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Is this port biased to high resolutions?

Lila Feuer

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640x480 looks blurry, it seems like I need to set it to 4:3 and at minimum 800x600 for it to not look too blurry, but it's clearly not pixel perfect / preserving the sharpness.

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@Lila Feuer Yeah it doesn't automatically seem to preserve sharpness. To fix that (assuming you are using win 8/10), left click on the eternity.exe and go to properties. Then go to "compatibility" and click on "change high DPI settings". Then check "Override high DPI scaling behaviour. Scaling performed by : Application"

Edited by ReaperAA

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I don't know if this will help, but I've had to do this for various games, and it doesn't seem to take effect in Windows 10 unless I use "Change settings for all users" and then change high DPI settings. For some reason, it doesn't seem to save the changes unless I do this.




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I can always try again since I have Eternity on-hand, but I'm currently playing with Woof! and it actually uses integer scaling, with 320x200 no less which is amazing to see outside of DOSBox.

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EE doesn't really do any manual. It's something I keep intending to do. I wanted to make sure it was done right and allow arbitrary scaling but at this stage I'm considering just allowing integer scaling initially and do arbitrary later. Anyway the scaling is just all done by SDL for fullscreen desktop, and I mean for fullscreen it's exclusive fullscreen so it's actively setting your monitor resolution. No windowed scaling.

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Someone just showed me this free program that applies integer scaling for you! Go to Steam and download the Lossless Scaling demo. Launch the program, run Doom in windowed mode at your desired resolution, i.e. 320x240, and then press Ctrl+Alt+S, and presto!

Sadly the Eternity engine itself does not seem to render low resolutions properly. Doom Guy has some serious bags under his eyes. Also look at the ammo numbers in the bottom right. Hopefully this gets fixed in the next release, as this engine has a LOT of potential. I don't understand the need to create ports with UMAPINFO when this already has EMAPINFO. I'm not trying to start a flame war, I'm just a curious noob

Edited by RonnieColeman

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I don't use Steam for Doom anymore.

And yeah, stretched/skewed HUD elements bother me about as much as blurry distances so that'll be a no. Thanks anyway.

I do love this source port, I just wish audio playback wasn't tied to music no matter what I do. I downloaded the SVN and dropped the midiproc in, and it still doesn't work. Shame, cause the SVN currently has that sick alt HUD.

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320x240 and 640x480 will always look oddly scaled, because the HUD and other fullscreen graphics are 320x200, not 320x240. At higher resolutions, the necessary vertical stretching can be done without noticeable artifacting, but at low resolutions it's going to look unavoidably weird.


If there isn't one already, it'd be nice to have a screen-scaling option in Eternity so you could render at 320x200 and scale it up to something larger with the corrected aspect ratio.

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On 10/18/2020 at 3:29 AM, esselfortium said:

If there isn't one already, it'd be nice to have a screen-scaling option in Eternity so you could render at 320x200 and scale it up to something larger with the corrected aspect ratio.

I did it.

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