again, don't feel you have to. If you want to stick to a principle of submitting a blind playthrough, and that is your only shot, that's fine. If you had only a small window of time, and you don't have the time to do it again,


I don't mean for this to be an arduous competition. I don't want anyone to submit something that they are unhappy with just because they feel that is what they have to do.


At this time, I'm not planning to have the competition segmented into blind vs. prepared, like the distinction that exists in DWIL. Therefore, your first submission is your official submission. The difficulty categorization will remain.

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@Pegleg Prompted by your comment I did a second try and got wrecked on map 2 this time so not gonna bother submitting. But maybe I'll try to check the maps out and try a non blind run during the weekend. I don't mind if it would count or not but half the fun here is watching other people's demos and tbh I'd only find that interesting if I had already seen the maps and had a general grasp of what's going on. That's mostly the reason I wanna try the wad again. It'd be less time spent if managed to see everything in the blind run but w/e.

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Managed to get a full category 2 run in on HMP in 28:04 :) Also did all kills and all secrets since I checked the maps beforehand anyway. eirc-fracture.zip





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