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John and Brenda Romero interview on Retrospillmessa


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John and Brenda Romero are giving an interview / appearance on the online event Retrospillmessa (Retro gaming con). The appearance will be at 12:00 CEST (Central European Speedrunning Time) on 30.08.2020.

The program says: "Spelledåsene prater med Brenda og John Romero" which literally translates into "The music boxes talk to Brenda and John Romero". The name is actually spelled in a eastern-norwegian slang manner and is a play on words, so it's pretty much untranslatable. Meaning wise it's more like "The player gurls talk to B and J." A 'music box' is literally translated into 'playing box'. Dåse literally means box, and actually refers to the vagina. Spelledåsene means roughly the playing women, but with an edgier word than women. Dåse is however not a swear word.

The text about them from the website:

På søndag 30. august får vi besøk av to vaskeekte legender på streamen vår! Brenda og John Romero stikker nemlig innom. 😻

Både Brenda og John har årevis med erfaring fra spillindustrien, han med Doom-, Wolfenstein 3D- og Quake-seriene, hun med Wizardry-serien. Nå lager de spill sammen i Romero Games!

Han har også tidligere jobbet for spillselskapet Sierra On-Line.

This roughly translates into:

Sunday 30.08 we will get a visit from two genuine legends on our stream. Brenda and John Romero are popping by. (smiley).
Both Brenda and John have years of experience from the gaming industry, him with the Doom-, Wolfensteind 3D- and Quake-games, she with the Wizardry-series. They're now making games together in Romero Games!
He has also formerly worked for the gaming company Sierra On-Line.

The program for the event can be found at: https://www.retrospillmessen.no/program/

Check out the web site for more details about the event. If you want anything translated, just post about it in the thread.

Direct link to the youtube stream:


Edited by zokum

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There seems to be some sort of routing problem with the ISP they use. I got similar issues with Altibox. Some connections stay up just fine, while others go down. No ETA on a fix.

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I read it all with a extreme Norwegian accent. 


(I'm a swede so Norwegian is fully readable to me)


Great to see The Romero in Nordic cons. 



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As far as I can tell, the whole thing just fizzled out due to the massive routing problems. I believe the Century Link problems were the root cause of all the issues experienced: https://tech.slashdot.org/story/20/08/30/1634240/major-internet-outage-dozens-of-sites-are-down

The whole thing lasted about 10 seconds or so. I think this is why the stream has been made private.

Edited by zokum

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this seemed interesting. Maybe they'll reschedule. Maybe he would have revealed a new WAD he was working on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fixed a spelling error in the original post and added an explanation of what spelledåse actually means. I had a hunch that they did mean it in a slightly edgy way, but I had to see the stream before I felt comfortable about commenting on it. I couldn't really translate it into "gamer cunts" although that is pretty much what they call themselves :)

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