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Doom 3 BFG locks up after setting res too high


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This is a steam game. I set the res too high and now it locks up before the splash screen.  I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling with no luck.

Is there a way to get is started so I can change the resolution back?


Here's a chunk of the cfg file:

set r_useSRGB "0"
set r_windowHeight "720"
set r_windowWidth "1280"
set r_windowY "0"
set r_windowX "0"
set r_customHeight "720"
set r_customWidth "1280"
set r_fullscreen "2"
set r_vidMode "22"
set r_multiSamples "0"


My card and monitor exceeds that those settings.

What is vidMode "22"?



Edited by DLH

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r_vidmode is basically a variable that, effectively, has "two" settings.


If set to -1, that's necessary for custom resolutions to work, so try doing that and see if it works.


Otherwise, what it really is is an index for EnumDisplaySettings (which is actually a Windows function). 0 is the first one, 1 is the second... so 22 would actually be the 23rd entry in that list.

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