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DOOM Unity port WAD Suggestion thread


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2 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

(I haven't given up hope on Bourgeois Megawad..! *crosses fingers*)

I hope it gets added someday man. I’ve been wanting to do some split screen dm once I get some more controllers for my PS4 and your set would be the best.

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5 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

Bourgeois Megawad

Too complex of a word for console players




I have yet to buy DOOM on my Switch, but it seems like it would be a great way to play... although I haven't even undocked my Switch since buying it...

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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15 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

(I haven't given up hope on Bourgeois Megawad..! *crosses fingers*)


Have you gotten in touch with Sponge.

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10 minutes ago, Teo Slayer said:

Let's add Plutonia 2 and TNT Revilution. Both are unofficial sequels to Plutonia and Evilution, but they rock

Problem with Revilution is that there are some sprites that'd have to be replaced, as they're derived from the Duke 3D turret sprites.

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2 hours ago, ReaperAA said:

Have you gotten in touch with Sponge.

I did message Sponge when the wad was first released, but it’s been quite a while. He told me it pretty much depends if he hears the wad being recommended or talked about.


I’ve gotten tons of comments from people saying they like it and want it, not just for the splitscreen DM but the SP and Co-op as well, but at the same time I don’t want to be annoying about it.. 

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56 minutes ago, Kurogachii said:

South Park doom anyone?

South Park, Simpsons, Aliens, Terminator, Batman, Wheel of Time, Ghostbusters, Evil Dead, Super Mario, Touhou, Barney the Dinosaur, and so on all have the same problem that they refer to the "intellectual property" of some other corporation not owned by id ZeniMax Microsoft, so it's simply not gonna be worth the licensing costs for a free add-on.

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3 hours ago, Doomkid said:

I did message Sponge when the wad was first released, but it’s been quite a while. He told me it pretty much depends if he hears the wad being recommended or talked about.


I’ve gotten tons of comments from people saying they like it and want it, not just for the splitscreen DM but the SP and Co-op as well, but at the same time I don’t want to be annoying about it.. 

we need DM wads in there too it is a huge part of doom that i think got lost with time hell im still mad at it not being on doom eternal because they "didnt want to chase trends" with makes no sense since doom created dm

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8 hours ago, Gez said:

Problem with Revilution is that there are some sprites that'd have to be replaced, as they're derived from the Duke 3D turret sprites.


Yep, plus the credits list is TOO long for poor sponge to deal with. Even with Kyka back, theres still no chance. I'll make an 'official' DMAPINFO lump for it someday, for unofficial support.

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10 hours ago, Doomkid said:

I did message Sponge when the wad was first released, but it’s been quite a while. He told me it pretty much depends if he hears the wad being recommended or talked about.

Soooo. . . What you’re saying is we should all go to the Unity Port thread and casually bring up how great it is?

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11 hours ago, Doomkid said:

it pretty much depends if he hears the wad being recommended or talked about.

I wouldn't be surprised if it does get added. I was looking through the Cacowards 2021 Mentionation Thread, and Bourgeois Megawad is mentioned several times throughout the thread. I've also seen it mentioned all around the forums. 


I also was aware that the creators of Project: Unity were looking for their wad to be added. Although, I haven't seen much mentioning of the WAD on the forums outside of that thread. 


Since the release of the WAD, I've been recommending all around the forums for Three is a Crowd to be added. seeing that it won a cacoward last year, I wouldn't be too surprised by this being added, either.

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3IAC would make me really happy. It's a great wad and Scypek most definitely deserves that recognition!


14 hours ago, omalefico32x said:

we need DM wads in there too it is a huge part of doom that i think got lost with time

Ah, totally agree. Like you said, Doom invented DM!

