A Nobody Posted August 13, 2020 (edited) Not sure what to think. Both are excellent, but what do you think? Edited August 13, 2020 by The Strife Commando 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Redneckerz Posted August 13, 2020 (edited) ''Classic Strife Commando Thread Better Than The New Ones Or Vice Versa?'' Not sure what to think. Both are lacking several redeeming thread qualities, but what do you think?* *Needs a poll.** Reveal hidden contents **A thread should contain some merit of usefulness contained in its question. I will not proclaim to be an expert, nor deliberately try to come across as pedantic, but your thread questions are consistently of this nature. If a thread question can retroactively be applied to oneself and the answer still is somewhat the same answer, then chances are the question you are asking is not very good. Edited August 14, 2020 by Redneckerz 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Plasma Slayer Posted August 13, 2020 Nothing beats the classics, but I love the newer Doom games, too! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Hellektronic Posted August 13, 2020 Very uh... opinion-based, because some people think one way, others another. BUT, I think it's safe to say the original is pretty damn masterful for a game from the early 90's. It's hard to beat that, considering people STILL play it. The new games are mostly just popular until a sequel comes out. *shrugs* Kinda sad really. That's not necessarily a statement about the quality of the new games, more the kind of fans I think they try to appeal to. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Eurisko Posted August 14, 2020 I love the new games but Classic Doom will always be king. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
DooM Bear Posted August 14, 2020 They are too different to compare in my mind so I like to think of them all as one thing :-P Like just in general “DooM is good” and would recommend any and all of them :-) Well all except Doom 3 :-P That one gets Harry Pottered and locked in the cupboard so no one sees it:-P 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
seed Posted August 14, 2020 (edited) The typical TSC topic I see. At any rate, both, the new Doom games have forged their own identity and gameplay which is quite far removed from classic Doom, so there's not much point in comparing two radically different eras. I will say that classic Doom has more replayability though, mainly because of the AI, RNG, and of course the very solid mod support, without that, it would have slowly faded into obscurity after the 2000s. Edited August 14, 2020 by seed 7 Quote Share this post Link to post
RottingZombie Posted August 14, 2020 I finally installed Doom 2016 last week. I played about one and a half maps and went back to old doom. I sort of enjoyed it but it felt too modern; I hated how the enemies stunned and I had to punch a lot of them for ammo and stuff. I'll play it soon just to experience it but I think it's going to get uninstalled right after. So old Doom for me. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Robo_Cola Posted August 14, 2020 (edited) It's nearly impossible to compare, if you prefer simpler gameplay with extended mod support that spans over 2 decades you're gonna prefer the originals. If you like a more complex, prettier, and faster engine under the hood it's gonna be the new ones. If you like a heavier emphasis on horror elements, you're obviously gonna go Doom 3 or Doom 64. I will say however the original Doom left a far heavier cultural impact than the new ones did upon initial release. That's something the new ones can never top from an objective stand point. No one can say Doom Eternal is installed on more PCs than Windows 10 like the original did with Windows 95. Edited August 14, 2020 by STILES 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
DNSKILL5 Posted August 14, 2020 (edited) I’m just going to say that this is the type of thread that leads to arguments. You will have the classic fans defend their favorites and the new fans defend their favorites... then you’ll have jazzmaster (and I’m not being mean with this remark) who likes both argue everyone’s points... is it really worth doing this... again? if you’re really looking for opinions then here is mine... I love the classic games. I grew up with them. I’ve played them my entire life. I have a huge bias because of that. I couldn’t get into the new games. I don’t know why but I couldn’t. Doesn’t mean I hate them, I just can’t get into them. What I like most about the new games is that it has grown the Doom community, bringing in the next generation of Doom fans and it seems they have a love for the old games as well. That is a good thing to see the community grow and I think anyone can agree with that regardless of which you prefer. Edited August 15, 2020 by Gerolf 8 Quote Share this post Link to post
