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What aspect ratio do you use for Doom?

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I used to play on 16:9 but recently I switched to 4:3. I like the fact that everything feels less claustraphobic. What aspect ratio do you guys like, and why? This is something I haven't seen discussed here.

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4:3, regardless of the actual screen resolution (which on my main monitor is 3840x2160). I'd rather have things distorted than see things I shouldn't be able to see (or have black bars down the side), and I like it that the status bar goes the full width of the screen with no jiggery-pokery needed.

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I currently use(put up with, rather)GZDoom 4.4.1 on my laptop, with a native resolution of 1366x768. I try to avoid stretching the picture, so I set the video to "keep aspect ratio" to avoid making Doomguy's head as wide as a watermelon.

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16:9 for me. I can't stand the rather squashed look. if it's in someone else's video I dont care much, however.

Edited by Starduster

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Before I used 2732x1536, but when I saw this post I changed to 4:3, I mean the original doom is in 4:3, xD

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I always play at my monitor's native 1920x1080 in 16:9.

I don't use ports that are locked to 4:3 aspect ratio. That goes for any game out there, not just Doom.


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I couldn't say exactly, I mean - If I remember correctly my PC's monitor is, what, 1360 x 720? I think, and so I use 16:9.

But again, I can't say it exaclty cus I do not remember lol

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4:3 ratio, 320x200 resolution on LZDoom, Open GL fullscreen... technically it's 640x480, just resolution scaled down to 320x200. I use GPU scaling on my Nividia card so the window isn't stretched across the whole screen, I think it looks better with 2D sprites.


Fully 3D games are a different story with resolution obviously, but I still use 4:3 resolutions in every game, even the newest of the new.



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5 hours ago, seed said:

Auto/16:9, native resolution.


16:9 looks familiar to me, more than the 4:3 ratio i had in the vanilla / crt days.

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16:9 looks great! Except many weapons in Hexen can reach the edges of the screen, and "the" screen is in fact 4:3; see pic. I usually play in windowed form anyway, and 4:3 looks just fine like that.


Peripherally related: Dividing a 4:3 area into 320 columns and 200 rows results in pixels that are slightly taller than wide (5:6 ratio to be exact) -- which was accounted for in the sprite and patch graphics, and which you'll need to account for too if you want things to look right. Otherwise Doomguy's head is too circular, for example.


Edited by Rainne

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I go back and forth, and it really depends on the port. Overall I'm torn on 16:9 in general because few things other than films (and more recently games) use the real estate. Virtually every website has blank space on each side (150% zoom alleviates this) and don't get me started on widescreen remasters of old tv shows. But about half the time I'll play Doom in widescreen, until the textures beside the statusbar start to bug me, then it's back to 4:3 until I want to use the extra space available on the screen. Basically I like both.

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I always find myself trying to play doom as vanilla-ish/crispy as I can. But I always find myself playing 16:9.

I get it, 4:3 is more native to doom. But, it gives me this weird motion sickness as times, because everything is enlarged and looks like it's shrunk, trying to fit a wide screen. Now on the otherhand: If I was still using an older monitor, then I would have no issue with 4:3. All about personal preference.

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In GZDoom, go to Options > Set Video Mode >

  • Force aspect ratio > 4:3
  • Forced ratio style > Letterbox

Then it won't stretch anymore, while still being 4:3. It's ugly when the ratios don't match in windowed mode (see pic, which is a contrived 16:9 example) -- but looks fine in fullscreen since you don't have the window frame, and soon the unused areas along the sides just look like part of the monitor and you don't notice anymore while playing.

GZDoom aspect ratio.PNG

Edited by Rainne

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16:9 for me, at 1080p. If I'm going to play at a high res, a fullscreen aspect ratio seems a logical additional step.


I only really play 4:3 if I've jumped all the way back to Chocolate for some retro goodness. 

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With GZDoom specifically, If I'm going 16:9 I'll use 960x540 on a 1080p monitor only so the main menu is at a familiar size, but then I'm still perpetually fixated on it and all of the in game message text not stretching vertically. Small beans ultimately, but it still bugs me from time to time.

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