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So I just played the Doom 2 secret levels in the BFG Editions, and just wow

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So I just played the Doom 2 secret levels in the BFG Editions, and just wow. I was previously aware of the censorship, but I never realized how bad the effects of it were until I played them just now. Like wow, it's really bad. I'm just glad that this will be the one and only time I play Doom 2 like this (I'm doing it for the achievements)


-It makes them look like unfinished barebones pre-release levels

-The doom music does not fit the levels at all.

-On the stone walls, there are parts that look like the lower sections don't match up with the rest of the wall as if the texture wasn't cut properly.

-In the 2nd secret level with the cyberdemon, it took longer for me to find the secrets due to the symbol that marks where they are were missing.

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At least the Unity version is better, is the Wolfestein of Machina Games so it's a better presentation.

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At least the Unity version is better, is the Wolfestein of Machina Games so it's a better presentation.



yeah I don't have the unity editions, but if the rumors from steamdb diggers are true, I'll probably have them eventually. I prefer the proper 1.9 version of the Doom and doom 2 WADs. I just don't get how they let the BFG versions be released like this.



But aren't you glad you were protected from such upsetting imagery while you were playing a demon genocide simulator?



Edited by randomgamerguy1997

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  On 8/23/2020 at 12:12 AM, randomgamerguy1997 said:

yeah I don't have the unity editions, but if the rumors from steamdb diggers are true, I'll probably have them eventually. I prefer the proper 1.9 version of the Doom and doom 2 WADs. I just don't get how they let the BFG versions be released like this.


It's better to change some stuff and don't get caugth by legal and money trouble that can be done to the company,

just to please the 100% original feel that maybe don't mind too much for the new fans of the games, and it's not like they not giving you access to the original IWAD. It's still can be brougth on steam and GOG. And so many people have their backup ready to patch it up if all options are gone.

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  On 8/23/2020 at 12:12 AM, randomgamerguy1997 said:

yeah I don't have the unity editions, but if the rumors from steamdb diggers are true, I'll probably have them eventually. I prefer the proper 1.9 version of the Doom and doom 2 WADs. I just don't get how they let the BFG versions be released like this.



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  On 8/26/2020 at 6:54 AM, Tony_Danza_the_boss said:

Bethesda is cucked. Why the new Wolfenstein games can show it blatantly but a 20 year old video game can't is absurd


The new Wolfenstein games are censored in Germany; the Swastika is replaced with a Wolfenstein W logo, and the Nazi's are referred to as "The Regime". There was a big issue with Return to Castle Wolfenstein because they forgot to remove one texture with a Swastika on it. It's been going on for a long time, well before iD was bought by Bethesda, Germany has been... 'sensitive' about causing a war that killed over 100 million people. And of course they appear to preferably ignore that history, rather than recognize it. Their argument is that by displaying the symbols of the National Socialists, you might encourage people to embrace their ideals.


I don't see how killing a bunch of SS guards, and a Cyberdemon, and then shooting Commander Keen really espouses the ideals of National Socialism, but what do I know? I'm just a guy on the internet.

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  On 8/26/2020 at 8:10 AM, Jello said:

The new Wolfenstein games are censored in Germany;



Youngblood is uncensored in germany.


There aren't even any legal reasons not to release Wolfenstein 3-D uncensored in germany. The only thing missing is an USK-rating.

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  On 8/26/2020 at 8:40 AM, cybdmn said:


Youngblood is uncensored in germany.


There aren't even any legal reasons not to release Wolfenstein 3-D uncensored in germany. The only thing missing is an USK-rating.


Is it? I hadn't heard about that. It's about damn time they stop censoring the Wolfenstein games in Germany. It's just a shame it had to start with the steaming, rotting, rolling shart that was Youngblood.

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cyniscism incoming!


maybe they just remove the references because who in the world would remember a war -about what? semitism? fascism? whats that?- that happened like zillion years ago.

Doom is s game for kids of the 21th century. Let the problems of the previous century to those old geezers that doesn't have an account on every damn social app and doesn't upload their important thinking to youtube.

We care now, and we doesn't want any kind of politic or social message on our games.

They ruined The Last of Us 2 with that LGTBURCFDAE protagonist.

A girl, no less.

A new hero, blonde, with muscles and with a good sense of humor would be better for that game.

I heard there was an amazing hero called Duke Nukem, he would be perfect for that game.

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I don't get the reason for the censorship in the case of Wolfenstein/Doom 2. The Nazis are very obviously being portrayed as the bad guys (which is true). In Doom 2 it's more or less implied that they are in league with the Legions of Hell, a group that's also shown to be objectively evil (invading Earth and slaughtering humanity), and whom the player spends 32 maps destroying.

Nazis are bad, but in Germany you can't shoot them in a video game? Huh?