I'd never heard that bit about Doom Eternal lacking MP to avoid "chasing trends" but that's silly - Doom64's lackluster sales were pretty much strictly down to the lack of multiplayer. People's love of multiplayer isn't a trend at all either, it's been beloved for decades


6 hours ago, Faceman2000 said:

Soooo. . . What you’re saying is we should all go to the Unity Port thread and casually bring up how great it is?

"I can neither confirm nor deny this statement"

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1 hour ago, Doomkid said:

3IAC would make me really happy. It's a great wad and Scypek most definitely deserves that recognition!


Ah, totally agree. Like you said, Doom invented DM!

I'd never heard that bit about Doom Eternal lacking MP to avoid "chasing trends" but that's silly - Doom64's lackluster sales were pretty much strictly down to the lack of multiplayer. People's love of multiplayer isn't a trend at all either, it's been beloved for decades


"I can neither confirm nor deny this statement"

i wished i could play doom 64 mp on pc theres some ports of it to zdaemon and zandronum but it isnt the same thing

can you imagine if doom 64 was released on pc in the 90s with its source code? we would have thousands of mods for it

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4 minutes ago, omalefico32x said:

i wished i could play doom 64 mp on pc theres some ports of it to zdaemon and zandronum but it isnt the same thing

You can't play it on consoles either, or anything for that matter. Doom64 Multiplayer isn't a thing.

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5 minutes ago, Edward850 said:

You can't play it on consoles either, or anything for that matter. Doom64 Multiplayer isn't a thing.

never said it was a thing

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Doom 4 Vanilla. That’s a mod off the top of my head that I found to be insanely good. Made in deh and meshes really well w/ a lot of old school wads.

Edited by VoanHead

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Isn't one of the problems with Plutonia 2 that some of the relevant authors aren't reachable and can't be asked for consent?


Anyway, what about Doom Damnation?


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49 minutes ago, ChopBlock223 said:

Anyway, what about Doom Damnation?

Lol. I was searching up this WAD on the Doomwiki and instead of finding the vanilla mapset by Ofisil, I first found the Zandronum megawad released in 2013. 


after putting DOOM in front of it, I found the WAD.


That's a pretty cool mapset! great suggestion! especially since Ofisil is active and seems to be the only person who worked on the megawad. it's also gained a bit of attention, too. 

49 minutes ago, ChopBlock223 said:

Isn't one of the problems with Plutonia 2 that some of the relevant authors aren't reachable and can't be asked for consent?

that's the issue with all Final Doom sequels. there are a lot of uncontactable authors.


I feel like it would be important to quote Sponge from the Unity Port thread 

On 4/18/2021 at 7:53 PM, sponge said:

Heh in terms of "how the team looks at it" it's literally myself doing the curating. I don't know much of the community output past the really old stuff like Hell Revealed, so I've been looking at Cacowards, community suggestions, and talking to folks I know. I wouldn't read into the tea leaves of previous releases too much, I'm not really looking for episode replacements or similar themes to the original game or whatever, it's typically about what looks cool, doesn't have a huge author list/contactable authors, and what doesn't use a ton of Heretic/other game assets. Stuff like BTSX is great because the new palette gives it its own style, and REKKR is like a brand new Doom engine game (once DEH support became viable)


Frankly, most of the releases nowadays are far and away better than the original IWADs. D2ISO is cool too but I don't think the joke would make any sense outside of DW heh.


Also, earlier in the thread it was mentioned that WADs that get a lot of attention will be considered, and I just remembered that a few months ago Bourgeois Megawad was played by the DWmegawad Club, so I definitely think it's worthy of being added to the Unity Port. Also, a lot of WADs played by the DWmegawad club ended up being ported to the Unity port. I saw both BTSX episodes, Double Impact, NEIS, Deathless, and DOOM Zero. there are also 2 other WADs played by the Megawad club that I've been wishing for a Unity port. Three is a Crowd (which also got a cacoward) and Akeldema.


