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How do I open a wad on glboom+?


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I can confirm very much it does work, so there's likely something specific in what you are doing. 

What wad are you trying to load? 

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The ultimate doom is an IWAD, not a PWAD, you only need to copy the Doom.wad to your prboom directory from your Steam or GOG install. You don't need to drag/drop it and in fact you can't, it'll pop up as a launch option (listed as doom registered). 

Edited by Edward850

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Pr- and glboom+ have typically required me to set the doom 1 iwad manually since it by default (at least for mine?) autoloads the doom 2 iwad. 


At this point it would be good to learn about parameters and how to use them, or look into a launcher. A short answer for your use case here would be to make a glboom+ shortcut, right click it, go to properties, and in the target field (after the file path) type a space and then -iwad doom.wad

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Yeah, the only ports that give me an option to select the proper iwad at startup are zdoom family ports, had no clue Pr/GLBoom+ had an iwad select option at launch, how do you enable that? It's really convenient.

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5 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Yeah, the only ports that give me an option to select the proper iwad at startup are zdoom family ports, had no clue Pr/GLBoom+ had an iwad select option at launch, how do you enable that? It's really convenient.

Enable? I've always had one pop up when not giving it any parameters. It gives me an IWAD and PWAD selection. I've never had to do anything to get it. 

Edited by Edward850

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You have to change the "Use In Game Launcher" to Smart or Always option for it to bring up a IWAD/PWAD selection menu on startup. It's under General > Miscellaneous in the options menu. At least that's what I had to do.

Edited by Townsend

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