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Recommendations for some high quality and “big budget” WAD’s

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Hey all :-)


I’ve just finished Valiant and was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for some good high quality and “big budget” WAD’s?


By “big budget” I mean WAD’s that feel like they were made by a AAA studio and could honestly be sold as their own game containing amazing visual spectacles, Dehacked monsters, etc. like Ancient Aliens or Eviternity :-D


While I’m pretty deep into Dehacked monster WAD phase at the moment and am mainly looking for more of these, feel free to chuck any truely amazing “standard” WAD’s into the mix if they are ones you feel just need to be played by everyone :-)


Any recommendations?

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1 hour ago, Midnight_00 said:

Not sure there's anything else quite as similar to Valiant as the two you mentioned. Elementalism definitely sounds like something you should keep an eye on, though. 


Oh man those pics have me drooling :-D Can’t wait!


1 hour ago, DSC said:

Just search for the Cacoawards winners of recent years!


Oh yeah! I’d kind forgotten about the cacoawards :-P


Have gone through a lot of those “100 best WAD’s of all time” lists but they often have a lot of older “standard” WAD’s so had to go through one by one to try and find ones that had new enemies and what not :-P Not saying that those older ones are rubbish or the don’t deserve the praise - just looking for something different :-P

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1 hour ago, Deadwing said:

Struggle is definitely worth checking out

1 hour ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:

Rekkr is definitely a solid contender. The author is even planning to sell the game on Steam!

2 hours ago, Chainie said:

Try BTSX E1 and E2. Two megawads by the best mappers from community. 


Those are some of the best that came out on the last years.

-But please, don't forget about TNT: Revilution.

It is usually forgotten because of the bad taste people had while playig the original TNT: Evilution.

But this sequel is nothing alike.

It uses the modern standar of mapping with a cool and not obstructive way to show details.

-Also, if you don't played them already, Alien Vendetta and Scythe 1 & Scythe 2 are highly regarded, even for today standars, so don't skip them for being old.

-If you like big puzzley maps, Epic 2 and Vile Flesh are awesome choices, too. Both similar and usually compared with Alien Vendetta.

-Tangerine Nightmares is an amazing experience that needs more love. A bit short, as it is an episode replacement for Doom 2, but what an episode!

-Check also, Three is a Crowd, i think it will probably, at least, be a runner up from the the cacoward of this year. And i don't recommend it because i made the Status bar. Scypek2 really made something outstanding!

-Czech Box is great, too. I had a lot of fun playing it.

-Doom404 is a hell of a ride. Don't take it light for it short maps, they will bruise you around without shame!

-Doom Zero is amazing! It deserved to win a cocaward and not just be a runner up.

-Going Down will send you into corporate hell!

-Japanese Community Project is something that must be played!

-Kama Sutra is what hell revealed always tried to be.

-Mutiny is a good short mapset with futuristic appeal.

-A.L.T. is a personal favorite, but its not for everyone as it complex nature and not standar at all design make it difficult to like.


There are a few other that are really good, Moonblood and Exomoon by Deadwing are really good, too.

Newer ones that i liked are Oops! All tech BaseNova serie in general, and some low profile like NoisyDiarrhea, Sinergy and Redundancy.


EDIT: Oh, yes! I forget Atonement Ep.1 & Ep.2 and the RC Ep.3.

Unfortunately, this are in stand by right now, but they are totally amazing


Edited by P41R47

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11 minutes ago, LiT_gam3r said:

More like this. I think OP didn't mean ZDoom wads that change Doom's gameplay.

Edited by dmslr

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