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A Preposterously Mad Map Proposal (Now on /idgames)

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going to try it asap!



EDIT: you should use the drawing/painting as titlepic!

Edited by Zolgia108

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Great idea! And interesting art, pal! Certainly the kind of things i like to spend my time looking at.

For sure you caught my attention with the title, haha. I went in hoping to find the doom equivalent of the A Modest Proposal.

As for the map, gonna try it when i get back to home.

What compatibility settings are recommended?

Edited by P41R47

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5 minutes ago, P41R47 said:

Great idea! And interesting art, pal! Certainly the kind of things i like to spend my time looking at.

For sure you caught my attention with the title, haha. I went in hoping to find the doom equivalent of the A Modest Proposal.

As for the map, gonna try it when i get back to home.

What compatibility settings are recommended?


I play tested this with gzdoom. This would probably be the best thing to play it on or whatever is closest


Also standard play so no jumping or crouching. Free look is optional

Edited by Clippy

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1 hour ago, Zolgia108 said:

going to try it asap!



EDIT: you should use the drawing/painting as titlepic!


Good idea but I have no idea how to do that

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you just upload it as png via slade and call it titlepic!


VIDEO UPLOADING, (it's long but i found the 2 main secrets CLIPPY AND BIO!

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still elaborating, should be up soon :)


oh shit... microphone... doesn't work anymore... DAMN NOOOOOOOOOO it didnt record what i said... so sorry guys (clippy it's your freaking fault!)




Edited by Zolgia108

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12 minutes ago, Zolgia108 said:

still elaborating, should be up soon :)


oh shit... microphone... doesn't work anymore... DAMN NOOOOOOOOOO it didnt record what i said... so sorry guys (clippy it's your freaking fault!)





Don't I know about mic issues buddy. No worries. Hope u had a good time. Or least a decent time. Or at the very least it didn't suck entirely haha

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1 minute ago, Horus said:

An interesting concept, I plan to play it later. One thing I noticed looking at the screenshot is that it looks like it was built using the original Doom Builder, a map editor that is very out-of-date. I recommend downloading the latest version, Ultimate Doom Builder https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=66745


I only make simple vanilla ish maps anyway but may check this out

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This is such a cool idea - it's basically the equivalent of when we drew Doom maps on paper and tried to make something of them later, only instead of boxes and squares and all that fun stuff, it's an actual drawing! ...or am I the only one that did that? At any rate, I'm going to give this a shot and get back to ya when I'm done playing through it, this idea tickles me with an odd sense of nostalgia!

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Alright, apologies for double post but I played through up until the red skull. This is such a vast map and I'm honestly not sure where else I can go to get it, unless it somehow involves killing the spider mastermind.

The map feels a bit clunky to start off with, and I'm not just referring to having to shoot the barrels to even start the map off. Once you get a solid foot on the level it actually isn't THAT bad - there's just hardly any indication of where to go, really. It's alright. Not bad, but it's not the best. It's still a really cool concept though, and my experience with the map doesn't take away the coolness of it.

I played this under GZDoom - despite it looking very vanilla/limit-removing compatible, I couldn't get it to run on PrBoom - even doing -warp 01 seems to not like it, so I guess you guys went for a "Vanilla" ZDoom map?

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@Athel yah I made this map way too big. I regret the scale of it I should have been able to make it much more compact


The red key is in the top right structure with what looks like a 7 on it. Jump down from the yellow key area with the pinkies and shells to access it and look for the white Arrow


I can only make basic vanilla like maps with usually standard features but only i play in gzdoom


Thanks for having a look!



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@Zolgia108thank you for the playthrough!


Glad you beat it - man that exit room is a B huh


Feel bad you missed the weapons at the start for a bit


Fixed the lift so the spider mastermind won't get stuck up there again haha


good times!

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20 minutes ago, Clippy said:

@Zolgia108thank you for the playthrough!


Glad you beat it - man that exit room is a B huh


Feel bad you missed the weapons at the start for a bit


Fixed the lift so the spider mastermind won't get stuck up there again haha


good times!

i feel so sorry for the microphone m8... i said so much bullshit during the map you can't even imagine ahhahah dammit

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41 minutes ago, Zolgia108 said:

i feel so sorry for the microphone m8... i said so much bullshit during the map you can't even imagine ahhahah dammit


no worries buddy and I understand the frustration I've been frustrated many times before I bought my new microphone recently. so many of my videos screwed up including my video where I was explaining my 100 secrets map

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Just Played your Wad, @Clippy! It's Simple, And cool. Keep up!

Although it's not Vanilla, Becuase of the TITLEPIC and these Nodes errors.


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5 hours ago, mArt1And00m3r11339 said:

I completed the map. I included a Paypal link for anyone who wants to help my channel earn more revenue.



Thank you so much for the play through buddy. I don't have any money to give you so I hope you accept payments of gratitude. You always do stellar work and find all my secrets


I might have made the secrets to rewarding because I thought this map might have been too hard otherwise. So finding every one of them is definitely a good time. I do always test my maps without secrets to see if I can beat them before releasing. But as always I go way overboard with secrets haha

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17 minutes ago, HitBoi64 said:

Just Played your Wad, @Clippy! It's Simple, And cool. Keep up!

Although it's not Vanilla, Becuase of the TITLEPIC and these Nodes errors.



Yeah I got to stop using the word vanilla because I always use it wrong and get in trouble


What I mean to say is I can only make really basic type mapping I haven't gotten anything advanced


And yeah when making this particular map I kept getting node errors whatever that means 🤷

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40 minutes ago, Clippy said:

And yeah when making this particular map I kept getting node errors whatever that means 🤷

Poor lad, If you get Node errors, Then simply Draw a Line, Or a Sector, Or add a Thing outside of the Map Boundaries, Delete them... And Save! If it dosen't work,

Try doing it again, Or switch to another Node. And one thing: Are you using Zen Mode? It really sucks, And it's just made for Mapping experts. I hope this was helpful!

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6 minutes ago, HitBoi64 said:

Poor lad, If you get Node errors, Then simply Draw a Line, Or a Sector, Or add a Thing outside of the Map Boundaries, Delete them... And Save! If it dosen't work,

Try doing it again, Or switch to another Node. And one thing: Are you using Zen Mode? It really sucks, And it's just made for Mapping experts. I hope this was helpful!

Thanks for the advice, I used outdated doom builder and am not familiar with nodes, I just draw stuff and add linedef actions and call it a day


I'm going to have to look into this ultimade doom builder


I'm a creature of habits and I have old habits

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Well, I do liked the map, maybe too big, but that goes with the art itself. You guys should do this in a monthly basis haha

Combat was quite easy, even though ammo balance was good. Only managed to find 3 secrets, I did see that "soulsphere tower" but no clue how to get there yet, I might give it another try for exploration.



Edited by Soulless

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1 hour ago, Soulless said:

Well, I do liked the map, maybe too big, but that goes with the art itself. You guys should do this in a monthly basis haha

Combat was quite easy, even though ammo balance was good. Only managed to find 3 secrets, I did see that "soulsphere tower" but no clue how to get there yet, I might give it another try for exploration.

So sad I found this , (after a Megasphere) when there were only 2 imps left:



They might have been badass imps tho so good thing you found it


You can get this at the start through some extra tricky secret finding 


I didn't realize how big this map was til I really started playtesting it whoops. I def could have made it smaller


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