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DBP27: 10 Day Vacation

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Remind me of those Shadow Warrior beach maps.

6 minutes ago, Endless said:

Staaaph, I cant take this anymoreee.


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Plz dont. Keep it going, this is my cocaine.


Yoa not da lonely wan!

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This is definitely a spiritual relative to Ray Mohawk’s Manic Monday and I am absolutely loving the screenshots. I’m on the mobile presently but once I’m at my computer I’m definitely giving this a whirl, I might even record it. That’s niiice!!


Edit: So I just played through the first 5 maps, and cheated just to peruse the other 5. I had a blast with this and I'll be doing a proper no-cheats playthrough soon. It's more like you guys took the best elements of Vacav15.wad/Duke Caribbean, Ray, and those sweet beachy maps from UDM3 and UDMX and put them all into a blender of talented Doom mapping.


I spent about 10 minutes mucking around seeing if this could be minorly rearranged to run in any of the "vanilla-esque" or DOS exes like Doom2P or Doom32, but nah, no luck. It doesn't matter much, I'd just like to have included such a great piece in the Big Vanilla (and a little LR) Wad Pack. No big loss, there's always PrB, ZDoom family and other advanced ports! Most people aren't so addicted to those big crunchy pixels..


I don't know if you guys care too much about this very minor aesthetic point, but maybe adding line horizons (line action 337) would help out for ZDoom based ports in all of the ocean areas of each map:





I mean, they look fine as-is (the maps themselves are very visually appealing) but line horizons would be a cool little bit of polish that won't muck with PrBoom or older ports in any way, they just ignore the line action.


Also, and this is probably a strange point I admit, but the MIDI for the first map feels too depressing, almost. I love Californication and I think it's inclusion in the wad generally makes sense, but I just feel like such a cheery and "DoomCute" wad should start with a tune that has you tappin' your toes and snapping your fingers, rather than sounding so dreary, know what I mean? It's all up to you guys of course, just my 2 cents.


I also hope Ray gets some sort of passing easter egg mention in the textfile for such a gorgeous project. It's the least you guys could door for the poor fella, after all his entire long family line of identical cousins are just getting slaughtered wave after wave here.


I'm stunned at the speed you guys make these. I'd have to go overtime to even come close, there's a new "Doomkid episode" maybe once every year, yet you guys put these out every stinkin' month. I don't get it, but thankfully I don't have to. I just love 'em, so many of the DBPs so far have felt almost like personal treats made to suit so many aspects of my tastes perfectly. Alien Basterds, Cyb's Freaky Colonoscopy, The Christmassy DBPs, City of the Damned Children and now this.. Not to mention all the other great DBPs. Don't ever stop!!

Edited by Doomkid

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I can't believe it's not Vanilla-ish Doom! I haven't even played the DN3D vacation expansion.

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On 9/2/2020 at 3:24 AM, CBM said:

any wad that feature an imp in a hula skirt is an instant win LOL


And don't forget that awesome pink lei!

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I just started playing this! It's fantastic. Although I am having trouble advancing the first level as I can't seem to survive that battle cage lol. Do you just fight until you win? I should probably explore a bit more. 


Also speaking of the battle cage... I had a couple errors where when I went in them, no monsters were transporting. I deleted my settings .ini and then it worked again, so this could just be an isolated issue on my end lol. 

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Yep @Kokoro Hane, you have to prove your might in the ring with your fists first! Exploring the non-boxing ring area in the building will yield some goodies, though, so hunt around. (Actually, you can get to the ring with a chaingun and some ammo, which isn't very sporting--but neither is getting ganged up on!) Once you beat the baron in the ring you'll get a prize that will open up some options ;)


Let us know if you get a problem with monsters not teleporting again. I haven't seen this anywhere else yet, but you never know. I can't think of why deleting an .ini file would affect that one way or another, so I'm a little curious. What port are you playing on, FYI?

Edited by Big Ol Billy

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21 hours ago, Big Ol Billy said:

Yep @Kokoro Hane, you have to prove your might in the ring with your fists first! Exploring the non-boxing ring area in the building will yield some goodies, though, so hunt around. (Actually, you can get to the ring with a chaingun and some ammo, which isn't very sporting--but neither is getting ganged up on!) Once you beat the baron in the ring you'll get a prize that will open up some options ;)


Let us know if you get a problem with monsters not teleporting again. I haven't seen this anywhere else yet, but you never know. I can't think of why deleting an .ini file would affect that one way or another, so I'm a little curious. What port are you playing on, FYI?


Okay, cool! Thanks for the response! 


I was using LZDoom.

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Okay.... so the error of the monsters not teleporting into the ring has been happening again, causing me not to advance. I am very suspicious that perhaps this wad does not like LZDoom. I was using version 3.85. I downloaded 3.86a and it didn't help anyway, so unfortunately it may be awhile before I can finish this wad since GZDoom slogs my computer (and newer versions just straight up don't work lol). 

Edited by Kokoro Hane

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Thanks for the report, we’ll look into it! Sorry for the issue. FYI the set should be playable with PrB+ (-cl 2), EE (-vanilla), and Crispy if you have any of those ports handy. The last proper map is a bit of a behemoth, so definitely stay away from GZ if you’re already having performance issues with it. Most likely if something is going wrong with LZ, though, there’s something that needs general fixing anyway.

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Noticed few bugs
-STFST12 has few black pixels on eyebrow
-Intermission screens doesn't appear properly

-Arachnotron and Mastermind walking sound seems to play less
-Baron plays shotgun sound while doing melee attack
-Explosvie barrel lacks dynlights entirely
-Map10 lacks music in ZDoom ports
Also I think it would be better if muzzleflash for pistol and chaingun would be look like a water(or change both guns into water ones)

Edited by D1m3

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RC3 is up! Changelog:

-ZDoom fixes and horizons
-Maps are connected with the corresponding vehicles
-Dehacked fixes and additions
-Blue pistol and chaingun muzzle flashes
-Fixed some stray red pixels on the recoloured numbers and letters
-MAP02 fixed
-Demos added

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Tried to load RC3 and...
Script error, "dbp27_RC3.wad:ZMAPINFO" line 152:
Unexpected end of file in cluster definition

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I finished it what a great time


I really like that city map with the beach and stuff and all the details and cars





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