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Does anyone know how to change the name of the level when you get to the intermission screen?


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I'm about half way into making my WAD and I don't know how to change the title of the map when you get to the intermission screen. I don't know if I have to use slade or something else. Please let me know! *edit* I just realized I posted this in topics sorry.

Edited by Hachi-Roku

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1. Type your level name in this website (remember to set the font to Doom - menu font)



2. Save the resulting level name image to your computer, with the name CWILV0X (X is your desired mapslot 00-31). For example, CWILV02 will be available after you beat map03.


3. Install SLAD3 if you haven't already. Open your map WAD in it.


4. Add the image (convert to Doom format graphics if needed) to the WAD.


5. Save, and beat your map - your replacement level name should be available now.

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Level names are in WILVxy lumps for Ultimate Doom, and CWILVxy lumps for Doom II and Final Doom.

The xy is the map slot minus one. For Doom it's minus one on both the episode and map numbers. So E1M1 has WILV00, E4M9 has WILV38, MAP01 has CWILV00, and MAP32 has CWILV31.


You can look in the IWADs to check.

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