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Mysticism + Doom 3 = ?


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Xzyl said:

Yes I do speak in paragraphs you cock-sucking, faggot-ass, self-import dickless little fucking bastard who could not get layed in a whore house if he walked with $10,000. Your a little cunt who tries to brow beat his opinions into others in order to provide your self with a deleusion of importance. Your guess work as what will and wont be in Doom3 is any better than elses adn when you guess wrong you never have the balls to admit it and just go into "We will just stop talking it or I will ban you" mode. Don't worry about banning me I am done with this shit house.

Was that short enough for you motherfucker.

Now you've caught MY attention. Do that again, you'll be staring at the "fuck off, you're banned" screen.

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Xzyl's completely retarded reply to my argumentation

Wtf is your major malfunction jerk!?!?!?

How can any other Mod use the "PARAGRAPHS MOTHERFUCKER, DO YOU SPEAK THEM!?!?!?" without having to go through insults like that one!? If you took the motherfucker part serious then you're either too fucking ignorant or too f00king st00pid.

Or is it because I don't agree with you? Is it because I call your arguments bullshit that set you off? I wasn't angry before when I argued with you, but now, NOW I'm fucking ballistic.

I'm most dissapointed with you. Here I thought you were a decent Member and then you go out and pull off a stunt like that! You should know better than to piss off a Mod >:-[
[edit]If people are unhappy with my behaviour at least they can tell me in a decent manner instead of activating "all-out retard" mode. I'm open to dialogue y'know - as long as you do it through private messaging or AIM.[/edit]

Back on topic: And like Cap'n redpants said, demons come in many shapes - the possibility of cybernetically enhanced monsters is one shape, but there is also the possibility that the demons simply took advantage of captured human technology to enhance their abilities to kill.
Like the pinkies got their hind part enhanced to make them faster and heavier.

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maybe id should look at some hironymus bosch picures. some of them contain really really weird creatures. satanic and sick.
personally i wish that d3 would get a lot "sicker" then d1+2. event horizon mixed up with sadistic scenes. imagine that you come around a corner and a BOH rapes a nearly dead humaniod (male or female). but that surely would be too "uncommercial" and against the law in some countries. such scenes would raise my anger towards the hellspawn. real immersion.

the cybertech elements just fit in our nowadays imagination of "hell". 150 years ago no one was able to think of cybertech demons. these are the modern creatures from hell.

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Uhhh, I don't know how "uncommercial" that would be, but I really don't want to see anything like that in doom 3. That would almost certainly get the game banned here. Not to mention that it would give more ammunition to those “Games corrupt minds” people.

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Ct_red_pants said:

Uhhh, I don't know how "uncommercial" that would be, but I really don't want to see anything like that in doom 3. That would almost certainly get the game banned here. Not to mention that it would give more ammunition to those “Games corrupt minds” people.

Well, that's gotta be what UniQ meant by "uncommercial".

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dsm said:

Well, that's gotta be what UniQ meant by "uncommercial".

yep...but such scenarios would be really doomish.

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uniQ said:

yep...but such scenarios would be really doomish.

I do not see rape as a part of Doom. These creatures are sexless, keep that in mind.

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you've been there and made an autopsy?!

this is not the original doom...do you remember? things change.

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uniQ said:

you've been there and made an autopsy?!

this is not the original doom...do you remember? things change.

They still have nothing between their legs. I'm glad they don't.

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Shaviro said:

They still have nothing between their legs. I'm glad they don't.

Yeah. I swear, if in Doom 3, I see an Imp wang flapping in the wind, I'm suing ID :-P.

