Tony_Danza_the_boss Posted September 5, 2020 Omg rip and tear till it's done so metal guys. Sick mark of the slayer tattoo bro! I haven't seen that a thousand times. DOOT! Lol!! Seriously, everything about that subreddit is just cringe-inducing. If anything it takes everything cool about Doom and circle-jerks it to the point of it not being cool. The dude-bro mentality of that community and their constant idolization of the slayer and his "badassery" has become so stale. Go on the subreddit right now and tell me how many posts you see of new Slayer tattoos, Caco-pog memes, "you can't just shoot a hole through Mars" quotes, shitty DoomGuy/Slayer cosplays and how many thousands of Doomguy/Daisy sketches you see. Go on, I'll wait. Maybe it's just the lack of appreciation for oldschool Doom on the sub, but Doomworld you can at least have pseudo-intellectual discussions on Doom without someone unironically saying omg le Epic Rip and Tear until it's done!!1! 17 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted September 5, 2020 (edited) BRO U JUST NEED TO RIP AND TEAE HAHA SO EPIC I just saved everyone the pain of visiting not only the Doom reddit but also the Facebook page(s). Actually it sucks because some fans make genuinely cool stuff that gets lost in all the repetitive noise. I’ve seen some art and other little things that I appreciated but it just gets lost among stale memes. For about 6 months I checked it every couple weeks, hoping eventually the “sugar high” would collectively go away but it never did. Edited September 5, 2020 by Doomkid 30 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheMightyHeracross Posted September 5, 2020 (edited) I mean it makes sense that the newer, more popular games are going to be the center of attention on that subreddit. But yeah I could do without Doomslayer memes basically being Chuck Norris Facts 2.0. Edited September 5, 2020 by TheMightyHeracross 11 Quote Share this post Link to post
Kokoro Hane Posted September 5, 2020 (edited) 2 minutes ago, Doomkid said: BRO U JUST NEED TO RIP AND TEAE HAHA WOW BRO SO EPIC I just saved everyone the pain of visiting not only the Doom reddit but also the Facebook page(s). Thank you kind sir hahaha. I probably don't even want to take a peek, even out of morbid curiosity, namely as we all know subreddits are most of the time really cringy in general lol. Edited September 5, 2020 by Kokoro Hane 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
uber Posted September 5, 2020 (edited) I'd say the mainstream doom community as a whole is like what you're describing, the subreddit is just a reflection of that. Reducing doom to a simple power fantasy about RIPPING and TEARING and KEELING DEEMONS with LE BFG isn't really something new, but the new games and the immense popularity of brutal style mods really contribute to that. Shame, there's a lot of stuff most people don't even give a chance because it deviates too far from what they've come to expect from the doom series, but oh well. Edited September 5, 2020 by uber 6 Quote Share this post Link to post
D4NUK1 Posted September 5, 2020 I don't feel the cringe, but is understable, as here there so much old people that like other type of community. Rip 'n Tear! 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted September 5, 2020 (edited) 24 minutes ago, jamondemarnatural said: I don't feel the cringe, but is understable, as here there so much old people I was probably being too much of a grump and a stick in the mud with my first post. Back in the early 00's, when the community was quite a bit smaller than it is now, there were definitely "designated kiddie pools" in the Doom community: Doom Connector and the Skulltag forums, where we would post cringy "le epic BFG"-tier stuff. I think the big difference is that back then, I didn't feel like the "kiddies" made up the majority, if anything we were the minority at the time, but now it feels like the ratio is 10 to 1 in favor of the "cringe meme" faction. Maybe I'm mistaken though. Edited September 5, 2020 by Doomkid 24 Quote Share this post Link to post
MemeMind Posted September 5, 2020 r/doom is the reason why im here. I have discovered that I hate new doom fans because of that sub reddit. 14 Quote Share this post Link to post
Chip Posted September 5, 2020 (edited) If you can't read the car, it says Daisy, but that isn't the dumbest thing about this post. No! This person just happens to have their DOOM-slayer right on them in the passengers seat! imagine driving around everywhere you go with a cosplay helmet on your seat! And I get that they were looking for this, but imagine they never found it? Wow! I really enjoy! That looks like it took between 1 maybe 2 minutes! I actually laughed out loud with this one! But the best part... THE BEST PART! Look at how many likes it has! 160 people enjoyed this! okay. so? It really isn't that great. You just paused the game at a certain moment. Well, that about sums up r/doom for you. a shit place for shit people. Edited September 5, 2020 by LiT_gam3r 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