smeghammer Posted August 14, 2020 It's a fair question. Sure, people will have different opinions, but that's the point of a discussion is it not? People will have different opinions, and that is OK. My tuppence worth - I love classic Doom since it was released. I also love the new Doom now I have a box capable of playing it... I knew I wanted to get it from when I first saw the demos. I suspected that my mid-range Dell Inspiron i7/16GB would not cope (shitty graphics chipset) so YET AGAIN, a game triggered a new machine - this time an Alienware A51 with RTX graphics. THAT runs new Doom OK... So which do I prefer... Classic Doom definitely gets played more - it is easy to pick up and play quickly on any of my machines/laptops. The mods and maps available can sometimes be superb and so far removed from the original release as to be almost unrecognisable. However, I love new Doom too for the amazing graphics and speedy gameplay. It's definitely harder work though - both because I have to get off my arse and turn on my A51 in the office, and it is not quite as simple as classic Doom (weapon upgrades etc). It also needs a beefy-arse machine to do it justice so perhaps needing to buy a new box could be a negative for many people. Also - certainly for Doom 2016 at least - the levels can get a bit arena-like with lock-in until X is completed. I think therefore I have to say Classic Doom wins the day for me for it's ease of quickly jumping in and playing and huge variety of custom mods and maps. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Hunting4r2d2 Posted August 14, 2020 Personally, I think all eras of Doom are great (Classic, 3, or New), though the classic games are still my favorite. Each game balances out tense action with strategic resource management and movement; they just do so utilizing different gameplay styles. That's why some people may like some games in the Doom franchise, but not enjoy others (and just because they didn't enjoy them doesn't mean they hate them). Even though the classic games are my favorite style of Doom, I'm glad that Id Software went with different gameplay styles when making 3 and the newer games. We already have the classic games, so I'd rather the developers give us something new while keeping what I think Doom's core values are intact: movement, chess-like enemy design, explorative and unique level design, and a diverse set of weapons that each have a specific use. (Note: these are what I feel the Doom's core values are if yours differ that's totally ok.) 6 Quote Share this post Link to post
snapshot Posted August 14, 2020 Personally I'm leaning towards Classic, It's what I end up coming back to one way or another. You'll get different answers depending on who you ask, there are people who still play Doom 2016 and prefer it over the rest of the games because they like playing Traditional Multiplayer and SnapMap (yes people still play them) They are all good in their own ways so It's all a matter of preference. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Chip Posted August 15, 2020 I don't like the modern games. But it's all based on opinion, so it doesn't really matter. I'm sure there are people who can't stand the graphics of the old DOOMs, but love the new ones. So there is no true answer. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted August 15, 2020 (edited) Doom is a very lucky series. It doesn’t have a “bad game” and I think people who have never played it jump to saying “Doom 3 is the bad one” when it’s more accurate to say “it’s the least face-meltingly amazing game in an overall fantastic series”. Doom 3 is better than the average game. It’s artfully made, has appealing visuals and is enjoyable to play to completion, even aside from being very technically impressive with it’s ultra realistic lighting. Doom 2 is the best video game ever made so the competition is pretty fierce, but I’m content to just leave it at “the whole series is damn good”. Just look at poor old Duke and see the horrible state many of Doom’s peers ended up in. Even games as influential or more influential than Doom have series that are littered with shitty titles. I’m a huge fan of Street Fighter and Mario, but good lord they have hit some low lows along the way. Not so with DOOM. Edited August 15, 2020 by Doomkid 19 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maximum Matt Posted August 15, 2020 Let's not forget that the first eight sequels to Street Fighter II were all also named Street Fighter II 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