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btw mancubus is most def female. therefore they must have some kind of gender. i am in no way eager to see imps big pen1s but that only was my way to set up a weird scene. and who the hell says that you need a penis for raping a humanoid?!

my point was another one: i want d3 to be sicker than your average fps. i'd hate to get the been-there-done-that-BUT-now-with-new-GFX feeling.
this was the reason why i never liked the later wing commander issues: the first 2 were great the 3 was just a nice looking interactive movie.
I really hope that id takes their big chance to create the best fps ever made.
gfx-wise they always owned their competitors but making up real good content was no more theirs since q1. q1 and 2 were really boring to play - no real surprises just good looking action with smooth movement. I nearly played them only in MP style. q2 ctf was really nice.
q3 had a superb looking engine but in my pov q3 was only put together to show off the gfx stuff and to sell the engine. again DM was just average and only ctf/ca keeps me playing it. team arena had some interesting new maps and mods but was in my eyes a big flop because it was not a free addon and so it never got very popular. first i thought TA could fix the lacks of the pure q3 but this turned out to be false...
another problem was that user made maps/mods never gain popularity like the original game content because they lack that "official" branding-flavour of id. if id had put together high quality user map compilations with some own patch/point rel. (all for free) the q3 base would have been able to grow much more.

the boys from UT did a better job by releasing addon maps/mods for free. i never liked nor played UT but they have a better economical (?!) sense to keep their products busy in the players minds.

argh...to far away from topic...what i like to say is that id should build a revolutionary game that stays on top for a looooong time. the original doom kept me busy for years. q1 and 2 just for a few months.

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I want to play a horror game, not a pr0n game. Raping demons would be so incredibly out-of-character and not make sense at all.

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Shaviro said:

I want to play a horror game, not a pr0n game. Raping demons would be so incredibly out-of-character and not make sense at all.

you still got not my point...it's quite sensless to discuss anything with you.
it's not about p0rn and pen1ses - it's about sick and weird moments. are you such p0rn focused that you can't get into my thoughts? ;-)

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Ct_red_pants said:


You said it!

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uniQ said:

you still got not my point...it's quite sensless to discuss anything with you.
it's not about p0rn and pen1ses - it's about sick and weird moments. are you such p0rn focused that you can't get into my thoughts? ;-)

Sick and twisted events could be interesting but it certainly depends on wtf it is. A demon doing shit like raping an undead humanoid is unacceptable - come up with a better idea or shut up.
Oh yeah and you're about as difficult to talk to as the others - the others just want to show that they do not acknowledge your example as something that could be in the game that's all. Now stop making such a fuss about it and come up with a better example.

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m'kay...i see that shav and cpt'n REALLY can't understand what i like to say or they both are just seeing this damn p0rn-element i dared to introduce (you're both focused on that, arent you?).
maybe its my fault because i can't express my thoughts well in a foreign language...last try:

let me explain it for the slower ones among us:

example for weird/disturbing moments in the orig. doom: impaled soldiers; soldier hanging from the ceiling; walls made of skin.

new doom: in the orig. doom all those weird things were "static". maybe we can now see "how" a soldier is getting impaled by hellscum - eventually we can even stop the monster from doing so and we receive some goodies from mr nearly impaled uac soldier.
another idea would be blood dripping from floor to ceiling or running upwards a wall. physics could be messed up sometimes.
to go on: in the lab it would be nice to see humans stuck in the walls still living. this could be caused by the dimension interference.
and oh i forget: those skin walls could really live now: moving eyes; whispering mouths; hands reaching out for you; etc.

i think this are enough examples to show what i consider as weird scenes.

ps: dont give any answer if its again about "wahahahah :´-((. i'm too small minded i can't imagine any other content as used in the orig doom. I don't like to see flying penises or what-so-ever sexual related!". I already noticed that you don't like my idea. stating it ten times will really not change that fact.


