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Control Tower (D2 MAP11) - Updated to v3.00

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A control tower, high above the ground, wrapped entirely in a self-raising staircase. The entire level is contained within the boundaries of the stairs. Three times in total you need to circle the tower. Four times you need to enter. This is the final line of defense between you and the switch controlling the fire shield trapping the human ships on Earth.


The map is about 50-60 minutes long, and it’s a relatively straight shot. There are a few puzzles to speak of, some timing, others switch hunts. But largely, this map is pretty much just pure combat. The design of the map is an inverse hub: Rather than starting in the middle and branching outwards from the hub, the hub is on the outside, and the branches go inwards.


This map is playable from a pistol start. Due to the nature of traversing the map, managing health resources will be important.


Current Version:

Version 3.00 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YuumxexyGORbxOAp6axe4r5HRh68fJNx/view?usp=drive_link



Version 3.00
- Drastic change in map flow.

  •  Now each room is entered in ascending order around the tower. This both increases the threat level for a more consistent difficulty curve, as well as having a consistent increase in the "corruption level" of the tower. It also reduced the number of trips needed around the tower from 4 to 3. That made some enemies redundant, and they have been removed.

- New Music: "Primed for Destruction (Intermission)" by Jimmy!

- Moved Super Shotgun to 1/4 mark of first circuit.
- Added a one-way "air vent" shaft linking the two elevators.
- Slightly moved some of the starting area enemies back.
- Removed all Lost Souls from the map.
- Slightly increased brightness in blue key area.
- Changed all Cacodemons and Hell Knights from the first loop to "Multiplayer only" to make progress faster.
- Changed chaingunners in dark area to shotgunners.
- Decreased amount of rocket and cell ammo on outer ring.
- Added additional monster closets.
- Revised caco closet encounter to make it more fair.
- Some outer doors now close after progressing along the loop to prevent monsters from roaming inside.
- Added an additional "tell" for some secrets.
- Made a gore decoration non-blocking.
- Revised how certain monster closets discharge enemies (speed and/or location)
- Adjusted ring health bonuses and standardized at 2% each for all difficulty levels.
- Added an alcove at the start containing a Red Key Door.
- BUGFIX: Corrected orientation of Cacodemon facing the wrong way.


Version 2.02
- Slightly reduced amount of health pickups, and adjusted difficulty levels for health pickups.
- Reduced the amount of health and armor bonuses on the ring.
- Amount of health and armor from bonuses on ring is now based on difficulty level.
- Added a substantial amount of armor bonuses behind a certain Blue Key Door.
- Reduced amount of shells and bullets in the Blue Key ammo room - it was going unused.
- Fixed the  intermission text screen after exiting.
- Light switches are a bit more obvious.
- Tweaked placement of a "furniture" computer for improved monster movement.
- Changed how Blue Key door closes.
- Barrier at entrance to UAC door raises again after a certain trigger is crossed to prevent roaming monsters re-entering.
- Added a sign to indicate that a drop is intended.
- BUGFIX: Teleport destination was not flagged on all difficulty levels.
- BUGFIX: Inaccessible sector tagged as secret.
- Removed fake wall from mandatory progression point, replaced with an auto-lowering wall.
- Added better signposting for when the Yellow Skull key becomes accessible.
- Added additional trigger for a secret.
- Better signposting for a secret.
- Replaced a Berserk Pack with a Combat Armor.
- Added a new secret containing a Soul Sphere.
- Combined two similarly-hidden secret sectors into one sector.
- Removed a Megasphere, changed to Combat armor instead.

- Added a few new monsters to certain monster closets on Hard difficulty.
- Changed a linedef from yellow keyed to standard door to allow monsters to exit.
- Removed an autosave line which could force players into combat unprepared upon reloading.
- Fixed a missing sound-blocker line.
- Made the elevator shaft area also visible on automap.
- Increased Par Time to 55 minutes.


Version 2.01
- Pillars now raise to trap players inside Yellow key room earlier, to prevent cheesing the combat.
- Teleporting spectres now push player into dark office, to prevent cheesing the combat. Spectres removed from inside office.
- Enemies in dark office now begin facing away from player to allow a moment to plan.
- Sound-blocking lines added to threshold of dark office to prevent some waking of enemies with hallway combat from incidental door openings.
- Final arena Cacodemon Swarm size increased by 4 on medium and hard difficulty, and a further 4 on hard difficulty.
- Merged two similar secrets into one sector.
- Map now outright prohibits jumping and crouching.

