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[Help] Newbie here. How to check precise time of a demo?

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Decided to tryout speedrunning Doom, haven't played it since chilhood so I'm new to all this. 


I'm using PrBoom+ and I'm confused about how to display demo timer. I turned both Level timer and Demo timer options On but only the Level timer works in the special hud. But while watching a demo the timer is nowhere to be found. I can only see the white progress bar at the bottom.


I also tried the XDRE tools to see if I can see the time there but when I open it, it only ever shows me the first frame/input. There is the whole list of the inputs from the demo but when I click/scroll through the list nothing happens. I still see the first input and a time of 0.03.


Before I was using CrispyDoom and I remember it had a nice timer but I didn't like that you couldn't change resolution and framerate.


The only map I've been recording is The Chasm. My best time so far is 38sec. Now I would really like to compare my demos to help me improve.



Thanks for any reply


EDIT: Ok so it was really a stupid mistake on my part. PrBoom comes with 2 .exe, prboom and glboom. When I first tried to watch a demo I must have chosen glboom.exe and forgotten about it. Then I went on using prboom.exe for playing. I set all my settings there, the timer among others. But then when I opened a demo it was still opening in the unconfigured glboom.exe my windows remembered. Took me a while to realize cause both of these .exe have the same icon....

Edited by RoadrunnerKZSK

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It’s really silly that they don’t share configuration, totally understandable that it had you confused - it’s not intuitive!

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