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RAVEN MIDI Pack II - Breathing Life Into "Deathkings"

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I know it's sad to hear after a month of no news, but I feel like I've been unable to really get going on making my midi for ice hold. Either it's writer's block or it's me feeling like what I'm making is too derivative, or something else.

I'm pulling out my claim for the map, I'm sure the slot will be filled faster than never if someone else gets the chance to make something for it!


Will still probably be following the project and giving feedback though.


Shucks! No worries, @Alper002. Lemme know if anything changes - always happy to have you on board. :)

Edited by Jimmy

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  • 1 month later...

Is this still going Jimmy?

Getting this might make me play Deathkings all the way through for once, lol.

Edited by eharper256

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  • 4 weeks later...

Added Bloo to the OP.


This project isn't dead. I really do have my fingers in an unhealthy number of pies these days. :_)


I know it's a long shot to ask if anyone who claimed a slot has made any massive progress while I've not really been keeping a vigilant eye on the thread, but I'm wondering if there are at least WIP works that can be shared? Should kick some interest back up.

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9 hours ago, Bloo said:

Let me know what you guys think.

I don't feel it gels with Hexen's style all that much. It's very much it's own thing, which doesn't really try sounding as dissonant or evil as the tracks in the original soundtrack.

Part of me wants to say that it doesn't feel like it has anything to do with the map, but that might just be because it's a bit too calm for a map with wendigoes, death traps, and occasional earthquakes.


Otherwise it is a pretty neat midi though!

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On 6/10/2021 at 2:47 AM, Alper002 said:

I don't feel it gels with Hexen's style all that much. It's very much it's own thing, which doesn't really try sounding as dissonant or evil as the tracks in the original soundtrack.

Part of me wants to say that it doesn't feel like it has anything to do with the map, but that might just be because it's a bit too calm for a map with wendigoes, death traps, and occasional earthquakes.


Otherwise it is a pretty neat midi though!

After some thought and consideration, I do actually agree with you on this. I will be making a new one over the course of the next couple days.

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12 hours ago, Bloo said:

I think this song works much better for the map.

It does! It's also a step in the right direction towards the goal of mimicking Hexen's soundtrack!


While it is closer, there's still a few things that make it fit less than it could. For example, a lot of bits feel like they repeat themselves a bit more than they should. Particularly the choir seems like it's just doing the same thing for most of the runtime. It would in my opinion be well off with more variation as well as more bits where it's not present. The first four bars of drums also don't make a whole lot of sense.

Still, the midi is good. It just needs some changes to become even better!


I also realized this video with Kevin Schilder hasn't been linked on the thread yet, but it probably should be. I think it provides useful insight for mimicking the style.

(Edit: Nevermind, I was just horribly unobservant)


Also, Jimmy, the list in the OP doesn't say so, but I consider my midi for Transit complete.

Edited by Alper002

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On 6/8/2021 at 5:13 PM, Jimmy said:

Added Bloo to the OP.


This project isn't dead. I really do have my fingers in an unhealthy number of pies these days. :_)


I know it's a long shot to ask if anyone who claimed a slot has made any massive progress while I've not really been keeping a vigilant eye on the thread, but I'm wondering if there are at least WIP works that can be shared? Should kick some interest back up.

I'll be straight honest, I got stuck with my midi to the point I had zero ideas to move forward. And to help things out, in the meantime I joined another couple of projects which drained my attention. Good news is that I'm done with everything so I can get back with my midi here, maybe this time I'll be able to come up with something that will spark the definitive progress I really need.

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On 6/15/2021 at 9:48 PM, Bloo said:

Trial by Ice.zip


I think this song works much better for the map.


Yeah this is shaping up nicely! Definitely sounds Hexen-y, but I think a couple of instrument choices are missing the mark slightly and it's overall a little overbearingly "heavy" for a Kevin Schilder-style track.


I would suggest:

  • Having some high-pitched note on Warm Pad or Bowed Glass or something to sell the "chilly" feel for the map. Everything is way down low right now and it'd be good to have some voices happening in a different register.
  • Making the timpani a little less intense in places. Schilder tends to not use it as a "lead" instrument, he leaves plenty of space for the melodic material in the rest of the song to breathe.
  • Replacing the sci-fi lead with strings, or harp, or some other less intense instrument.
  • Some more percussion like shakers, claves, or cymbals would really help this track along.


Edited by Jimmy

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On 6/22/2021 at 6:52 AM, Jimmy said:


Yeah this is shaping up nicely! Definitely sounds Hexen-y, but I think a couple of instrument choices are missing the mark slightly and it's overall a little overbearingly "heavy" for a Kevin Schilder-style track.


I would suggest:

  • Having some high-pitched note on Warm Pad or Bowed Glass or something to sell the "chilly" feel for the map. Everything is way down low right now and it'd be good to have some voices happening in a different 
  • Making the timpani a little less intense in places. Schilder tends to not use it as a "lead" instrument, he leaves plenty of space for the melodic material in the rest of the song to breathe.
  • Replacing the sci-fi lead with strings, or harp, or some other less intense instrument.
  • Some more percussion like shakers, claves, or cymbals would really help this track along.


all right I'm still working on it. I wanted to make it longer as well (since it is a longer map) and I will also be taking some of the advice you've mentioned here and try to complete it as soon as I can. I've been really having a hard time with writer's block lately.

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Alright--I've got stuff to show!

  • Nave (Hub3): "A Sinister Sanctuary" (3:44)
  • Dark Watch: "Under Dark Watch" (2:56)
  • Dark Citadel: "Reckoning of the Dark Citadel" (4:56)

Also in the file are three tracks I'd like to offer for the bonus pile:

  • "From the Ranks of Corruption" (3:20)
    • Made from a cut section of "Under Dark Watch." 
  • "Three Heroes Emerge" (2:20)
    • A "Hero theme" made from a cut section of "A Sinister Sanctuary."
  • "To Heal a Poisoned Land" (4:40)
    • An idea I had for the opening "Ruined Village" map.



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  • 1 month later...

I loved that Raven MIDI pack 1 inspired by Heretic and I've been curious what will come of this set. Has there been any progress here? I haven't seen any updates in a while. I wish I had a composition to offer, but for now I do not.

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Progress has been slow. Jimmy has been busy with other stuff and since the thread isn't active anymore we all have kinda forgot about it. my track is almost one year old at this point and I haven't touched it since, even though I should now. Hope this project will get back on its feet :D

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello Doomers, I'm sorry that this project is on hiatus, considering the Raven Midi Pack was completed in a few short months. Hope it gets finished soon. :)

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i haven't forgotten about my second claimed slot in this project, i've just had other things taking priority with my music, which pushed my slot here into the sidelines. rest assured, i will finish my second slot this year once the other things clears up. 

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My midi is about 80% done, I just need to dedicate an evening or two to finishing it, which will probably happen in the next couple of weeks.


EDIT: Welp, due to war in my country it'll have to wait. Oops!

Edited by Mikolah

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  • 1 month later...
On 2/20/2022 at 7:44 AM, Mikolah said:

My midi is about 80% done, I just need to dedicate an evening or two to finishing it, which will probably happen in the next couple of weeks.


EDIT: Welp, due to war in my country it'll have to wait. Oops!

Wait what?

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3 hours ago, Steve the Destroyer said:

Wait what?

I'm Ukrainian, I fled to a safe place in west Ukraine but I don't currently have a computer to compose on. 

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5 hours ago, Mikolah said:

I'm Ukrainian, I fled to a safe place in west Ukraine but I don't currently have a computer to compose on. 

Stay safe, neighbour.

Hopefully we aren't next.

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