VanaheimRanger Posted August 15, 2020 On 8/15/2020 at 1:17 AM, Maximum Matt said: Let's not forget that the first eight sequels to Street Fighter II were all also named Street Fighter II Expand Street Fighter II Turbo was obviously best. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Skullhacker Posted August 15, 2020 I'm probably not the only person who's said this, but it's totally a matter of opinion. I like them equally. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maximum Matt Posted August 15, 2020 On 8/15/2020 at 1:21 AM, guitardz said: Street Fighter II Turbo was obviously best. Expand Remember Street Fighter II Hyper Fight?? That was nuts 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
DynamiteKaitorn Posted August 15, 2020 How far are we going when we say "new ones"? DooM + DooM II vs 3, 4 and eternal or 1,2,3 VS 4 + Eternal? Personally I'd stop at DooM III in terms of good DooM games. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Vic Vos Posted August 15, 2020 Classic Doom all day, every day. Doom 3 and 2016 are meh and Eternal's pretty good, but it's nowhere near Classic for me. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
A Nobody Posted August 15, 2020 On 8/15/2020 at 9:08 AM, DynamiteKaitorn said: How far are we going when we say "new ones"? DooM + DooM II vs 3, 4 and eternal or 1,2,3 VS 4 + Eternal? Personally I'd stop at DooM III in terms of good DooM games. Expand Classic Doom vs Doom 4 and Eternal. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gunstar Green Posted August 16, 2020 I like both for different reasons. The original games will probably continue to win out in longevity though. As has already been said, not accounting for people's personal tastes, there hasn't been a bad Doom game thus far. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
seed Posted August 16, 2020 On 8/15/2020 at 12:47 AM, Doomkid said: Just look at poor old Duke and see the horrible state many of Doom’s peers ended up in. Expand Damn, I'm looking poor. 10 Quote Share this post Link to post
Redneckerz Posted August 16, 2020 On 8/16/2020 at 8:48 AM, seed said: Damn, I'm looking poor. Expand Makes you wonder how ''The Duke'' does somehow have money to pay the chicks at the stripper poles... From Earth's Action Hero to Earth's Buffed Up Slum, i suppose. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
vanilla_d00m Posted August 16, 2020 I think that if it is not from the 90s, its not good. So classic all the way. CLASSIC DOOM. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
seed Posted August 16, 2020 Everything was better back in my days too. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Final Verdict Posted August 16, 2020 (edited) I lean towards the classics. The original Doom was ground breaking when it came out, everyone and their dog wanted to play it. No one had seen anything like it before at the time. It shook the world of gaming and the shockwaves can still be felt almost 30 years later. It is also has some of the best player retention out there with many of us still coming back to it after all this time. That's a high bar to beat. The modern Dooms are enjoyable but for me I felt no itch to replay them (I say them but I have only played 2016, but I suspect Eternal is similar). That doesn't mean they're bad, I think they did a good job considering the legacy they had to live up too. The games are fun and enjoyable and most Doom fans seem to be happy with the results. The real question is will the fans still be playing the modern Dooms 3 decades later? I doubt it, however you need to consider other factors. This is a very different age in gaming, far more variety in genre's, Doom/Doom II have been out for decades et-cetera, et-cetera. When the original Dooms came out there were plenty of games around sure, but not to this extent and certainly not in the FPS category. That's on top of the original Doom leaving such a large mark on gaming when it came out. In short I feel it's somewhat unfair to compare them when you take the above into consideration. I enjoyed Doom 2016 a lot, and while I probably won't replay it for some time that does not mean it has less worth. I come from a different generation, Doom was my holy grail. Knowing this, you have to ask if I'm even equipped to judge it. My opinion will obviously be biased towards the originals after all. In my mind the originals still reign supreme. However, I have seen many others go down in flames trying to remake other classics. Even if you dislike the modern Dooms you have to admit that it really was an achievement worthy of praise. Expectations were astronomical, as was nostalgia from old fans. It could have very easily failed in spectacular fashion like many others. Could it have been better? Of course, but it was a good effort when you consider the legacy it had to live up to, nevermind surpass. Edited August 16, 2020 by Final Verdict 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Graf Zahl Posted August 16, 2020 The old ones are definitely better - any game with DRM is shit by default in my book. 7 Quote Share this post Link to post
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