I also see DOOM 2: 25 years on Earth by Phobus on the DWmegawad list. it has (or had, it's been a bit inactive for a couple of months) a pretty popular thread with 82 likes on the original post (which doesn't happen to just any post on Doomworld) and it won a cacoward this year. it's a limit removing megawad with the only issue I see being that it has DECORATE and ZMAPINFO in it, though Phobus mentioned that you can turn both off. 

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28 minutes ago, Skronkidonk said:

Two letters



Alien vendetta baby.

Shit is amazing.

Alien Vendetta has a substantial number of authors, at least one of whom (Kim André Malde) died a few years back. It's not really practical for that to happen.

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39 minutes ago, Skronkidonk said:

Two letters



Alien vendetta baby.

Shit is amazing.

Unfortunately, for reasons similar to what Edward mentioned, most old legendary sets like Memento Mori, AV, Requiem, and many others simply can’t be added. Most authors from back then are no longer on the scene, several of them have passed, and on top of all that many legendary classics use copyright textures and songs out the wazoo.

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its not impossible to add wads of your choosing to the port at least. I've been adding DMAPINFO lumps to a lot of things myself in my Doom modding time. Have yet to test it though.

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4 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Unfortunately, for reasons similar to what Edward mentioned, most old legendary sets like Memento Mori, AV, Requiem, and many others simply can’t be added. Most authors from back then are no longer on the scene, several of them have passed, and on top of all that many legendary classics use copyright textures and songs out the wazoo.

thats the reason why i think we will never see scythe or scythe 2 unless erik elm comes back with i dont think will happen (he has probably moved on to other things and other hobbies)

so many great wads are trapped in this limbo of the authors not being around anymore at least if it has copyright material they can clean it up before releasing they did that with some of them

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On 9/4/2020 at 11:17 AM, Gothic said:

Revilution would be cool, but it uses stuff from other games (the turrets are from Duke Nukem, and I believe there are textures derivated from non-id games)


The Revilution texture pack used one flat from witchhaven, iirc. The remainder are either from the iwads Doom2 or tnt Evilution. We also used some textures from wads like MM or MM2. Others came from Doom based texture packs, or from various authors in texture threads, such as @Enjay or @Cage. The remainder were made by me.

Edited by Kyka

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On 7/31/2021 at 5:10 AM, ChopBlock223 said:

Isn't one of the problems with Plutonia 2 that some of the relevant authors aren't reachable and can't be asked for consent?


Anyway, what about Doom Damnation?



Don't give me hope

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5 hours ago, Edward850 said:

Alien Vendetta has a substantial number of authors, at least one of whom (Kim André Malde) died a few years back. It's not really practical for that to happen.


I just discovered Kim's passing reading this post. Genuinely saddened. One of the great mappers from Doom's early days, and from what I understand, one of the driving forces behind AV itself.


R.I.P. May he be in a place where he is free to design whole worlds.

Edited by Kyka

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2 hours ago, Kyka said:


The Revilution texture pack used one flat from witchhaven, iirc. The remainder are either from the iwads Doom2 or tnt Evilution. We also used some textures from wads like MM or MM2. Others came from Doom based texture packs, or from various authors in texture threads, such as @Enjay or @Cage. The remainder were made by me.


Even if that was sorted out and all the legal landmine textures and sprites were replaced, id would also need to get permission from every mapper who had a hand in the final Revilution. Its just not happening I think (Megamur is still gone, and he was a contributor to Transduction at least)

Edited by Devalaous

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15 minutes ago, Devalaous said:


Even if that was sorted out and all the legal landmine textures and sprites were replaced, id would also need to get permission from every mapper who had a hand in the final Revilution. Its just not happening I think.

mappers, artists and muscicians on it. :/
Eternal made the titlepic, interpic and bossback, so his permission is needed.

And the whole soundtrack of Revilution, even if is one of the best on the community, was made by like 20 different people.

Add the number of mappers and you have like...over 50 new contratcs to make?



Too much hassle.

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