- Par Time for map increased to 50 minutes.


Version 2.00
- Added towers to exterior area for enemies to snipe at player.
- Greatly increased amount of rocket ammunition.
- Replaced Ammo Clip with Chaingun near start.
- Added additional enemies to final arena.
- Added additional health to final arena
- Added BFG 9000 to final arena.
- Improved texturing in multiple areas.
- Added flashing "airplane warning lights" to top of support beam structure
- Added "locked" lights to UAC door and switch, which change to "unlocked" after switch used.
- Added Exit sign to beside Red Key door to give players a sense of progression and the ultimate goal.
- Second elevator on top floor can now be entered for some health items.
- All Pain Elementals have been removed.
- Barons of Hell released onto the ring have been replaced with Hell Knights.
- Tweaked additional sound-blocking lines
- Improved texture work, alignment, and detail to blue door area.
- Added secret Soul Spheres.
- Tweaked sectors to provide additional visible light sources in blue door area.
- Added missing sector tag for light shutoff in blue door area.
- Added "closed", "partially open", and "open" indicators to puzzle door in UAC office area to give clues about progression.
- Moved a teleporter closet trigger to allow for a better flow of monsters on the first loop around the circle.
- Removed Yellow key indicator from door in UAC office to avoid making it seem like the key is required to enter.
- Added an arrow to the Red Key indicator in Blue door area to show the key is in that direction, not that it is a key door
- Tweaked player start positions for better view.
- Added decorative, non-functional elevator panel and call buttons to elevators.


Version 1.01
- Moved location of Super Shotgun from end of first circuit to halfway point of first circuit
- Added Rocket launcher to end of first circuit
- Added additional boxes of rockets to perimeter of circuit.
- Removed entrance door switch from western office, door now operates manually from both sides
- Added lights beside points of interest in western office, the number of lights beside the point being important
- Smoothed a corner in the western office stairs
- Removed an imp from area adjacent to western office
- Adjusted the difficulty at which either a Revenant or an Arch-Vile appears in a certain area
- Moved Berserk Pack from southern area
- Moved Cells and cell amounts in southern area
- Added a sound sector to hint at secret area in eastern area
- Removed "appears one-sided on automap" from certain lines to better hint at existence of secrets
- Increased monster count in final area for increased challenge
- Changed difficulty flag for invulnerability in final area to be easy only
- Changed the way switch doors in final area operate.

- Cut back on overall health at difficulties above easy



Map Details

- This map uses certain GZDoom line specials, which may not be work with other source ports. Tested with GZDoom.

- Not tested with any mods.

- Freelook is HIGHLY recommended, due to the combination of very tall chambers and flying enemies who love to take advantage of that height.

 - Jumping and Crouching is not allowed. Especially in the Yellow-Key door, as an errant jump there will lead into an otherwise impossible to enter inescapable death pit.

- I have not tested it with co-op, but I have added in parts to let co-op get players into any areas which get temporarily locked off.

- For use with the Doom II IWAD, replaces MAP 11

- It's a long map, about 40-50 minutes for full completion (at least for me), but it’s also a straightforward map with pretty much no puzzles or switch hunts.

- Minimum completion with full secrets, as fast as possible, is probably not much shorter than full completion, because the length is based more on the amount of enemies blocking your path.

- The design theme is "partially hellaformed techbase".

- No new textures.

- Custom Music "Primed for Destruction (Intermission)" by Jimmy.

- The difficulty, at its peak, should be about as hard as Plutonia 1 on Ultra-Violence.

- Map difficulties are implemented, but I can't be a good judge of them since I play on UV and of course, know the map.






Current Version:


Version 3.00 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YuumxexyGORbxOAp6axe4r5HRh68fJNx/view?usp=drive_link

Edited by Stabbey
Updated to Version 3.00 new patch notes, tweaked info

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I don't know if I'm stupid or something, but I could not figure out how to get the yellow skull so I couldn't progress any further. I don't understand how you're supposed to get it as it's barred off, the only 3 switches I found aren't connected to it, so I got stuck.

