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What is your favorite official Doom-Midi? And your least favorite?


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My personal favorite would be AimShootKill. I like Countdown to Death the least, but taste in music is probably as subjective as you can get.

Edited by C3ntralPr0cessing

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I Sawed the Demons is a really fun, varied piece that's genuinely underused in the IWADs, It screams "let's barrel through this strange new realm and do all sorts of things", whether that involves action, puzzling, or encountering something wild. It's got a wicked air to it despite its breeziness, too. I just wish it had a second solo section to add some development since it's one of the shorter tracks. After that, Shawn's Got the ShotgunInto Sandy's CityDeep Into the Code, and Message for the Archvile are some standouts from the id games.

Evilution has some nice stuff for sure. Blood Jungle remains my favorite just for its thumping pace and level of variety/development vs. the other tracks. Sadistic comes close as probably the best full heavy metal track across the IWADs, whereas Prince played into a lighter, less thrashy style for the most part.

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I don't have a best because most of the IWAD tracks suck in general. The worst would be Into the Beast's Belly by far though.

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Untitled is my personal favourite. For me, this has always been the definitive Doom track. 

Least? Probably Running from Evil. I'm very sick of this track.




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I can hear the demons at the start of E2M3. Best intermission screen song and the best song to blast through a level with a loaded chaingun and a bloody chainsaw. Bring it on!

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Favorites: Shawn's Got the Shotgun, Into Sandy's City

Least Favorites: The Healer Stalks, Demon's Dead


Others are hit or miss for me, sometimes I think the ambient tracks tend to be a boring drone in not in the good way you usually want in ambient tracks.


As an aside I love most of the music from Doom 64 especially Lamentation of the Forgotten.  I feel like Aubrey Hodges did a great job in the PSX and Doom64 soundtracks of creating the frightening ambience that was the goal of some of Bobby's original tracks.

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Doom 1 & 2's first map have THE BEST midis!




But THIS has to be my favorite----



Can't think of my least favorites at the moments (as there are some midis that are just OK to me), but yeah... these are my favorites!

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  • Ultimate Doom - 'Suspense', 'The Demons from Adrian's Pen' and 'Sinister'
  • Doom II - 'Waiting for Romero to Play', 'Getting Too Tense' and 'Opening to Hell'

Least Favourites:

  • 'Kitchen Ace (and Taking Names)', 'On the Hunt', 'Donna to the Rescue' 

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Ultimate Doom

  • 'At Doom's Gate', 'Untitled', 'Deep Into the Code', 'Facing the Spider', 'Intermission From DOOM', 'Sweet Little Dead Bunny'

Doom II

  • 'Entryway', ' 'Waiting for Romero to Play', 'Into Sandy's City', 'Shawn's Got the Shotgun', 'Message for the Archvile', 'Getting Too Tense', 'Opening to Hell'


  • probably 50% of the Soundtrack.

Least Favs:

  • 'Kitchen Ace (and Taking Names)', ' The demons dead', 'Bye Bye American Pie', 'Let's Kill at Will', 'Soldier of Chaos'

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Into Sandy’s City will always be my favorite. What killer tune. Honorable mentions for Shawn’s Got the Shotgun, Untitled, Into the Beast’s Belly, and, of course, At Doom’s Gate.


Least favorite? Probably Waiting for Romero to Play. They’re Going to Get You is a strong contender, too, but I’ve seen it used effectively on occasion.

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"Nobody told me about id", "Opening to hell" and "Blood jungle" are my favorite.


I'm not fond of most of the TNT soundtrack.

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I absolutely love the more abstract, strange sounding songs from Doom II. Waiting for Romero to Play, In the Dark, The Dave D. Taylor Blues, Opening to Hell, I cant pick a favorite. Doom I has some great songs too like most of Knee Deep in the Dead's, The Demons from Adrian's pen, Nobody Told Me About id, seriously, all of these songs are masterpieces. The one song I don't love though is Facing the Spider from Doom I. It's just not that interesting. Also, pretty sure it's the shortest song in the classic Doom soundtracks. Makes sense when the walk to the Spider Mastermind is longer that the fight itself.

