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If each doom monster was given a doom map editor what would they make?

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What kind, style, good or bad, etc.


My take is

The archvile is that one asshole who crams as many archviles in one room as possible.

The cacodemon would be more creative with his maps, puts a lot of effort in it.

The cyberdemon makes joke wads and slaughter maps

*idk what else to say*


Again, go wild.


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The Imp would make a wacky cave map with music in "The Goblin Dance" by Sam Westphalen as the midi

The Cacodemon would make fun gimmicky maps with heavy use of the fireblu texture

The Pain Elemental would make a slaughter map were the only enemy are lost souls, his lost souls

The Baron of Hell would make a towering hell castle on ash island in the middle of a devious deep sea filled with blood of the slaughtered innocent, a castle filled with imagery of pentagrams and upside down crosses and candles and skulls and 80s metal midi, pretty classic satanic hell tropes

The Archvile would make a endless cursed library that is also a hunted-like maze with a lot of sinister traps





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  On 8/28/2020 at 2:14 AM, Mystic 256 said:

The Pain Elemental would make a slaughter map were the only enemy are lost souls, his lost souls


this actually a cool idea : a long level, that takes some 10/20 minutes to cross and at the end a single pain elemental that has spent the time making lost soul babies to greet you in the final room. Also, you only have a pistol. 

(maybe put a shootable switch on the first room, connected to the last by a sound channel to "wake" him up?)

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  On 8/28/2020 at 10:08 AM, kalaeth said:

(maybe put a shootable switch on the first room, connected to the last by a sound channel to "wake" him up?)


That won't be enough, you also have to make sure the pain elemental can see you throughout the map so he actually decides to "attack" and thus create souls.

A constant, unavoidable swarm of lost souls might be a neat concept to try though, even if it requires non-vanilla behavior :)

As for the topic at hand, I'm imagining the pinkie demon to be the kind of person to come into mapping with an ambitious and exciting idea, only to lose motivation and never finish/release their map(s).

The spectre does the same, but without telling anyone about it.

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The chaingunner would make a huge room where Our Hero spawned in the middle. There would be remnants of other Doomguys placed around the starting point. When Doomguy walks a few steps, there would be 25 monster closets opening at the same time, filled with 5 Chaingunners each. There is nowhere to hide and there are no health kits. If the Doomguy somehow managed to kill them all, that would trigger a new monster closet with 5 archies to resurrect them all.

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  On 8/28/2020 at 10:08 AM, kalaeth said:

this actually a cool idea : a long level, that takes some 10/20 minutes to cross and at the end a single pain elemental that has spent the time making lost soul babies to greet you in the final room. Also, you only have a pistol. 

(maybe put a shootable switch on the first room, connected to the last by a sound channel to "wake" him up?)



You'll need a new word for this loathsome misery though, Skullspam will not suffice.


Perhaps some variation of Bullet Hell? That's pretty much what a map like this would turn Doom into. Hmm no, it needs to be weighty to signify just how cruel it truly is. You could be especially devious and give the map a nice cute name. Disarm the player before they even enter.


We need a hot start room as well, packed wall-to-wall with skulls so you can't even run for the door.


And if you do survive to reach that door? Pray to whatever God you hold dear, for that is where the Pain Elemental spam lies in wait, and they have not been idle while you were trying to survive the room of skulls. Just to add to the frustration all Lost Souls have they hitpoints increased to 200 and you can forget about the LS limit saving you. Completely removed.


This is my vision of Hell.


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Archvile would make maps where you need abuse archvile fire jumps and stay alive. 
Cyberdemon would make pixel perfect tight platforming where each mistake is punished severely by eating rockets or falling down without any way to get up with highest damaging floor value. 

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The lost soul would draw one line starting at 0,0 and quickly heading off into infinity, screaming all the way.

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Good ol’ Fatso would just build a house with a toilet as a chair, a tv and conveyer belt leading to his kitchen table.


 On the conveyer belt are all the corpses DooM guy creates, that way he can pig out for all eternity without ever having to move :-P

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Lost soul makes wow.wad

Imp makes a room that's just an obnoxiously long crusher corridor

Demon makes a room that's just a tiny square, also a crusher, without an exit

Spectre takes the demon's level and makes the floor damaging as well

Hell knight makes a recreation of a gladiator arena, where you have to fight one baron

Baron makes an invasion map where you have to stop cacodemons from getting into your tower

Cacodemon makes a platforming maze

Pain elemental makes a platforming maze that requires things such as SR-50 along 1-unit-wide curved catwalks and perfectly timed arch-vile jumps

Revenant makes a big maze with 0 brightness

Mancubus ate the computer instead of making a map

Arachnotron made an artsy map with floors and ceilings moving rhythmically, controlled by the instructions of 2048 voodooveyors.

Cyberdemon makes a grueling slaughtermap but the exit is a trap and instead locks you into a crusher

Spiderdemon makes a map so large, complex, and detailed that it crashes the editor, and refocuses on creating a better editor instead. Better for spiderdemons, at least.

The zombies made myhouse.wad maps, but they forgot to put player 1 starts.

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Pinkies would be a map involving racing meant to be played with -fast.  The music would be midi renditions of eurobeat.


The zombies would make an open map with them all on a ledge looking down at doomguy...with no cover...and no partial invisibility...and it would be mostly shotgunners and chaingunners.  Called Doomguy in a Barrel.

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Spider Mastermind would mod the shit out of the wad, add new skyboxes, custom music, slopes, 3D floors paint his own textures and sprites, add new decorate lumps, put custom monsters and weapons, and make a 32-100 level megawad in their own special sourceport with captivating, beautiful, epic landscapes with insane detail and gameplay.

Edited by Samuel Slayer
adding stuff

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  On 8/28/2020 at 2:14 AM, Mystic 256 said:

The Archvile would make a endless cursed library that is also a hunted-like maze with a lot of sinister traps







This literally reminded me of one of my brother's maps for test wad (just maps he makes for the heck of it lol). The second map was called "The Endless Library" and boy was it endless.... it's freakin' huge. And yeah, I recall some sinister traps in there. 

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Imps would make a one or two room map consisting of nothing but squares, there's only a single cyberdemon, and the entire map is just STARTAN textured, including the exit switch.


Cacodemons would be the type to unironically love FIREBLU to the point of using it in every single map of a megawad.


Archviles are just the assholes who make nothing but Terry wads.


Arachnotrons create maps exclusively styled after Sandy Peterson's maps in Doom 2.


Former humans wouldn't be able to even make a map. They'd be using the first Doom Builder, not load any resources, and struggle to create a single sector.


Spectre maps are dark, consisting of mostly 80 or less brightness, and never anything above 128.


Chaingunners would create extravagant slaughter maps with a monster count above 5k or so.


And then there's the Wolfenstein SS, who specializes in completely flat maps that are bland mazes filled with stealth enemies and a maximum of four textures.

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zombieman would make really bad maps like with doors that dont work plus would be easy or it would have a 1000 archviles 

Edited by AWP_LONERT

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Little known fact is that Dario and Milo Casali are actually a Chaingunner and a Revenant respectively IRL, so we already know beyond a doubt what types of maps those two would make..

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