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The 128 kb mapping extragavanza "challenge"*

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Hi Walter, here is my map.


In this level you will explore a labyrinth of mutated vines and radioactive ooze. Will the UAC ever learn? You will certainly be knee-deep, but not just in the dead.








Edited by Captain Toenail
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Name: Unearthed Wrath
Slot: E4M7
Difficulty settings: HMP, UV
Tested with: PrBoom, PrBoom+, GzDoom, Crispy Doom (crashes on Chocolate Doom)
Download:  th128_beta_v1_12.zip


This is the beta version for playtest until close to the deadline. I'm quite pleased with the core gameplay, flow and layout and would like to thank those who offered suggestions and sent FDAs, specially BoxY, that for staying on my case ended up rubbing a bit of his slaughter appreciation into this map, with monster count increasing 1.5x. For the final version I'll be finishing texturing, implementing all difficulty settings, balancing ammo for all of them,  adjusting all things placement where needed (I might replace a few monsters with Warimps), as well as any eventual bug fix. I'd really appreciate if @Walter confetti could at any time provide a FDA on HMP for me to compare with the previous one to help balancing ammo/monsters/difficulty for the final version on this setting.


Here are all the FDAs I haven't yet posted, @Roebloz, @Fryuko, @Super Mighty G, @DynamiteKaitorn@Walter confetti, @Chris Hansen, @Weird Sandwich.

The blind runs are tagged as FDA and the second runs as 2nd.





Edited by Iacobus

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Hi - I plan on making another map (Episode3) before the deadline at the end of the year.


I have already created a small Dehacked patch I will be using with the following:


Sprites: BSPI A-L

Frames: 632-646

Things: 23 (Dead Lost soul) & 137 (Brainstem)



Edit: Nevermind, I have ditched the DeHacked patch.

Patch is back and now working

Edited by Captain Toenail

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Well here's my map so far, clocking in at 131,068 bytes :) Still have to implement difficulty settings, hide secret lines, think of a name, etc. Despite being E1M2 I ended up with quite a lot of baddies... maybe is too much?


EDIT: Forgot the screenie lol:

Edited by magicsofa

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Looks pretty good! Add your maps to the map list... @magicsofa there's no way to trim out some stuff like joining sectors or removing vertices to reach the 128 kb limit? Also did your map have a title?

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46 minutes ago, Walter confetti said:

Looks pretty good! Add your maps to the map list... @magicsofa there's no way to trim out some stuff like joining sectors or removing vertices to reach the 128 kb limit? Also did your map have a title?

I just tested it and with WADPTR you can actually shrink the map with 14% so that goes down to 110kb.


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What version of DeHacked are we using? Regular? Bex? Extended?


Also how did you get the Warrior Imp to use the WARI frames? I don't understand how you managed to define that without replacing existing Doom2 frames.

Edited by Captain Toenail

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Using the regular one, for make work the trick I've used for the War Imp, it only works on vanilla dehacked. I've changed the Hell Knight sprites by changing the prefix name in dehacked from BOS2 to WARI. I've followed this Dehacked tutorial by our friendly Doomkid for making that trickery.

Edited by Walter confetti

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1 hour ago, Walter confetti said:

@magicsofa there's no way to trim out some stuff like joining sectors or removing vertices to reach the 128 kb 


Yeah if necessary, but I thought I was within the limit anyway? I thought 128k = 131,072b


2 hours ago, Walter confetti said:

Also did your map have a title?

No title yet!

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34 minutes ago, Walter confetti said:

Using the regular one


Alright cool, thanks. I was wondering because I have created small critters using regular Dehacked. They call SkullAttack as a melee attack and PrBoom keeps crashing when swarms of them attack simultaneously. I may have to rework my second map concept but no worries.

Edited by Captain Toenail

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1 hour ago, magicsofa said:


Yeah if necessary, but I thought I was within the limit anyway? I thought 128k = 131,072b


No title yet!


Actually is 131 kb, but I saw the file size on my phone (uses Android) so it could change by different OS...


