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If Doom II monsters had people names what would they be?

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Former Human- Derek, because only derek's are dicks that kill you after killing 3 Arch-viles in a slaughter map

Shotgun guy- Todd, because Todd's are that one guy that wants to be like everybody else, but serves no purpose

Imp- Suzette, because Suzette's are all sadistic assholes from the bowels of hell

Wolf ss- Hans, because that's the name of the German asshole in the movies, so that's the name of the German asshole in the games

Commander Keen- Billy, cuz dats hiz naym

Demon- Chet, because all Chet's are morons that believe they are better than everyone, when they are not

Spectre- Chad, because Chads are just a bit worse than Chets, and are even more braggadocious

Heavy Weapon Dude- Earl, because all Earl's act like they have the greatest purpose at every party, when they are all just dicks

Lost Soul- Ryan, because Ryan's are all jocks that would be the first to die in every zombie movie

Cacodemon- Samantha, because Samantha's are like karens, but less karen than karen

Hell Knight- Junior, because they believe they will never look good in their parents eyes

Revenant- Gale, because Gale's seem nice on the outside, but are all evil on the inside

Mancubus- Jessica, because Jessica's all show up all glamourous, then ruin the show with their fireballs of gossip

Arachnotron- Leonard, because Leonard's spew crap at you all at once, when you realize they were never invited to the party

Pain Elemental- Josh, because Josh is the only Douchy name I could think of

Arch-vile- Richard, because he's a Dick no matter what.

Cyberdemon- Cheryl, because although they have nice looks, you still don't want to flirt with them

Spider-mastermind- Alexandra, because they boss Cheryl even though Cheryl could take her down in a fight

IoS/John Romero- Sandy, because Sandy was not good at mapping.

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If Arachnotrons had access to the internet they would find any and every forum, group chat, social media, etc. (even if it's not on the same dimension as him) and switch the conversation on how YandereDev is super-megahitler.


Like I get it, Coomer man can't finish game and he did consume comedy chalice. But doesn't mean that he should be the topic of every conversation. (Not defending him just sick of people constantly ranting about him).

Edited by DownloadTheseSweetViruses

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I'm just gonna name some after the OG id Boys that I personally feel are appropriate:


Spider-Mastermind: Carmack

Icon of Sin: Romero (Obviously!)

Baron of Hell: Adrian

Hell Knight: Kevin

Pinky Demon: Tom

Arachnotron: Dave

Cyberdemon: Jay

Arch-Vile: Bobby

Mancubus: Sandy

Cacodemon: American

Lost Soul: Shawn

Pain Elemental: Tim 



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  On 8/24/2020 at 2:35 AM, Biodegradable said:

I'm just gonna name some after the OG id Boys that I personally feel are appropriate:


Spider-Mastermind: Carmack

Icon of Sin: Romero (Obviously!)

Baron of Hell: Adrian

Hell Knight: Kevin

Pinky Demon: Tom

Arachnotron: Dave

Cyberdemon: Jay

Arch-Vile: Bobby

Mancubus: Sandy

Cacodemon: American

Lost Soul: Shawn

Pain Elemental: Tim 




What did Petersen do to deserve fat cybernetic imp.

Edited by DownloadTheseSweetViruses

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  On 8/24/2020 at 1:37 AM, LiT_gam3r said:


Shotgun guy- Todd, because Todd's are that one guy that wants to be like everybody else, but serves no purpose



Woah woah woah, shotgunner serves no purpose? 

Edited by Bushpig2dope

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  On 8/24/2020 at 2:56 AM, Biodegradable said:

Heh couldn't find a more appropriately "abstract" iconic Doom monster for him, so he got the short end of the stick.


Short but thick! I feel like vomiting just from daring to imagine! (I didn't imagine and perhaps I shouldn't!)


  On 8/24/2020 at 2:59 AM, DownloadTheseSweetViruses said:

You're funny, you're lucky I don't teleport you to brazil (funny meme).


No, I am from Brazil, so technically you come to Brazil >:D

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Here I wrote:

Each arachnotron got a name (the first one is Bob for some reason) and that exit demon just got called "asshole".

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  On 8/24/2020 at 6:09 AM, Gustavo6046 said:

Short but thick! I feel like vomiting just from daring to imagine! (I didn't imagine and perhaps I shouldn't!)


No, I am from Brazil, so technically you come to Brazil >:D



(I don't have anything against brazil it's le funny wholesome reddit meme)

Edited by DownloadTheseSweetViruses

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  On 8/24/2020 at 6:10 AM, Faceman2000 said:

My brother and I refer to Revenants as Henry. I have no justification for this behavior.


In Doom we got Chaingunners, Arachnotrons, Pain Elementals, Mancubi and Henry (He's the scariest)


  On 8/24/2020 at 10:53 AM, muumi said:

I learned from Risk of rain 2 that imps are sometimes named Brian


So what are you IMPlying here? I'm sorry.


  On 8/24/2020 at 7:25 AM, rf` said:

Greg the Archvile is here to just be awful.


The ArchVile is the type of person to send you furry hentai via email and write a message to you in the subject. 


  On 8/24/2020 at 10:46 AM, Townsend said:

Mancubus: Herbert and his wife the Revenant, Martha.


Mancubus belongs on a TLC documentary.


  On 8/24/2020 at 6:41 AM, Grazza said:

Here I wrote:

Each arachnotron got a name (the first one is Bob for some reason) and that exit demon just got called "asshole".


Imagine your mom forgetting to name you so someone who's about to kill you does it. 

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