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A handful of bullets and low on gas...


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Since we know there are chainsaw zombies (or possessed humans)we know there'll be dropped chainsaws to pick up. So does this mean that chainsaws will have a fuel guage now and you'll have to either find fuel or another chainsaw when you run low? As opposed to infinite use of the chainsaw.

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Perhaps, unlike Doom I think Doom3 will include many unique or semiunique monsters and I guess the chainsaw swinging zombie will be one of those rare treats.

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I don't think it'll be particularly fun to have limits on how much you can use the chainsaw, but that's just me.

Btw, did you consider that the Doom 3 chainsaw could be electric?

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Gas or electric, either way it can't last forever unless id says so.

it's the future. They'd have self efficent chainsaws that run off air, the chainsaw would malfunction in non-air areas- That'd be cool.

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Would you like to use a gas powered chainsaw in an enclosed air tight environment? It will be an electric that sound like gas powered one.

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Katarhyne said:

Kills a what? An AndrewB? (we could only hope)

Heh, well, I like to bug AndrewB on ICQ so, don't kill him just yet ;)

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AndrewB said:

Every time a game developer sacrifices a piece of fun for meaningless "realism," God kills a ___________.

The term you're searching for is "masturbator".

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ravage said:

AndrewB: How old are you? Is your mom constanly watching over your back? :P


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If that word is masturbator then everyone on this forum would die... wait... uh... said my friend.

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I am going to do a run through the game using only the chain saw....oh yes, it will be violent. Do you think that when you hit the monsters that arms should fall off, etc? Would be cool.

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That's a good idea, yeah. I'm sure they already have a damage system worked in already. Though I wonder if it'll be like Quake 2's or have appendage removal like you said.

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Alientank said:

I am going to do a run through the game using only the chain saw....oh yes, it will be violent. Do you think that when you hit the monsters that arms should fall off, etc? Would be cool.

It is already known that there will be no dismamberment in Doom 3, so that won't happen.

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