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How would I make crates bob up and down?

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Floor Waggle effect in UDFM or Hexen format (as i see you use that)




tag the boxes with the effect and should be fine (well even the acid floor if you like) play with the values until you find the value that make them float like you want

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If you were aiming for Boom compatibility, you could also have a voodoo doll (duplicate player 1) on a conveyor belt, which triggers floor lower and raise actions before teleporting back to the start of the belt.

Edited by NiGHTMARE

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23 minutes ago, NiGHTMARE said:

If you were aiming for Boom compatibility, you could also have a voodoo doll (duplicate player 1) on a conveyor belt, which triggers floor lower and raise actions before teleporting back to the start of the belt.

In addition that, if you want to make the crates silent, you can do any of the following:

  1. If Boom, make sure to create a small rectangle in the opposite edge of the map (far enough not to be heard) and make it reference the same sector as the crate (easily done by using the Join Sectors command). The sound will play at the middle location between the crate and the control rectangle -- make sure no player (including multiplayer) will be there when the crate moves!
  2. If Eternity, besides the Floor_Waggle special already mentioned, you can also retain the Boom idea but also use generalized sector specials to suppress the sounds (so you no longer need to use the potentially messy control rectangle from suggestion 1): https://eternity.youfailit.net/wiki/Generalized_sector_types

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