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Extremely Hot Take About Classic Doom


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I just got recommended this video about video game hot takes, and one of them is about classic Doom, and OH BOY, is it something... Just watch it, it begins at 17:10, and it needs to be heard to be believed... Just... Why...


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I'm not watching it. he disrespected me in the thumbnail, he's going to bully me in the video. How dare he. 

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I don't need to watch it, the quotes alone are enough to pass judgement.


Halo is Misogynistic? and Zelda is sexist, racist etc? But the real gem is "Doom has always been garbage". I actually chuckled at that, clearly his intellect is extremely troubled and struggling to understand the world around him.


On a serious note I think he's just fishing for hits. He probably doesn't even buy into it himself, he's using loaded words and controversy to raise his profile.


If he does believe it then I pity him for being cursed with such monolithic ignorance.

Edited by Final Verdict

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oh my god. I tried watching it, but had to stop with the migraine this guys voice was giving me. He sounds like one of those guys that never went through puberty that puts on a deep voice to sound cool. 

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  On 8/31/2020 at 4:30 PM, stewboy said:

For those who said they didn't watch it or didn't need to watch it, keep in mind the quotes aren't coming from the guy in the thumbnail, he's quoting other people and then reacting to them.


The guy reacting to the hot takes, ActMan, has actually made a couple popular Doom videos before, he might be familiar to some of you.

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I remember listening to some nobody diss other people for what they enjoyed and thinking "Oh, so this is what having a tiny baby penis feels like."

Edited by Dark Pulse

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  On 8/31/2020 at 4:30 PM, stewboy said:

For those who said they didn't watch it or didn't need to watch it, keep in mind the quotes aren't coming from the guy in the thumbnail, he's quoting other people and then reacting to them.



A fair point, I watched it and you are correct. The man himself is just having a laugh.


I stand by my comments about the idiots who said those things in the quotes/video though. Especially in regards to the "Doom/fps expert" who really is having trouble making sense of everything. 


Some of it is probably trolling or just trying to get a reaction from people, but I find it hilarious because some of them are serious and actually believe it. I suppose that's what makes the world an interesting place. I still think such people are delusional though.


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  On 8/31/2020 at 4:13 PM, LiT_gam3r said:

oh my god. I tried watching it, but had to stop with the migraine this guys voice was giving me. He sounds like one of those guys that never went through puberty that puts on a deep voice to sound cool. 


That's what a real man sounds like, kiddo.


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  On 8/31/2020 at 4:37 PM, DSC said:

The guy reacting to the hot takes, ActMan, has actually made a couple popular Doom videos before, he might be familiar to some of you.


The Act Man actually has some really good and deep analysis videos. I think people just read the thumbnail and got triggered in a microsecond without even watching it...

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When will people learn not to give attention to purposefully stupid, outrageous, and sensationalist bullshit on the internet?

There's a difference between having a hot take and saying dumb contrarian shit for attention, particularly from annoying, smug "reaction" Youtubers like this dude.

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  On 8/31/2020 at 5:29 PM, TheMightyHeracross said:

There's a difference between having a hot take and saying dumb contrarian shit for attention, particularly from annoying, smug "reaction" Youtubers like this dude.


What you mean by that? The guy reacting isn't the one saying the dumb nonsensical crap.

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  On 8/31/2020 at 5:34 PM, TheMightyHeracross said:

He's the one feeding the obvious trolls and getting 360k views off of it.


Thing is, most of the examples in his video probably aren't trolls, or at least there is no way to know...

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I watched the part at the 17:10 mark.... oh boy.... it almost made me want to burst laughing at the "this must be what it feels like to be a loser" part and I'm like... who the hell plays freakin' DOOMGUY and feels like a loser? If you feel like a loser playing a man that carries a BFG and can outrun his own rockets, I---I don't even have a witty comeback for that, something is just wrong lol.


I feel bad for this guy who discovered and compiled these comments existence, must have done a number on his brain cells. Actually, he probably made this compilation because it is pretty amusing. I watched a few more of the dumb comments afterward and was like.... do I really want to risk killing my brain cells for a few laughs? lol. The things people say, and the audacity to post it on the internet where it could come back to bite you one day haha. 