Edited by Biodegradable

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Just now, Biodegradable said:

I don't know if I'm stupid or something, but I could not figure out how to get the yellow skull so I couldn't progress any further. I don't understand how you're supposed to get it as it's barred off, the only 3 switches I found aren't connected to it, so I got stuck.


That's the timing puzzle. You need to hit three switches (actually only two, but the first switch reveals the one which is part of the puzzle) and get through the door with the yellow skull above it before the lift raises back up. That's the only notable puzzle in the map. I suppose this means I have to delete the puzzle.

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46 minutes ago, Stabbey said:

That's the timing puzzle. You need to hit three switches (actually only two, but the first switch reveals the one which is part of the puzzle) and get through the door with the yellow skull above it before the lift raises back up.


Yeah, I thought that was the gag, but the bars wouldn't raise no matter how many times I ran back and forth.

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7 minutes ago, Biodegradable said:


Yeah, I thought that was the gag, but the bars wouldn't raise no matter how many times I ran back and forth.


No, the timing puzzle is entirely within that office. The red switch which opens the door you came in through is not part of the puzzle, it is just there to be a little trap for players who go in then get stuck.


I suppose that's something else I should consider changing.

Edited by Stabbey

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I can't put numbers on the floor because the bodies could cover them up, but what I can do is to put little lights beside the relevant locations - one light for the first switch, two for the second, three for the third, and four for the destination, so the player has clues to figure out what order and be less likely to be confused with the other switch or the bars.


EDIT: I could also maybe change the lift to regular speed instead of fast.

Edited by Stabbey
lift speed

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Thanks for the playthrough, it was good to see someone unfamiliar with the map.


- In retrospect, the switch to open the door in the office was a mistake which only led to needless confusion. I'll just take that one out and have the door work normally. Anyone who is nervous about going in won't be caught inside anyway.

- I've already added lights to help hint at the proper order of switch flipping.

- I'll experiment with changing the progression of the weapons so the Super Shotgun comes at the halfway point of the first circuit and the Rocket Launcher comes at the end of the first circuit. That should make the combat a little less repetitive.


- I probably shouldn't have used some Skull Key signs around doors when my intent is to say "This way to the key", that's not how they get used 99% of the time so it's not clear. Maybe I can do some fancy trickery and make a "TO" sign.


- I could remove the one-way doors, remove the enemies which repopulate the circuit and allow for backtracking, but then that would just be backtracking with nothing to encounter, and I don't think that would be much fun.


- There clearly looks to be too much health in the map, and likely too much ammo as well. I should cut back on some of the extra supplies. Even for people who vaccum it up as fast as possible, it's probably too much.


- I had entirely forgotten about that invulnerability in the final arena on HMP. I don't think it's necessary on anything except the easiest skill level, so I'm cutting that out.

- The arena fight looks far too boring and easy on HMP. But unless I use hitscanners, pumping in more monsters won't make it harder, and using hitscanners there won't be much fun.

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As for the progression on the outer ring... One of my original ideas for the concept of the map was to put in other towers, which, at certain points, would have monsters shooting at the player. The trick with that though is finding the right monsters and the right place for the tower, as from that perspective the only possible cover would be the giant metal support beams or the curve of the tower itself. And of course it might look suspicious if those other towers heights conveniently match that of the staircase.


I could experiment with that.

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Version 1.01
- Moved location of Super Shotgun from end of first circut to halfway point of first circuit
- Added Rocket launcher to end of first circuit
- Added additional boxes of rockets to perimiter of circuit.
- Removed entrance door switch from western office, door now operates manually from both sides
- Added lights beside points of interest in western office, the number of lights beside the point being important
- Smoothed a corner in the western office stairs
- Removed an imp from area adjacent to western office
- Adjusted the difficulty at which either a Revenant or an Arch-Vile appears in a certain area
- Moved Berserk Pack from southern area
- Moved Cells and cell amounts in southern area
- Added a sound sector to hint at secret area in eastern area
- Removed "appears one-sided on automap" from certain lines to better hint at existence of secrets
- Increased monster count in final area for increased challenge
- Changed difficulty flag for invulnerability in final area to be easy only
- Changed the way switch doors in final area operate.

