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Doom in Pop-Culture


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I was watching 'Friend's and there was a scene where Chandler has a laptop and asks "You wanna play Doom?" which got me thinking.... How many times has Doom been referenced in other media like TV Shows, Games, Movies, books etc.....


I thought this could be a fun thread to compile that sort of thing.


Here's the Friends scene:



oh and that 'Grosse Point Blank' Doom II arcade machine that was mentioned in another thread recently.



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I'm pretty sure the 1995 movie Congo has one the protagonists playing Doom near the beginning... I'd have to rewatch it, but I'm pretty sure it was there. The Doomwiki missed that one.


Although there're Doom references in a hell of a lot of stuff during the 90's, lol... I'm not sure we can get it all.

Edited by Hellektronic

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Loved this one when it came out of nowhere - Charlie Brooker’s TV review programme compared a UK attempt at something like High School Musical to a hell-spawn filled FPS level, backed by At Doom’s Gate :)


(At about 1 minute through)


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Not Doom but still Id... Wolfenstein 3D (Mac version) was in a Sandra Bullock movie, think it was called The Net from 94 or 95. I can't find a clip online but it's the first minute or so of the film IIRC. 


Also, I remember when I took a hunter-safety course in NC, they showed a video where these kids were playing Doom 64 and the other was playing Duke 64 while both were phoning each other, before they decided to go hunting together and of course one of them accidently shoots the other which is what the video was about mainly was preventing ND's. I don't think the video is publicly available though. The video was definitely late 90s-early 00s (pre-9/11).


Oh, and there was a movie that I think had Robin Williams and people like that as bikers, and the sheriff dept said they only had training by playing Doom. Think it was called Wild Hogs or something.


If you don't know about Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen? then you've been living under a stein. 

Edited by Gerolf

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Don't know if this counts but whatever:


In Argentina there is an infamous live tv show called TN Tecno, like is name implies is about showcasing new technology, but mostly focuses on gaming.


One time the host mentioned doom, and it was quite cringy, so cringy in fact that it became a meme for a while.


Here's an example: 



Here's a translation of what the guy is saying at the beginning: 


"In fact, to all the kids that just started playing now, that believe that they know everything about gaming, daddy played Doom, daddy was playing games before any of you were born."


Edited by Danzer

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8 hours ago, Hellektronic said:

I'm pretty sure the 1995 movie Congo has one the protagonists playing Doom near the beginning... I'd have to rewatch it, but I'm pretty sure it was there. The Doomwiki missed that one.


Yes. I thought of that one also, and it's mentioned in IMDB as well.

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I remember one of the episodes of family guy opened with stewie riding on his tricycle going through many different settings that were all references to various things and one of them was E1M5 from doom.

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5 hours ago, Gerolf said:

Oh, and there was a movie that I think had Robin Williams and people like that as bikers, and the sheriff dept said they only had training by playing Doom. Think it was called Wild Hogs or something.

Yep, Wild Hogs...... the funniest bit was near the end when a big fight between the bikers is about to kick off, and one of the sheriffs turns to the other and says "this is more hardcore than level 10 in Doom!" I just assumed they meant Doom II, no biggie

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