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(GZDoom) Drainhole - single map

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Hello, this is my second map so far and I got around scripts this time. Nothing crazy, only some multi-action linedefs.

Around a month ago Decino announced he would play viewer's submissions, so I'm pretty glad I got to finish before the submissions started. Having a deadline really helped me out on this one, otherwise I'd tweak the map forever and never publish it e.e

I hope you enjoy, if you can leave a review or suggestion I'll gladly take it, I'm always looking to improve.


Map Format: UDMF

Ports Tested: Zandronum.

IWAD: Doom 2

Map: MAP01

Gameplay: Single Player

Difficulty Settings: No difference, designed as UV.

Requirements: No crouching or jumping (map file disables them). Freelooking allowed, but not required.


Music is Video Game Metal Part 2 by Knightrider of Doom

Textures used are from OTEX by Ola Bjorling, AKA ukiro







Edited by Juka

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Really enjoyable. The only thing I didn't enjoy was that the exit didn't seem to be that well signposted. Considering I'd hit a computer terminal earlier in the level, I wasn't expecting the one at what turned out to be the exit to finish the level. Otherwise that was a fantastic map.

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3 hours ago, Degree23 said:

Really enjoyable. The only thing I didn't enjoy was that the exit didn't seem to be that well signposted. Considering I'd hit a computer terminal earlier in the level, I wasn't expecting the one at what turned out to be the exit to finish the level. Otherwise that was a fantastic map.

Thanks for the quick feedback! I'll add some signalling, tweak it and patch the wad up.

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I tried to give this wad a little playthrough on HMP and jesus this wad is harsh. Right out of the gate you're dealing with multiple revenants down 1 of 2 paths, and all you get is either your basic peashooter shotgun or a chaingun. What didn't help was the fact that quite a few chaingunners were placed up high to tear you apart before you'd even notice them. Pushing through that, I barely survived to see the super shotgun, not before I woke up several hell knights along the way (again, mid-high tier enemies) and somehow an archvile? This really put me off wanting to play further. What probably didn't help was the low health item count compared to the high tier enemy difficulty count.


There's a good amount of ammo in the opening areas to get you through the low tier enemies so I didn't feel too constricted in that regard, but going against the bigger guys would chew through my supplies if I tried to whale on them without the super shotgun.


The architectural space-age design really reminds me of Quake (the good parts of Quake anyways) and is really gorgeous to look at.


I'm glad this wad takes in to consideration high skilled plays but for the average joe, this wad is not recommended.

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Pretty cool design and layout, man. Great use of height variation for some dynamic combat scenarios and your texture is lovely. This map reminds me of Take No Prisoners, an old-as-fuck Raven Software game and one of its levels was this sprawling, but also really empty-feeling structure of metal and concrete and packed to the gills with enemies who REALLY aren't enjoying your company. You start things pretty strong and just keep turning up the heat as thing go along. I'm honestly surprised you didn't drop a Cyberdemon or a Spider Mastermind at the end there, but the last few fights were particularly challenging nonetheless. Your cruelty however is well-measured and pretty well-balanced. The map has a rather drab and oppressive tone to its design, which is great for a Doom map. I 'spose it could've used a little more variation in colours and textures, but the place is definitely not boring. It very much feels like an underground nukage refinery or waste management plant and I dig it.



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I've tested on LZDoom 3.86a. Works pretty well without any fps drops. It can also supports gameplay mods like EOA and ZRift (can vary its performance and monster's positions, however). 

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2 hours ago, Kachakeño said:

I've tested on LZDoom 3.86a. Works pretty well without any fps drops. It can also supports gameplay mods like EOA and ZRift (can vary its performance and monster's positions, however). 

Thanks for testing on a different port! I'm aware many prefer playing mods, so I'm glad it works fine with them too.


4 hours ago, Biodegradable said:

Pretty cool design and layout, man. Great use of height variation for some dynamic combat scenarios and your texture is lovely. This map reminds me of Take No Prisoners, an old-as-fuck Raven Software game and one of its levels was this sprawling, but also really empty-feeling structure of metal and concrete and packed to the gills with enemies who REALLY aren't enjoying your company. You start things pretty strong and just keep turning up the heat as thing go along. I'm honestly surprised you didn't drop a Cyberdemon or a Spider Mastermind at the end there, but the last few fights were particularly challenging nonetheless. Your cruelty however is well-measured and pretty well-balanced. The map has a rather drab and oppressive tone to its design, which is great for a Doom map. I 'spose it could've used a little more variation in colours and textures, but the place is definitely not boring. It very much feels like an underground nukage refinery or waste management plant and I dig it.



Thank you so much for playing and recording! I'm glad you liked the overall verticality, I was kinda worried that maybe there was too much of it, but seems like it's working alright. I enjoy your playthroughs and this was no different, it really helps mappers to figure out where people are looking, when they get lost, etc.

You figured out the yellow key well enough but it looks misleading to use that texture when the terminal is not there, I'll tweak it for the next version so the player can feel the switch is somewhere else more easily.

I forgot modded enemies don't always drop chainguns, so you took a little longer than expected to get your hands on one. I'll add a fixed chaingun on that small sector with the Backpack, so the map becomes more mod-friendly.

And about having too much before getting the SSG, that's true, the big storage room could do with one less sniper revenant, and the hell knight on the hub area is also taking too much time.

Also congratulations on surviving that red room trap on the first attempt! Guess that room could get an extra medikit though huh

Once again, thanks for the playthrough!


7 hours ago, DynamiteKaitorn said:

I tried to give this wad a little playthrough on HMP and jesus this wad is harsh. Right out of the gate you're dealing with multiple revenants down 1 of 2 paths, and all you get is either your basic peashooter shotgun or a chaingun. What didn't help was the fact that quite a few chaingunners were placed up high to tear you apart before you'd even notice them. Pushing through that, I barely survived to see the super shotgun, not before I woke up several hell knights along the way (again, mid-high tier enemies) and somehow an archvile? This really put me off wanting to play further. What probably didn't help was the low health item count compared to the high tier enemy difficulty count.


There's a good amount of ammo in the opening areas to get you through the low tier enemies so I didn't feel too constricted in that regard, but going against the bigger guys would chew through my supplies if I tried to whale on them without the super shotgun.


The architectural space-age design really reminds me of Quake (the good parts of Quake anyways) and is really gorgeous to look at.


I'm glad this wad takes in to consideration high skilled plays but for the average joe, this wad is not recommended.

I did aim for a higher difficulty level, but if it feels unfair then it's no fun at all. As above, I'll tone down a little on the mid-tier monsters before the SSG and maybe signal a little more for the Rocket Launcher on the storage area, also lowering two chaingunners on the round stairways. I'm still thinking whether the AV should stay there or be moved to somewhere else, I'll probably move him though. Thanks for the honest feedback!

Edited by Juka

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New version up. Submission deadline approaches, so this is most likely the final version unless I need to tweak something real quick. Shout out to @HAK3180 for recording a review! You can check it on his thread here:

Thanks to everyone so far for the feedback!

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