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My favourite is definitely Sinister. I like the dark, moody atmosphere the midi gives off.

Least favourite, not sure but I must admit a few like Running from evil and bye bye american pie are not ones I can listen too over and over again.

Edited by cannonball

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Sign of Evil. No contest. I comparison to the regular songs, that go from catchy tunes to some heavy metal references, Sign of Evil perfectly defines the meaning of the word Doom. Is even better when used in extra hard levels that evoke a sense of dread and dispair. Pure evil.


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Absolutely Sign of Evil as my favourite, but I could put together a list of tied-for-second-place tracks as long as my arm.


My least favourite is Hiding the Secrets, which I find gratingly noisy and an ill fit for pretty much level in which it's used.

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I don't have favorites/least favorites but there are some midis that stand out to me (note that most of them are from TNT):


Good songs: AimShootKill, Blood Jungle, Sinister (ultimate doom), Nobody told me about id (also ultimate doom)


Song that I don't necessarily like: Death's Bells, Into Sandy's City

TNT map21 ruined Sandy's city for me and death's bells just sounds annoying repetitive. 

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Favourite: Suspense


Least favourite: any of the metal ones. When maps take upwards of ten minutes to beat, there's only so much my ears can take.

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It'd be cool if someone added a feature to popular source ports to randomize the tunes whenever you start a level. I wonder if that's a thing and maybe I just didn't know?

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Does everyone quick Doomwiki this stuff, or am I literally the only person on the planet who doesn't know 90% of the titles and instead says Unholy Cathedral and Mt. Pain?


^Though ironically, I must admit Pharaoh's music is one of few I know the title for.

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Due to replacing the MIDIs in Doom2 roughly a billion times I remember most of the track names, but I usually have to look up the Doom1 and TNT track titles.


Not my absolute favorite, but Into the Beast's Belly is easily one of my favorite IWAD songs. Perfect song to get you amped-up and energized for the final boss.


No clue why this MIDI was used in multiple slots before Map30, it has no effect other than to annoy with how unfitting it is on Map08 for example, but it's a fantastic "Big Final Fight" sort of tune.


In fact, I'd go so far as to call TNT's soundtrack one of my favorites of any game, between Beast's Belly and amazing tracks like Let's Kill at Will or Soldier of Chaos. Brilliant pieces of music!

Edited by Doomkid

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I still can't remember the damn names either, except for D_RUNNIN of course.  I'll go the E2M2 one for my favorite, and the worst one is definitely the one in Steel Works (map14) from TNT. 

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Honestly, Doom 1 & 2's soundtracks are just too awesome and I have a hard time suggesting that I'd dislike any of their respective tracks, so I'm just going to list my absolute favourites from both:


  • Kitchen Ace
  • Shawn's got the Shotgun
  • Into Sandy's City
  • Running from Evil
  • The Imp's Song
  • I Sawed the Demons
  • Intermission (Doom 1)
  • Countdown to Death


I can't comment on either Plutonia or TNT yet as I haven't paid either of them at this stage, but I've heard that despite it being the lame duck of the IWAD family, TNT's soundtrack is apparently pretty badass.

Edited by Biodegradable

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I too had to open the wiki, otherwise I'd be listing map names instead.


My favourites from Ultimate Doom are: At Doom's Gate (e1m1), Demons on the Prey (e1m7), and They're Going to Get You (e2m4). Least is probably Kitchen Ace (And Taking Names) (e1m4), but I don't actively dislike any of the midis.


Favourites from Doom 2 would be: DOOM (map05), Shawn's got the Shotgun (map07), and Into Sandy's City (map09). I don't like D_RUNNIN due to overexposure and find The Healer Stalks (map02) boring and rather unfitting to Doom 2's atmosphere.


For TNT, Cold Subtleness (map14) is full of particularly annoying sounds by the non-bass instruments. Otherwise, most new tracks are quite good, with standouts being Sadistic (map01), Into the Beast's Belly (map08), and AimShootKill from everybody's favourite Habitat (map22).



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