M_W Posted September 5, 2020 In every fandom, your blossoming young fanlet will reach a point in their life where they must make a choice; the choice laid out before them is not an easy one, and it is one they can only answer themselves, a dichotomy that has torn the souls of all who came before them. What do you choose? Cringe Teens? Or Grumpy Old People? 24 Quote Share this post Link to post
chungy Posted September 5, 2020 58 minutes ago, Tony_Danza_the_boss said: everything about that subreddit is just cringe-inducing. Isn't that reddit in general? 19 Quote Share this post Link to post
Avoozl Posted September 5, 2020 I just avoid reddit like the plague. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
DuckReconMajor Posted September 5, 2020 This thread is a retirement home van passing a Lil Pump concert 43 Quote Share this post Link to post
M_W Posted September 5, 2020 Just now, DuckReconMajor said: This thread is a retirement home van passing a Lil Pump concert Hey, just because I'm old doesn't mean I don't fucks with Gucci Gang. 7 Quote Share this post Link to post
BigBoy91 Posted September 5, 2020 Pretty much every Reddit community is a giant circle jerk. 7 Quote Share this post Link to post
garbaged Posted September 5, 2020 (edited) - Edited March 5, 2021 by garbaged clarified points 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Endless Posted September 5, 2020 (edited) 27 minutes ago, LiT_gam3r said: If you can't read the car, it says Daisy, but that isn't the dumbest thing about this post. No! This person just happens to have their DOOM-slayer right on them in the passengers seat! imagine driving around everywhere you go with a cosplay helmet on your seat! And I get that they were looking for this, but imagine they never found it? Wow! I really enjoy! That looks like it took between 1 maybe 2 minutes! I actually laughed out loud with this one! But the best part... THE BEST PART! Look at how many likes it has! 160 people enjoyed this! okay. so? It really isn't that great. You just paused the game at a certain moment. Well, that about sums up r/doom for you. a shit place for shit people. You kinda got a little bit triggered over there mate. Calling shit somebody for just sharing stuff they thought was funny/awesome, makes you look like... well... Plus, that drawing, sure, is not a freaking art piece, but I'm pretty sure those upvotes made the guy feel better and encourege him to keep improving his drawing skills. I say this as someone that has a best friend that wants to become an artist and yet, despite her drawings or paintings not being the best (she's just starting after all), she enjoys every bit of support and good feedback. PS: Reddit is as crap as you wish to look at it. Theres also good, really good stuff there. Like Doomworld, we also have some stinky stuff here. Edited September 5, 2020 by Endless 33 Quote Share this post Link to post
UndeadRyker Posted September 5, 2020 B... but... I'm only 21!! I'm too young to get old! 10 Quote Share this post Link to post
M_W Posted September 5, 2020 I'm here to make a declaration: threads about cringe threads is cringe. Discuss. 23 Quote Share this post Link to post
unerxai Posted September 5, 2020 Went once and wasn't my cup of tea. It needs more threads about Doom 2's city levels. 9 Quote Share this post Link to post
Weird Sandwich Posted September 5, 2020 6 minutes ago, Endless said: You kinda got a little bit triggered over there mate. Calling shit somebody for just sharing stuff they thought was funny/awesome, makes you look like... well... Plus, that drawing, sure, is not a freaking art piece, but I'm pretty sure those upvotes made the guy feel better and encourege him to keep improving his drawing skills. I say this as someone that has a best friend that wants to become and artist and yet, despite her drawings or paintings not being the best, she enjoys every bit of support and good feedback. PS: Reddit is as crap as you wish to look at it. Theres also good, really good stuff there. Like Doomworld, we also have some stinky stuff here. Yeah, I mean I don't like Reddit either but it's not a good look to make fun of beginner art like that. Everyone has to start from simple things like that and practice, which is why positive encouragement is important. You wouldn't make fun of a new members first mapping effort here for example. And that tattoo, It looks like its still a WIP. Tattoos that large are normally done over multiple sessions. 14 Quote Share this post Link to post
rampancy Posted September 5, 2020 lol im just happy the kids like doom. it means more doom for all of us. secondly, if theyre over there being loud and obnoxious, great. it means theyre not here being loud and obnoxious. thirdly, this whole industry has always had its fair share of cringe. it is what it is. tbh i wish i could still get excited about a poorly drawn sword. something lost, something gained 😐 38 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted September 5, 2020 4 minutes ago, rampancy said: lol im just happy the kids like doom. it means more doom for all of us. secondly, if theyre over there being loud and obnoxious, great. it means theyre not here being loud and obnoxious. thirdly, this whole industry has always had its fair share of cringe. it is what it is. tbh i wish i could still get excited about a poorly drawn sword. something lost, something gained 😐 Thank you, for me this was a much needed dose of perspective. 