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uniQ said:

m'kay...i see that shav and cpt'n REALLY can't understand what i like to say or they both are just seeing this damn p0rn-element i dared to introduce (you're both focused on that, arent you?).
maybe its my fault because i can't express my thoughts well in a foreign language...last try:

let me explain it for the slower ones among us:

example for weird/disturbing moments in the orig. doom: impaled soldiers; soldier hanging from the ceiling; walls made of skin.

new doom: in the orig. doom all those weird things were "static". maybe we can now see "how" a soldier is getting impaled by hellscum - eventually we can even stop the monster from doing so and we receive some goodies from mr nearly impaled uac soldier.
another idea would be blood dripping from floor to ceiling or running upwards a wall. physics could be messed up sometimes.
to go on: in the lab it would be nice to see humans stuck in the walls still living. this could be caused by the dimension interference.
and oh i forget: those skin walls could really live now: moving eyes; whispering mouths; hands reaching out for you; etc.

i think this are enough examples to show what i consider as weird scenes.

I agree, these things would be soo cool, but I don't understand for the world of me why you used the raping Hell Knight as an example before - that was bound to give you some flak. But yes, these things would be really cool. I expect the living walls (with moving eyes and mouths and all that) to be in Doom 3, the fucked up physics, however, was something I didn't really think of, but I agree that it could be nice to have something like that to make the player go "wtf!?"

I also believe that we get to see the demons do some nasty stuff to humans (but not the really disturbing shit, like torturing them by forcing them to eat their own intestines or something really horrible) because that would be "uncommercial". But stuff like watching them place human heads on pikes and the like.

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the p0rn example has long tradition in picturing and characterising the devil and his mates. sex with demons is the most used motive when it comes to visualizing the hell and its inhabitants. All former painting artistst in history (e.g. h. bosch) used this setting.
you can go to a good museum or watch films like "end of days" with arnold schwarzenegger (there are some moments that show my p0rn-thoughts off but there are no raping scenes).
seduction and p0rn plays a heavy role when it comes to mr satan and friends.

so i really cant understand why you can't get THAT connection.

but ok...no sex/raping/tit/boobies/penises in doom3. hope the dont put any masked nazi stuff in...THIS would offend me more.

are you all americans? you're allowed to own weapons but alkohol and sex-vids are kept in a puritan way. :-)

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It’s got nothing to do with me being a prude mate. Yes, “pagan delights” are often associated with the devil. And yes, barbaric acts like you suggested would truly make the demons look evil, but would it be worth the media shit storm? Would it be worth doom 3 being remembered just for it’s questionable content? The dirty looks you receive from the store clerk when you hand over cash? NO. I would rather doom 3 being remembered as an awesome and truly scary game, and not just for some questionable content. Face it, people can deal with sex on it’s own, and violence on it’s own, but not mixed together...

Apart from that... most your other suggestions are good (living wall, screwed physics, ect..) what would really rock, is when things really go bad, and our reality starts to get distorted into a hellish nightmare! You can see the station change before your eyes! going into the bathroom, and see blood come up through the drains and toilets, see shapes in the walls, things like that would rule!

I would love to see a silent hill kind of deal. There are sings of horrific acts and mutilation, but it’s all post mortem. Things like opening a locker, and having a skinned body falling out, or you follow some streaks of blood only to find a marine dead on the floor after trying to crawling away with is innards hanging out. Or how about approaching a chair with what looks like a dead mutilated officer sitting in it, but when you approach, his eyes open and he lets a gargled scream.

Sure, some of this stuff is a wee bit clichéd, but if done right, could make it bloodily amazing! (no pun intended).

BTW, I’m Australian.

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I just love UniQ's ideas about crazy physics. That stuff makes me think back about American McGee's Alice. That game was full of stuff that made me go: WTF?

I'd love to see blood run up the walls.
By the way, in the alpha there are already some 'crazy physics'.

In the beginning, when you've just opened the door, boxes come falling out of shelves in a mysterious way. Nobody's actually touching the boxes, they just fall out. As if there were a poltergeist.

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Ct_red_pants said:

I would love to see a silent hill kind of deal. There are sings of horrific acts and mutilation, but it’s all post mortem.

is silent hill available for pc too? what is this game about?never read something about it yet.

