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Do you get lost in maps?

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Usually progression isn't too difficult for me. When it is though, I swear I have to spend like an hour trying to figure it out.


I am absolutely terrible at secrets. Finding even one without a guide is a pretty big deal for me.

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Mostly on coop: on wads I haven't played before. Everybody will be way ahead of me, and I'll be stuck behind trying to find a key, or a secret passage way to get to another room. sometimes I'll get frustrated, going in circles, I'll give up and wait until someone finds the exit. (I know, horrible sportsmanship, but, that's the way it is sometimes.)

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On 8/7/2020 at 7:31 PM, RottingZombie said:

I do. All the time. I will try to be methodic and clear monsters, keeping my eyes open for switches or keys, but nine times out of ten I run around lost for a while after making some progress. I just played Doom2 iwad - map13 downtown.. as I always do, I play for 20 minutes then just warp to the next map since I get tired of feeling stupid and wondering why I can't figure out where to find a damn key. I've beaten it before, but I have a crappy memory and will get lost on maps I've played one hundred times. If i'm playing a map for the first time, I won't give up until I win, but If I've played a map before and start not having fun, away I go :)


Do you get lost/take notes/mark map? I mark the map when I find a locked door.


*watches RottingZombie play Wolfenstein 3D: Spear of Destiny - Mission Pack 2: Map 13 - Torturous Tunnels...*

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While Doom (and a lot of other games at the time) have a viewable map that expands as you move around the level, I rarely use it at all. I’ve found that I don’t usually get lost, and haven’t had much issue navigating the IWADS (except Hexen, but I actually have the strategy guide so I used the maps from that as a guide the first time I played because it shows the whole map on one page without having to scroll around), but there are some user made levels I’ve played that well... seem cryptic almost (sometimes this is on purpose but other times I’m sure it isn’t), or they put a passage somewhere that is very hard to notice because it looks like another area I’ve already been in or it’s so off to the side you don’t see it initially,etc. I usually find myself running around the map with all the dead corpses trying to find the door or passage I need to take in those instances. If it gets to the point that I start to get irritated, I’ll try to use the map to see if I can figure out where to go. If not, then I usually save and come back to it later and that’s usually when I end up getting really pissed when I realize the entrance is RIGHT there... 


It seems the map object isn’t often used much in many projects though, so it seems many might feel the same way about the map and rarely use it, but this is just my own personal observation, I’m not stating it as fact. 

edit: I know this wasn’t asked but I saw Wolfenstein 3D mentioned and I’m going to say that I really disagree with those that claim it to all be a maze. I get it can be hard to navigate if you aren’t use to the game but seriously... if you were able to beat Doom and Doom II and learn to navigate those I don’t see how it could be that much of a challenge to figure out Wolf 3D.. after all, practice makes perfect. 

Edited by Gerolf

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I get lost on large, unfamiliar maps all the time. Having a map helps, but it only tells you what's there, not where to go and in what order. A well-made map might naturally guide me with its own architecture, but I've still gotten lost on maps which look great and which are otherwise fun to play.

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I gave up replaying Eternal Doom for this reason. Same goes for Hexen. After jogging endless laps around the maps for 20 minutes, I'll save and quit. If the key is not on a blinking altar, there's a decent chance I won't realize it's there. :\

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On 8/12/2020 at 3:42 AM, sluggard said:

Besides MAP13, not really. I also never use the automap, would have been much more useful if it was placed in the top left corner like other games. as it is now I just find it distracting Haha.

The worst part is, a functioning automap in one of the alpha Doom builds is in the top right corner, just as it always should have been. It’s so much more useful that way. It’s hard trying to translate what rooms you’re seeing into a bunch of red lines on a black background without even being able to see both simultaneously. I wish they’d kept that as a togglable HUD feature.

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For people saying they get lost in Doom maps, go play Wolfenstein 3D if you really want to get lost.  Spear of Destiny and its two mission packs Return to Danger and Ultimate Challenge in particular are notorious for it.

Edited by Master O

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I normally have a fairly easy time navigating through levels, But playing through Eternal Doom brings me to my wits end trying to figure out the god damn puzzles or what the hell that switch I just pressed opened, Hexen was a cakewalk in comparison tbqh

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12 minutes ago, Townsend said:

I normally have a fairly easy time navigating through levels, But playing through Eternal Doom brings me to my wits end trying to figure out the god damn puzzles or what the hell that switch I just pressed opened, Hexen was a cakewalk in comparison tbqh



Eternal Doom was certainly well named, because it'll take an eternity to complete.

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5 minutes ago, Master O said:



Eternal Doom was certainly well named, because it'll take an eternity to complete.

No kidding, its taken me 10 1/2 hours just to get to Map30...

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5 hours ago, Master O said:

For people saying they get lost in Doom maps, go play Wolfenstein 3D if you really want to get lost.  Spear of Destiny and its two mission packs Return to Danger and Ultimate Challenge in particular are notorious for it.

When I played Wolfenstein, it just reinforced my problems with DOOM II lol.

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9 hours ago, Master O said:

For people saying they get lost in Doom maps, go play Wolfenstein 3D if you really want to get lost.  Spear of Destiny and its two mission packs Return to Danger and Ultimate Challenge in particular are notorious for it.

The only Wolf map I've ever gotten stuck in is I think level 5 of Operation Serpent for ECWolf. Because the grid size for maps was increased from 64x64 to 180x180. I've yet to finish it because of how absurdly enormous and utterly confusing it is.

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I have an absolutely horrid memory, so I often forget things even just seconds after they happen. I get lost incredibly easily and have to resort to using automap a good 30% of the time spent playing a map. Large maps with branching paths are an absolute nightmare.

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I never really use the automap. Even if I collect a computer area map, I rarely look at the map. I'm also scared that while I'm not looking, an archvile will come out from nowhere and kill me. I think I only used it like twice as an advantage, the other times I just accidently click it, or get nowhere with it. 

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On 8/9/2020 at 11:59 AM, Deadwing said:

BTSX, Eviternity, Valiant, etc are usually very straightfoward mapsets, with usually linear progression and clear directions.

I actually got lost in Eviternity a lot. Don't know why, and of course I pushed through it because it's Eviternity.


I don't get lost as much as I used to, maybe I'm more familiar these days with Doom mapping tropes or some other reason.

When I do get lost though, I spend some time looking but then I'll pop open Doom Builder pretty quickly.

This works until it's an advanced Boom map with voodoo dolls going every which way with a billion line actions and "General - 5923411" actions I still don't know what those mean.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I definitely get lost in the more larger maps lol. But I eventually find my way.


The worst map to get lost in is that horrid maze with the Archviles in Final Doom. Ugh I hate that map...

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8 minutes ago, Kokoro Hane said:

The worst map to get lost in is that horrid maze with the Archviles in Final Doom. Ugh I hate that map...

I feel you, pal!


Almost all of us struggle with Plutonia, some find is pleasurely struggling in it sadistic way, and others just hate the foreknoledge focused gameplay. 

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As a kid I got lost all the time and would be stuck in levels for days (I was also really bad at understanding the auto-map). I remember feeling like a god when I beat Knee Deep in the Dead for the first time. I probably would have never beaten Wolf-3D as a child if I didn't have the retail version which came with the hint book. Today I've got a lot better spacial awareness, though I still get lost in video games occasionally, not just Doom.


As far as the default Doom iwads go, I know them like the back of my hand at this point.

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1 hour ago, Kokoro Hane said:

The worst map to get lost in is that horrid maze with the Archviles in Final Doom. Ugh I hate that map...

the stupid unintuitive walk triggers are a pain in the ass to figure out but of course it's still a classic

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