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Rowdy Rudy II: POWERTRIP! Final Version RELEASED, now on idgames!

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Finally! I have been keeping this for 2 weeks hoping that no changes would be made to Map 1. It was a bad practice for me to touch an unfinished WAD. I screwed up with Bond of Hatred already.


Edited by Dimon12321

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Whew! Thanks for seeing this through DK, awesome work. Out of curiosity, do you plan to release a standalone mod with these dehacked resources? I think it would be tons of fun to just load it up with various vanilla wads, or perhaps make a few new maps utilizing it :)

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Great TAS there Dimon, and great idea RJD! I'd be happy to release a "level, music and texture free" version for people to use with vanilla sets. I'll have it done within the next couple weeks unless someone else wants to, in which case have at it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I started playing through the WAD proper, and made it up to the first bonus map. Discovered a certain switch...





...doesn't work on prboom +, unless you're using complevel 11 (MBF). It has something to do with one of the ground triggers (so noclipping to the switch it will work fine) but I don't know enough about Boom mapping to tell why it happens.


This being the final release, you probably don't want to make another release to fix it, but it would be helpful to add a warning to the thread to let prboom users know what compat. level to use :)


BTW the new weapons are AWESOME, the gameplay is sooo fast now with the weapon switching and fast shotguns XD cheers


EDIT: It turns out the switch only doesn't work on complevel 2 (vanilla), my mistake :p Just letting anyone else know to change it on the secret levels if they were playing on that before.


Edited by xdarkmasterx

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4 minutes ago, Dimon12321 said:

@xdarkmasterx I tried it on complevels 9, 11 and 17. Everywhere it works properly. Check your options one more time!

You're right - I tried it on level 9 and default and it works now... That's weird.


I must have been playing on level 2 (cuz im a dumb purist >//>) and forgot to restart the level when I tried out the other ones... Never mind then :p

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Finally got my hands into this project. So much fun and so many surprises, from the weapons changes to the monsters used (loved the flamethrower marines). The weapon switch speed is great, probably the best thing involving gameplay, Im gonna miss it for real.

Kudos to all the mappers involved!


Edited by Soulless

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On 11/23/2020 at 11:19 PM, xdarkmasterx said:

BTW the new weapons are AWESOME, the gameplay is sooo fast now with the weapon switching and fast shotguns XD cheers

I'm really glad to hear you think that, darkmaster!


20 hours ago, Soulless said:

Finally got my hands into this project. So much fun and so many surprises, from the weapons changes to the monsters used (loved the flamethrower marines). The weapon switch speed is great, probably the best thing involving gameplay, Im gonna miss it for real.

Kudos to all the mappers involved!

Thanks so much for the excellent review, kind words like this are great inspiration to make more projects in the future.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Incredible job guys. I just finished playing this wad on co-op and I'm really impressed with how well you managed to use all of the custom monsters and weapons and make great levels with them. I thoroughly enjoyed most of the maps and I wish to see more projects like this in the future :)

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Yay Rudy 2 is on idgames now, was fun making a level for this lol. Congrats everyone on making it to the Cacowards :0

Edited by sluggard

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Congrats, Doomkid and team! To be honest I haven't played it yet (I watched Aurelius playthrough though), but now it's time to!

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Congratulations to everyone involved including Doomkid! This was a very fun project to work on and great to hear others enjoy it. Lots of great vanilla maps that I'll have to play though again soon.

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Congratulations on the cacoward! There are nowhere near enough Dehacked-based partial conversions out there, so such a high-quality production as this is a godsend. Keep on fighting the good fight, Doomkid!

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Congrats to the team. It was a well-deserved Cacoward.  The new weapons and enemies are genial.


Tbh this is the first megawad I had the patience to finish without abandoning midway or shoving Brutal Doom on it in a long time. There are so many megawads nowadays abusing artsy monochromatic color schemes, convulted sector detail, and slaughterfests. Despite the oldschool look, this one feels like a nice breath of fresh air.


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This WAD was ABSOLUTELY deserving of a cacoward. It is definitely one of if not my most favorite partial-conversion WAD. Hope to see many, many more good stuff in the future!

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Thanks you all so much for the kind words, what an awesome surprise! Everyone who worked on this is super talented, without them this never would have happened, so happy it all came together the way it did.

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13 minutes ago, MidnightMage said:

I laughed when my name was mentioned on the Cacoward page Rowdy Rudy poster as Volticon...


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Yeah, I'm pretty sure Steve just used the credits as they were listed in the textfile. (although I got him to change DFF because I remembered that name change from Interception).

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"Voltcom", not "Volticon"... Text file and credit pic agree on that. I blame the Vorticons for the mix-up:



Edited by Gez

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