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Can doom 2016 on the console or switch have mod

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No, modding of the new Doom games i.e. Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal is not possible on Switch, PlayStation 4 or Xbox One.

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Nintendo and Sony hate user-created content because they're total control freaks and they hate the idea of people using their consoles for things that have not been granted the corporate seal of approval.


So unless you have the technical know-how to jailbreak the console and then figure out how to port mods and make them work, then no.

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38 minutes ago, Gez said:

Nintendo and Sony hate user-created content because they're total control freaks and they hate the idea of people using their consoles for things that have not been granted the corporate seal of approval.

I'm not sure if that's true for Nintendo. I haven't heard of many restrictions regarding that (I.e. I'd understand it's the same as Microsoft in regards to make it secure and moderated). If anything is going to be a problem, it may well just be the 3.5 GB of RAM. 


Though that's if we are talking in scope of provided tools like snapmap. The videos the OP posted are physical modification of assets, and given game data on all 3 consoles is signed, I'm not saying it's impossible (unless you are talking about Xbox One which is still uncracked to this day), but you might be better off doing something else with your time. 

Edited by Edward850

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