- Cut back on overall health at difficulties above easy


Edited by Stabbey
removed old link

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If anyone's interested, I am working on an experiment to see if I can make the combat on the outer ring more interesting. It will take a while to implement, test, and balance, but it should add some wrinkles to repeated trips around the ring more interesting. At the moment it's so effective that I'm inclined to delete even the single Pain Elemental per section that I've put in. Here's a preview of my first test. (I'll fix that texture misalignment.) EDIT: I think I can even get little lights on top of the building, too!




I'm also working on further refinements, such as adding more detail - such as the red blinking "airplane warning lights" at the top of the support beams, and lights beside the UAC door which show "locked" the first time around, then change to "unlocked" later.


The final combat arena is also getting some additional difficulty on UV, and I'm putting in a non-secret BFG for the final area and an extra (secret) Soul Sphere because I think people will now need it (and the next level is "BFG Factory" anyway).

Edited by Stabbey
changed preview image

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updated to Version 2.0!




The highlights are that now there are additional towers around the outside for enemies to snipe at the player, making combat harder and a little different each time through the ring. Additionally, the puzzle in the UAC door has been tweaked with better signposting and clues. The final battle has also been made a lot harder. Visually the map has received a lot of improvements as well.


Version 2.00
- Added towers to exterior area for enemies to snipe at player.
- Greatly increased amount of rocket ammunition.
- Replaced Ammo Clip with Chaingun near start.
- Added additional enemies to final arena.
- Added additional health to final arena
- Added BFG 9000 to final arena.
- Improved texturing in multiple areas.
- Added flashing "airplane warning lights" to top of support beam structure
- Added "locked" lights to UAC door and switch, which change to "unlocked" after switch used.
- Added Exit sign to beside Red Key door to give players a sense of progression and the ultimate goal.
- Second elevator on top floor can now be entered for some health items.
- All Pain Elementals have been removed.
- Barons of Hell released onto the ring have been replaced with Hell Knights.
- Tweaked additional sound-blocking lines
- Improved texture work, alignment, and detail to blue door area.
- Added secret Soul Spheres.
- Tweaked sectors to provide additional visible light sources in blue door area.
- Added missing sector tag for light shutoff in blue door area.
- Added "closed", "partially open", and "open" indicators to puzzle door in UAC office area to give clues about progression.
- Moved a teleporter closet trigger to allow for a better flow of monsters on the first loop around the circle.
- Removed Yellow key indicator from door in UAC office to avoid making it seem like the key is required to enter.
- Added an arrow to the Red Key indicator in Blue door area to show the key is in that direction, not that it is a key door
- Tweaked player start positions for better view.
- Added decorative, non-functional elevator panel and call buttons to elevators.



https://www.doomworld.com/profile/30975-biodegradable/ , you might be pleased to know that one of the biggest sticking points for you, the UAC door puzzle has been changed in several ways since your original playthrough.



First, there are now "locked" indicators on the outside of the door the first time you go by, and matching ones on the switch that opens it, to indicate what the switch does, to help make the connection.

Secondly, there are now little indicator lights around the location of the switches in the puzzle room, with the number of lights matching the order you need to visit that location.

Thirdly, the "Yellow Key" indicator is gone from above that door, so it no longer carries the implication you need the yellow key to open or pass through it.

Fourthly, there are red, yellow and green indicators which change as the puzzle is partially unlocked, then go back to red. This is a visible sign of what the goal of the puzzle is and shows progress to opening it.



Additionally, the towers should help make the combat on the ring more dynamic and interesting. Hopefully. Lastly, the final arena is significantly more difficult.

Edited by Stabbey
Removed link to old version

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  • 1 month later...

Despite the lack of feedback to version 2, I decided to make some changes for better flow. Two cases of potential "doorway combat" have now been tweaked to encourage (or force) fighting inside the room instead of out.


I also disabled jumping and crouching.



Version 2.01
- Pillars now raise to trap players inside Yellow key room earlier, to prevent cheesing the combat.
- Teleporting spectres now push player into dark office, to prevent cheesing the combat.
- Enemies in dark office now begin facing away from player to allow a moment to plan.
- Sound-blocking lines added to threshold of dark office to prevent some waking of enemies with hallway combat from incidental door openings.
- Final arena Cacodemon Swarm size increased by 4 on medium and hard difficulty, and a further 4 on hard difficulty.
- Merged two similar secrets into one sector.
- Map now outright prohibits jumping and crouching.




