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What are your thoughts on the Nintendo Switch port for Doom/Doom 2 and Doom 2016?

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I've been considering buying these if they go on sale again in the future since I want to have a portable way of playing Doom. Do you guys have any experiences playing around on this console port?

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long story short, I played the port for the Switch when it was new and boy it was terrible. We already seen the usual stuff people still beating the dead horse about it  (beth logins, terrible music, the works)

fast forward to this day, after a few patches and then some, it becomes a lot more playable. By all means,  yes, get it now. Also Back to Saturn X EP2 is recently released as well, so you can play that (among others) too.

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Doom 2016 on Switch is pretty a miracle port considering the hardware. It is rather blur-o-vision, but nonethless, it is playable.


The same issue is also apparent with Wolfenstein TNC en Youngblood, but again, it says a lot about the engine that it can scale down to Switch grade hardware and have most of the visual feature set be active.

Digital Foundry review:



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