Edited by NoXion

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  On 8/26/2020 at 9:37 AM, Jello said:

It's just a shame it had to start with the steaming, rotting, rolling shart that was Youngblood.



It was just the latest game in the series, every other Wolfenstein game was released before the change. The BPjM even had the uncut englisch New Colossus there, and decided that the nazi stuff alone in the game is no reason to put it on the index.

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  On 8/26/2020 at 8:10 AM, Jello said:

And of course they appear to preferably ignore that history, rather than recognize it.


Actually there are several holocaust memorials and museums around Germany, including on the sites of some of the concentration camps. If you get your history from a stupid videogame, the ignorance is on your end.

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Stupid?? are we talking about DOOM??


I have heard about the BFG edition but I only have the DOOM classic on PS3, i played it somtimes but could never get used to the controls.  Thanks for sharing stuff I never knew.


About those symbols... there is a reason why i don't go to those secret levels in DOOM 2, there is this buff guy who sits in the sauna at my local mall (and works out there even though its blazing hot inside) and has a nazi tattoo.  I also seen nazi graffiti on these benches around here and thats enough to make me not go to those levels.


As redneckerz said in some other thread.. demons don't exist.  I'd rather play the other levels. 

Edited by vanilla_d00m

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  On 8/26/2020 at 8:10 AM, Jello said:

Germany has been... 'sensitive' about causing a war that killed over 100 million people. And of course they appear to preferably ignore that history, rather than recognize it. Their argument is that by displaying the symbols of the National Socialists, you might encourage people to embrace their ideals.




Of course Germany is sensitive about it! No offense intended, but that is a very ignorant view. Germany actively teaches about WWII and the atrocities committed by the Nazis, and the banning of the use of Nazi imagery in most circumstances is avoiding the indoctrination of new people into that awful ideology. I'm an American, so personally, I don't think any symbols of any kind should be banned, but it's ludicrous to make the claim that Germany is ignoring history.

Edited by Ant1
Making my reply much less antagonistic.

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Bans and censorship never work the way people that support such things think they work. Not just with games either. If there is a will there is ALWAYS a way, and it doesn’t matter where you live, this will always be the case all over the world. 

Many of you would more than likely not just sit around and comply if your government came knocking at your door to take Doom away from you entirely (yes we can assume this will never happen so just a “what if” if you will, no need to explain to me why you’d believe this to not be possible), so maybe we shouldn’t do this when they censor and ban things, but this is only my opinion. 

to quote Stephen King only I make it relate to Doom:


“Speaking personally, you can have my individual rights, but you'll take my copy of Doom when you pry my cold, dead fingers off of the jewel case.”

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  On 8/26/2020 at 6:43 PM, Gerolf said:

Bans and censorship never work the way people that support such things think they work. Not just with games either. If there is a will there is ALWAYS a way, and it doesn’t matter where you live, this will always be the case all over the world. 

Many of you would more than likely not just sit around and comply if your government came knocking at your door to take Doom away from you entirely (yes we can assume this will never happen so just a “what if” if you will, no need to explain to me why you’d believe this to not be possible), so maybe we shouldn’t do this when they censor and ban things, but this is only my opinion. 

to quote Stephen King only I make it relate to Doom:


“Speaking personally, you can have my individual rights, but you'll take my copy of Doom when you pry my cold, dead fingers off of the jewel case.”


I don't support them either for the exact reasons you mentioned, my complaint was with the phrasing of the post I replied to.

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  On 8/26/2020 at 8:10 AM, Jello said:

 of course they appear to preferably ignore that history, rather than recognize it. Their argument is that by displaying the symbols of the National Socialists, you might encourage people to embrace their ideals.



This is a blatantly ignorant statement. Germany does not deny that Naziism happened nor is there a blanket ban on the swastika if it is being used in a historical context. They just don't want it being used for entertainment purposes.

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  On 8/26/2020 at 7:00 PM, Wagi said:


This is a blatantly ignorant statement. Germany does not deny that Naziism happened nor is there a blanket ban on the swastika if it is being used in a historical context. They just don't want it being used for entertainment purposes.


That's exactly what I'm saying.

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Sorry @Ant1, should’ve made it clear I wasn’t going against your point from earlier, I do agree with you on what you said there, I was just stating in general how I feel about the topic as a whole.


With that said though, this community spans all over the world, and not everyone is truly aware of the realities of laws in other countries, and have been lead to believe things that aren’t exactly true. 

Edited by Gerolf

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  On 8/26/2020 at 7:10 PM, Gerolf said:

Sorry @Ant1, should’ve made it clear I wasn’t going against your point from earlier, I do agree with you on what you said there, I was just stating in general how I feel about the topic as a whole.


With that said though, this community spans all over the world, and not everyone is truly aware of the realities of laws in other countries, and have been lead to believe things that aren’t exactly true. 


Yeah, that makes sense. I appreciate the clarification and thought your post was incredibly well written.

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