8 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheMightyHeracross Posted September 5, 2020 29 minutes ago, lazy91geek said: Pretty much every Reddit community is a giant circle jerk. In the context of this thread this is a pretty ironic post. :P Aside from my earlier complaint about the repetitive Doomslayer-as-super-macho-badass memes I don't really see what they've done to warrant such strong hatred. The egregious crime of (sometimes) being mildly annoying? Welcome to the Internet. There's some OK content, like some of the art is actually good, and there was a John Romero AMA recently. Also a lot of it is people asking innocent enough questions about setting up ports and WADs and whatnot. So it's not all bad. 9 Quote Share this post Link to post
Biodegradable Posted September 5, 2020 (edited) Grr, Doom is serious business. How dare these people have fun! ARGLEBARGLEWARGLE! Edited September 5, 2020 by Biodegradable 15 Quote Share this post Link to post
OliveTree Posted September 5, 2020 i made that exhausting essay article post thing named "Doom 1 doesn't hold up anymore" and i posted it identically on doomworld and reddit. its really amazing to me how the reactions on the forums here were really nuanced and there were some people who took issue with my arguments but like i got the feeling that most people who were responding actually read my post. On reddit, almost none of the comments even made sense in relation to anything I actually wrote. its absurd how dismissive people on reddit are... like they will see something that isnt the usual upvote-y reddit-fare and paradoxically be like "yeah yeah i've seen this all before" without even engaging with it properly, and just drop it out of hand. Meanwhile the reposts and circlejerky nonsense they literally inundate themselves with they treat as continually novel and interesting. It's insane 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Eric Claus Posted September 5, 2020 34 minutes ago, TheMightyHeracross said: In the context of this thread this is a pretty ironic post. :P Aside from my earlier complaint about the repetitive Doomslayer-as-super-macho-badass memes I don't really see what they've done to warrant such strong hatred. The egregious crime of (sometimes) being mildly annoying? Welcome to the Internet. There's some OK content, like some of the art is actually good, and there was a John Romero AMA recently. Also a lot of it is people asking innocent enough questions about setting up ports and WADs and whatnot. So it's not all bad. Annoying is an accurate word yes. I think my issue with the Doom subreddit is that it is difficult to find the OK content you are talking about as the circlejerky memes tend to bottom it out and much of it never gets many upvotes. I find you can get much better information on various source ports by looking around on these forums or other locations then on Reddit. Honestly my biggest issue is that r/Doom is really more r/Doom2016+ and classic Doom doesn't factor as much into it. That is understandable as I am sure the subreddit audience is generally younger and a bigger fan of the newer games and never really had much exposure to the old compared to forum goers here. Honestly I don't mind a bit of circlejerking to some extent when it's in the right context but Reddit has no ability to segregate things into topics that would vastly help any sort of discovery/discussion on more serious points. Would I call it all cringe? Honestly I have seen much worse and the term is overly used. Sorry this was a bit long winded but I just felt I should throw in my more nuanced opinion despite my more aggressive comments in the past. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Bauul Posted September 5, 2020 I get the impression the Doom Subreddit being relatively primarily surface fluff is in many respects a reflection of the latest games. Those are what are most popular, so those set the tone of the subreddit. They're extremely good fun, but there's not really an awful lot of nuanced ongoing discussion you can have around them. There's no mods, no custom content, no evolving meta to the single or multiplayer, little in the way of official new content. As such, fans of the new games basically have little to talk about other than just variations of "wasn't that game good fun? Here's some content that reminds us of that!". I can't begrudge people for that, but it does make for a very different tone to somewhere like Doomworld where we have a near constant supply of new content and developments to fuel intelligent discussion. 17 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gunstar Green Posted September 5, 2020 Yeah sure I'd be lying if I said the content of most subreddits didn't make me roll my eyes a little, but there's no reason for me to crap on other people's fun just because they don't enjoy something in the same way I do or for the same reasons. No need to gatekeep friggin' Doom. 12 Quote Share this post Link to post
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