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Rowdy Rudy II: POWERTRIP! Final Version RELEASED, now on idgames!

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Final version of my rowdy rudy map. I noticed that someobody added players 2-4  but I didnt bother adding any multplayer monsters. Could have been me: when I first opened this map i was under the impression that I removed / added/ changed certain stuff around ages ago. Which I didnt, go figure.




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In map 03, there was one occasion where I somehow missed the blue key but the platform lowers and doesn't raise again, at least not that I'm aware of. Making the switch repeatable or leaving the platform raised would fix the issue, but I was able to SR50 at the right angle and got the blue key anyway, which can bypass the switch entirely.


Also I'm obsessed with the fists. Something about the sound and the animation is very addictive.

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One more thing about Map 3. The red door can be opened with the blue keycard as well if you aim at the bars on the side of it. Look at linedefs 961 and 968. For some reason, they have action 26 instead of action 28 as intended.




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"Not a big deal" issues


Map 2 has an unused teleport destination. Not a big deal, but the combination of Tag 18, Sector 176, and the teleport destination (Thing 68) should be removed.




Map 5 features a linedef which action isn't attached to anything. Check linedef 721. I remember I reported this little issue, but it hasn't been fixed since then. Still, not a big deal.




Map 13: no teleport destinations are provided for Tag 12 which is supposed to be sector 315. For some reason a lost soul (thing 675) is placed there.

Not a big deal because there are some other teleporting linedefs in that closet. So the monsters will eventually teleport to the main area.




Map 15 has the same unused teleport destination as in Map 2. Sectors 608 and 609 with tags 30 and 31 have no attached teleports which would teleport anything to those spots.




Edited by Dimon12321

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How about the text file? There's some updates to do to the MIDI list:


On jeudi 3 septembre 2020 at 2:44 AM, Doomkid said:

Finally, here are the various MIDIs used in this mapset:

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Title - Inca Roads by Frank Zappa
Intermission - Intermission MIDI from Dwango20
Story - Jack the World by GWAR
01 - Covenant Dance from Halo
02 - Goin' Down the Fast Way from Rise of the Triad
03 - Nuts n' Bolts from Donkey Kong Country 3
04 - Map12 MIDI from DwangoX
05 - Hooligan Rhapsody from Beavis & Butthead
06 - The Awakening by Les Claypool
07 - Zombie Remix (D_COUNTD).mid by Viscra Maelstrom
08 - Record Skipping from Beavis & Butthead
09 - Fear Factory from Donkey Kong Country
10 - Venus Nickel-Iron Mine from Descent
11 - Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin
12 - Cacophony of Asian Donut Shops by AD_79
13 - Mysterious Forest from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
14 - Rumble in the Jungle by AD_79
15 - Upper Brinstar (The Jungle Floor) from Super Metroid
16 - When the Levee Breaks by Led Zeppelin
17 - The Graveyard from Heretic
18 - Deadly Town by Jimmy
19 - Death Wind from F-Zero
20 - Master of Puppets by Metallica
21/Victory screen - Legends of Rock from Beavis & Butthead
21/Bonus 1 - Accelerator by AD_79
22/Bonus 2 - (Unknown)

Intermission track is still unidentified; MAP04 track is identified as coming from Earthsiege, and as for MAP22 track:

On mardi 6 octobre 2020 at 6:10 PM, MikeyScoots said:

Noticed you put Unknown for map 22's music. Thats actually an exclusive midi I created for my level DK. I titled it Jungle Assault just like the level.

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@AinuTheTaken, the final version is almost out. Nevertheless, here is the one that used to be there: (deleted)

Edited by Dimon12321
A newer version has been updated. Deleted the link

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I've enjoyed wad very much till the second arena of map 10 Black Gold. There is a huge spike in difficulty on UV with a pistol start. I've finished previous maps with maximum 2-3 deaths, but I cannot pass this one even after hours of trying - I don't usually save in the middle of a fight. There is no place to cover and there is not enough armour or health. I'm not a fan of modern slaughter maps so I was very pleased that earlier maps were not very difficult and had great pacing. I wonder if the next maps are on similiar difficulty level as map 10 or Black Gold is an exception ? Otherwise I love that maps are connected and custom enemies are great. My favourite is a flame caco.

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@hari, Map 10 and beyond can be difficult at times, so saving is useful. The objective of Map 10 is about survival for a certain amount of time. If you get rid of Arch-Viles, nothing will be dangerous to you. The map doesn't feature any bullet-shooting enemies, so you can just run make laps until the exit barrier gets low.

I wouldn't call any map slaughter-like, even Map 20. However, some of them feature unexpected moments that you might be not ready for.  

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Up to map 10 on HMP so far.


Its like a mid 90s doom clone that's actually good.


Or the moment when you first find something like Aliens TC on a shovelware CD.


Pretty fuckin' good.

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The text file does not mention the soundtrack!


Also it'd be a good idea to have a copy of the text file (with completed info) as a WADINFO lump.

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Ugh, there's a text file called MIDINFO.TXT that I was supposed to include in the zip but didn't.. alphabetical sorting meant it wasn't right next to the other files so I missed it. It's for the best anyway, found yet another mistake as well, or more accurately Van Daemon did:

You are welcome and good job with Rowdy Rudy II. It works good for multiplayer so far except for map15 where there is a spot before getting the blue skullkey, if you die the path stays closed but we solved it with rocketjump 😛

@Aurelius, would you mind having a look at that for me? If I do, your map is liable to be wrecked by my damn nodebuilder. It should be a simple fix to make sure this softlock doesn't happen in cooperative.

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@Doomkid Ah yes, I entirely missed/forgot about that. I'll get right on it, though could you update the download link because neither of the last two here seem to work for me (they give me 404 Not found).

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Very sorry fellas - I done goofed. Here is the latest version, which just needs the minor Map15 update: (no)

Edited by Doomkid

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I don't think the credits paragraph needs to be included in the description.




Also, make sure to change the release date =)

Edited by Dimon12321
The main source has been fixed, so I removed my download link

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MIDINFO still not included!


May I suggest renaming it RUDY2MID.TXT if you do not want to fold it into the main text file?


Also still lobbying for info lumps so credits remain available even if the text files are misplaced.


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Don't worry, both of those are still to be added - this is the same old zip file, I just moved it and forgot to change the links accordingly. An updated version will be made taking all of that into account once the minor map15 issue is resolved.

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Beat this a couple days ago, this is easily one of if not THE greatest partial-conversion WAD I've ever played. The guns feel immaculate, especially that chain gun, mmmmh! I'll admit that pump-action super shotgun is probably gonna make me develop some real bad habits when playing regular Doom II, but that's just me being dumb. The difficulty is BRUTAL and the enemy counts and placement are just right that it doesn't feel cheap. A solid 9/10.


As for bugs, the only thing I found was a tuttifrutti effect on some stairs or something I believe, I can't remember exactly what map it was, but I know it was on one of the last 5 maps (maybe MAP17?). Also savegame overflows :/

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Thanks so much for getting these fixed done Aurelius, and I really appreciate the glowing review OpenRift. Hearing that it's fun makes all the effort worthwhile!

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