Edited by Stabbey
removed outdated version

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  • 4 weeks later...
14 hours ago, Suitepee said:



My playthrough starts at around the 1:20:00 mark. A fun map overall.


Thanks a lot for the playthrough.


I'll re-watch the entire VOD again, but so far, the next version will change the location of the light switch in the office to a more obvious place. That will help with the puzzle, although you solved it fairly quickly anyway. There's another light switch in the Blue Skull area which is also a bit hidden and I'll make that one a little more obvious as well. I'll also remove the fake wall and change that to a section of wall which automatically lowers. Some tweaking and better signposting of secrets seems in order as well.


It seems likely that there's a bit too much ammo and health. I'll probably cut back on it eventually, but I'll see what other playtesters think before I make that change official. EDIT: No, I think I'll cut back on some of the excess now, see how it feels with some more playtesting.

Edited by Stabbey
cutting back some health

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I tried the latest version in GZdoom 4.5.0 on UV, but for some arcane reason, two imps never teleported into playable areas. They freely walk over the linedefs, but don't teleport.




Edited by Caleb13

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The lines in question are 97 - WR Teleport, and they go to the top roof of the circular tower to the southwest, which has a destination. The only reason why that should be blocked is if there's an object or monster obstructing that spot, but if those are the only two enemies left, there can't be a live monster causing the blockage. Strange. I'll see if that happens in my playtesting, and if so, try and fix it.


I don't see an obvious cause of the problem right now. Thanks for the report, I hope you enjoyed the map.


EDIT: The teleport destination was not tagged on any difficulties below Hard. This will be fixed in the next version.

Edited by Stabbey
found cause

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The bug with the teleporter destination is fixed. I've adjusted the health and armor balance of the map - cutting down on the bonuses around the ring, and some of the excess health, but adding in additional defensive items for the final push up. It should be a little tougher than before, but still fair.

Version 2.02
- Slightly reduced amount of health pickups, and adjusted difficulty levels for health pickups.
- Reduced the amount of health and armor bonuses on the ring.
- Amount of health and armor from bonuses on ring is now based on difficulty level.
- Added a substantial amount of armor bonuses behind a certain Blue Key Door.
- Reduced amount of shells and bullets in the Blue Key ammo room - it was going unused.
- Fixed the  intermission text screen after exiting.
- Light switches are a bit more obvious.
- Tweaked placement of a "furniture" computer for improved monster movement.
- Changed how Blue Key door closes.
- Barrier at entrance to UAC door raises again after a certain trigger is crossed to prevent roaming monsters re-entering.
- Added a sign to indicate that a drop is intended.
- BUGFIX: Teleport destination was not flagged on all difficulty levels.
- BUGFIX: Inaccessible sector tagged as secret.
- Removed fake wall from mandatory progression point, replaced with an auto-lowering wall.
- Added better signposting for when the Yellow Skull key becomes accessible.
- Added additional trigger for a secret.
- Better signposting for a secret.
- Replaced a Berserk Pack with a Combat Armor.
- Added a new secret containing a Soul Sphere.
- Combined two similarly-hidden secret sectors into one sector.
- Removed a Megasphere, changed to Combat armor instead.

- Added a few new monsters to certain monster closets on Hard difficulty.
- Changed a linedef from yellow keyed to standard door to allow monsters to exit.
- Removed an autosave line which could force players into combat unprepared upon reloading.
- Fixed a missing sound-blocker line.
- Made the elevator shaft area also visible on automap.
- Increased Par Time to 55 minutes.


Current Version:


Edited by Stabbey
removed old link

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  • 6 months later...

hi. just completed your map in uv (after dying multiple times of course). as a small note for any future updates, the timing puzzle for the yellow key was very hard, a stark contrast to other puzzles on the map. after identifying the sequence of switches, only succeeded after about 15 attempts in normal speed. even struggled to succeed (after 5 attempts) when tested the puzzle by increasing player speed to 30% faster than normal (via command "turbo 130" in gzdoom). overall, an awesomely enjoyable map to play. thank you for making such a fun experience, and i made a small review of it here

Edited by terminator

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FYI to anyone interested: it's likely going to be a while before the next version since I'm currently taking a break from Doom editing, but the next version will probably trim down the number of trips around the outer ring from 4 to 2, and as a consequence, the amount of enemies will be greatly reduced and the encounters will be rebalanced a bit.


