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How hard are the bosses in doom 2016?

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If you're capable of surviving the many demons that swarm you, a Boss can be beaten.


They're not difficult, it's just a matter of knowing when to attack and when to dodge. I think the one Boss that actually are two is a bit painful to fight.

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BFG scroll trick and they are all defeated in a few seconds very easily XD


On a more serious note, the SSG / gauss cannon mix usually makes them pretty easy :-) As @Chezza said, just learn their attack patterns and you’ll be fine :-)

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2 hours ago, DooM Bear said:

BFG scroll trick and they are all defeated in a few seconds very easily XD


I was SOOOOOOO pissed off when I found out about that after slugging it out countless times...

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It's all about patterns, literally.


You learn how to dodge each attack, you realize it's kind of like playing limbo- as long as you dodge the pole, you win, lol.

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There's a Doom (2016) sub forum for this type of thread since it has nothing to do with Classic Doom.


Personally it's fine when the topic covers the Classic Doom and new Doom games, but this one is obviously not.

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They’re not too bad. I was playing on UV and got killed a couple times by each of them, I think. Might’ve beat the Hell Guards first try and the Cyberdemon gave me a little more issue. But you’ll be right, mate.

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