Edited by Kokoro Hane

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Finally watching through the whole video for more context, and so the hot take that guy found is from a channel that may possibly be a trolling channel (at least, I hope it is, it's from a channel that says every video game sucks basically lol). 


Also I can't believe I didn't realize this, but the guy who compiled all those nonsense hot takes made the War Against Video Games video (I totally recommend that video lol). That video talks about all the crap gaming has had to endure over the years xD

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  On 8/31/2020 at 10:44 PM, Kokoro Hane said:

Finally watching through the whole video for more context, and so the hot take that guy found is from a channel that may possibly be a trolling channel (at least, I hope it is, it's from a channel that says every video game sucks basically lol). 


Yea, YoungDefiant is basically a Troller.

He just stupidly Fuck around things, And dosen't know that he's making "Good" Hate Content.

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XX century biggest problem was the incapacity to cope with the extremely offensive and alien world we are surrounded, full of laws that we don't know and penalties far extreme that the law we broke. Not only porper law, but social law, too. (Kafka)

XXI century problem is the extreme polarizing and somewhat fanatical nature of the individual and differents viewpoints, making it impossible to have a normal conversation with anybody. Right or wrong are not facts or consensus anymore. Viewpoints are subjetive and just try to disqualify something they don't like, no matter if something is good for others, if the viewpointer don't like it, is wrong and the others are a stupid for not thinking that way. This working the other way around, too. Of the viewpointer likes something that is bad, the others are wrong for not thinking that way, too.
In summary, ''fascism thinking''. (Me)

Edited by P41R47

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Can I get 300k views if I take all the dumb shit I've ever read on Doom forums and react to it??? With YouTube's current ad rates 300k views earns you like 20 whole bucks, that's a free pizza delivered, buddy - sign me up!!!


FWIW I'm sure the guy talking at 17:10 is trolling. On the off chance that he isn't, he's just trying to make himself feel superior by saying "all people who like thing I don't like are dumb loser baby virgns hehahahohihoh". Either way it's a statement that deserves about a nanosecond of pity, then to never be considered or thought about again.

Edited by Doomkid

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  On 9/1/2020 at 2:00 AM, Doomkid said:

Can I get 300k views if I take all the dumb shit I've ever read on Doom forums and react to it?



Is it bad that I unironically want to see you do this, mate? I love watching your videos in general, so perhaps I'm biased. :P

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Judging by the thumbnail this is the type of person who creates bad/controversial content intentionally and insincerely to get views. No reason to give them what they want.

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Some people just want to be contrary because they think it makes them cool and unique. Reacting to them is just giving them what they want. I've learned to just roll my eyes at stuff like this and move on.


I have some pretty unpopular opinions on things myself, we all do, but what I don't get is why so many people take joy out of weaponizing their opinions in attempt to make others miserable. That said people shouldn't take opinions they don't agree with that personally. If people would just know what they like and don't like and not be so insecure about it everybody would be much happier.

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  On 9/1/2020 at 2:00 AM, Doomkid said:

Can I get 300k views if I take all the dumb shit I've ever read on Doom forums and react to it??? With YouTube's current ad rates 300k views earns you like 20 whole bucks, that's a free pizza delivered, buddy - sign me up!!!


Not where I live. That's more like $25-30.


But it's a DAMN good pizza for that price.



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Hot take: this type of content has a right to exist and people far too often substitute their personalities/identities with the media they enjoy, which leads to perceiving any criticism/opinion, no matter how controversial, as a personal attack.

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  On 9/1/2020 at 8:32 AM, gotsu said:

Hot take: this type of content has a right to exist and people far too often substitute their personalities/identities with the media they enjoy, which leads to perceiving any criticism/opinion, no matter how controversial, as a personal attack.



Cold take: "Lowest of the low", "Loser" and "Low-level thinker" (???) are, in fact, personal attacks :3

Edited by xdarkmasterx

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