14 hours ago, terminator said:

hi. just completed your map in uv (after dying multiple times of course). as a small note for any future updates, the timing puzzle for the yellow key was very hard, a stark contrast to other puzzles on the map. after identifying the sequence of switches, only succeeded after about 15 attempts in normal speed. even struggled to succeed (after 5 attempts) when tested the puzzle by increasing player speed to 30% faster than normal (via command "turbo 130" in gzdoom). overall, an awesomely enjoyable map to play. thank you for making such a fun experience, and i made a small review of it here


Hmmm... I could try tweaking it. I could be too close to the map to understand the difficulty. I don't know what your difficulty was, but I'll try to guess: did you try to go down the stairs to reach switch 3, then turn around and go back up them? The way I do that puzzle is to hit switch 1, run to the other end of the balcony to hit switch 2, run/leap over the railing and hit switch 3, then run up the stairs and into the door.

Edited by Stabbey

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1 hour ago, Stabbey said:

FYI to anyone interested: it's likely going to be a while before the next version since I'm currently taking a break from Doom editing, but the next version will probably trim down the number of trips around the outer ring from 4 to 2, and as a consequence, the amount of enemies will be greatly reduced and the encounters will be rebalanced a bit.


noted. anyway, i did not find encircling the the outer ring repetitive due to the sublime monster fights.


1 hour ago, Stabbey said:

The way I do that puzzle is to hit switch 1, run to the other end of the balcony to hit switch 2, run/leap over the railing and hit switch 3, then run up the stairs and into the door.


yes, i did it in that exact sequence. maybe there were other factors such as i'm not that skillful in making quick dashes in doom. furthermore, your map was the first one i used with the new gzdoom 4.6.0 version (with gzdoom's sprite shadows enabled). or it could be the mods i used (no gameplay/weapons mods since i prefer vanilla weapons, just cosmetics such as doom neural upscale 2x, hd texture pack, etc). i also noticed that the previews for savegames in gzdoom 4.6.0 was not as pretty compared to 4.5.0. it has this weird squashed-chequered artefact in the sky not seen in the previous 4.5.0.


Edited by terminator

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I have not played since 4.6.0 came out, so I definitely haven't done any testing, certainly not with new features or texture packs.

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  • 2 years later...

It's been close to three years, but I finally decided to revise the map with a new version. The main change is that the map has less time spent going around the outside. Instead of needing to go 3/4 around the circle four times, instead that's cut to going 1/4 around four times, with one climactic full revolution to punctuate the trip. I also gave the SSG sooner, and removed most of the tougher enemies for the first loop to make it faster.


I highly recommend using freelook for this map with auto-aim off, it'll be less frustrating.





Complete changelog:


Version 3.00
- Drastic change in map flow.

  • Now each room is entered in ascending order around the tower. This both increases the threat level for a more consistent difficulty curve, as well as having a consistent increase in the "corruption level" of the tower. It also reduced the number of trips needed around the tower from 4 to 3. That made some enemies redundant, and they have been removed.

- New Music: "Primed for Destruction (Intermission)" by Jimmy!
- Moved Super Shotgun to 1/4 mark of first circuit.
- Added a one-way "air vent" shaft linking the two elevators.
- Slightly moved some of the starting area enemies back.
- Removed all Lost Souls from the map.
- Slightly increased brightness in blue key area.
- Changed all Cacodemons and Hell Knights from the first loop to "Multiplayer only" to make progress faster.
- Changed chaingunners in dark area to shotgunners.
- Decreased amount of rocket and cell ammo on outer ring.
- Added additional monster closets.
- Revised caco closet encounter to make it more fair.
- Some outer doors now close after progressing along the loop to prevent monsters from roaming inside.
- Added an additional "tell" for some secrets.
- Made a gore decoration non-blocking.
- Revised how certain monster closets discharge enemies (speed and/or location)
- Adjusted ring health bonuses and standardized at 2% each for all difficulty levels.
- Added an alcove at the start containing a Red Key Door.
- BUGFIX: Corrected orientation of Cacodemon facing the wrong way.





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