Ct_red_pants said:

Things like opening a locker, and having a skinned body falling out, or you follow some streaks of blood only to find a marine dead on the floor after trying to crawling away with is innards hanging out. Or how about approaching a chair with what looks like a dead mutilated officer sitting in it, but when you approach, his eyes open and he lets a gargled scream.

Sure, some of this stuff is a wee bit clichéd, but if done right, could make it bloodily amazing! (no pun intended).

BTW, I’m Australian.

these would be fine scenes.
let's forget about the raping scenes and just put in gory stuff :-) but all those humilated body scenes will surely lead to a instaban of d3 here in germany, i.e. no ads are allowed and it isn't permitted to be sold in public (rated M?) :( (naturally raping scenes would put it on a black list probably making it illegal to own).

hmmmm...violant games are not good for righteous ppl.

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Fuck these people that are afraid of violence, I think they should get a nice welcoming to reality hosted by a ton of gory, fucked up scenes in D3 that keeps the media storming for years (as long as its at a controlled level so that, like ya'll said, it don't get banned). I love hearing them blame games and movies for real-world events, it reminds me of just how smart we are, we being the few people that understand that people are responsible for their own actions. That's what America is about god damn it.
When those bastards finally get their way and now ur told what games u can buy and play, and what movies u can watch, it'll all go downhill from there. Hopefully that day will not come anytime during my life.

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My answer to shit like that?

Game looks innappropriate? Then don't let your kid play it.

Movie looks innappropriate? Then don't let your kid watch it.

Music sounds innappropriate? Then don't let your kid listen to it.

Damn, ain't that simple?

l00k said:

EXAMPLE : why are some monsters such as the mancubas, spider master mind or the cyber demon in DOOM when they dont even look like a goddamn demon?

Hmmm...well that really only depends upon personal opinions concerning what a demon would look like. Sure, as a society we've been brought up to believe that demons have wings and horns, but, has anyone seen one?
I don't agree with you that merely having demons in a game without adding an alien aspect would be plain; It all depends upon the artists doing the concepts, and IF they are creative enough, they could come up with some pretty freaky stuff.
Personally, I DO agree with you that the demons in Doom should have a varied look to them (ie, alien + demon + cyborg), just as long as the end result doesn't look like something from Unreal or HalfLife, or perhaps even Quake. When designing the enemies of Doom, the artists will have kept in mind that there needs to be a predominant hellish look (go figure) so that they don't look TOO much like aliens. Hmmm...this may be a bit heretical, but [::winces::] IMO many of the new enemies we've seen thus far look a bit too much like Strogg....

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Prime said:

Hmmm...this may be a bit heretical, but [::winces::] IMO many of the new enemies we've seen thus far look a bit too much like Strogg....

Hmm maybe, except that most Stroggies look like cyborgs made from humans. The Doom 3 demons look like frightening terrors with cybernetic implants, plus they look frightening - most of the Strogg look either cute or just plain ugly.

So no, I don't agree with you ;-)

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Not to mention DooM had the cybernetic limb thing long before quake 2 did. So Adding in the cybernetic aspects to some of the monsters makes it that much more doom. But of course I don't want to see ALL of the monsters get cyb0red, but the few I've seen look good already.

So heh

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Prime said:

IMO many of the new enemies we've seen thus far look a bit too much like Strogg....

That's funny...We haven't seen any new enemies so far...

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Shaviro said:

That's funny...We haven't seen any new enemies so far...

Replace "new" with "Doom 3."

Understand me now?

And perhaps I was generalizing...I think the only enemy so far that I see a certain "strogg-similarity" with is the Commando Zombie.

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Prime said:

And perhaps I was generalizing...I think the only enemy so far that I see a certain "strogg-similarity" with is the Commando Zombie.

Hmm, except that the Commando looks many times more badass than any Strogg - Strogg don't wear army pants and their torso is not mutated :-)

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