1 hour ago, Captain Toenail said:


Alright cool, thanks. I was wondering because I have created small critters using regular Dehacked. They call SkullAttack as a melee attack and PrBoom keeps crashing when swarms of them attack simultaneously. I may have to rework my second map concept but no worries.


All right!

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Perhaps I'm loading this incorrectly, but the vertical hitbox on the warrior imp appears to be quite short, and it can make them awkward to hit in some circumstances. It's especially noticeable with rockets. in gzdoom and likely other ports with inf height disabled you can actually run right over the top of them.

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Ok here is my second map complete.


Kill It With Fire!


There's a reason the other demons avoid this corner of Hell. Burn it. Burn it all.








Edited by Captain Toenail
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I imagine your map uses a Jump in the fire midi lol

Anyway, looks pretty rad! Love the giant webs textures!


@Breezeep map ask for permission for downloading it, why?

Edited by Walter confetti

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Sorry, the link should be working at intended, It was set to private, didn't notice.

Edited by Breezeep

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On 9/18/2020 at 9:40 PM, Fryuko said:

I might have to fix some stuff later, but I'm pretty much done with my level. 
Name: Blood Red Bath Bomb ( I Can change it if it's too weird)
Slot: E1M1 (currently)
Difficulty settings are not yet implemented.
Blood Red Bath Bomb

Here is an update for my map, Blood Red Bath Bomb v1
- Added a real exit this time (it shouldn't be confusing anymore)
- Completly changed up the last fight based on feedback

- Rocket launcher is not a secret anymore, you can get the plasma rifle from the same secret now

- Difficulty affects the monster count now


@BoxY Thank you for your review. I haven't got much time recently, that's why I didn't answer earlier. Anyway based on your and other's feedback I decided to remake the last fight with the two monster closets. Now there is way more space to move around (this means the monster count is also increased).


And the arena actually closes on you.


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Added difficulty settings to my map, hid the secrets properly, and I've decided to name it "Shutdown" (not a covid reference I swear). I also got rid of a few superfluous lines and such to free up space, but then ended up re-using all of it to add a few more details. Is now 131,063 bytes. If I added one more thing, it would be exactly one byte over the limit. Silly!

Here's the new version, I also updated the link in my previous post:

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When I think shores of hell I think cybies beach house. The zip includes warimp which is required.


Hellfjord Outpost

Slot: e1m1

Difficulty settings: Yes

Tested with: prboom-plus, gzdoom


Hellfjord Outpost







Edited by wydoomer
updated map version

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Looks very cool, wydoomer! I have to play it and to see if other mappers wants to do a E2M8 boss map, but it could be a good E2M8 candidate!

Also I shall upgrade warimp for also containing the new monster made by CaptainToneail in his map, always if he wants that other people use them!

Edited by Walter confetti

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On 10/4/2020 at 12:41 PM, Fryuko said:

Here is an update for my map, Blood Red Bath Bomb v1


Pretty good stuff, I'm enjoying the changes. Here's my FDA for this version with an exit, complete with a really stupid moment where I nearly died to a single caco in the shotgun room, and also managed to forget where the blue armour secret was: brbb1_bx_fda.lmp (-complevel 9 as usual)


Overall I'd say it's playing better, but despite the space increase I still found that the best solution to the exit fight was to just camp that same corridor and pump ammo into the approaching waves of meat. In fact, that ended up being my strategy for both of the big fights because I couldn't think of anything more viable. Not that it isn't fun to do sometimes, but maybe it's not too healthy for the brain cells in the long run :). I also had some minor ammo problems with the barons at the end. I don't mind punching them when I can, but 3 at once is too many to berserk so grinding them down with the chaingun felt like a slightly disappointing way to end the map. Also it took me forever to grab those annoying rocket boxes from the cacos.


On 10/1/2020 at 12:11 AM, Iacobus said:

Download:  th128_beta_v1_7.zip


Also nice! I don't have proper demos for this version yet, I recorded two no-exits, one where I got blocked by a lost soul and died in the RK room, and one where I got nerves and choked in the exit room after I realised I was like 20 minutes deep. Once I play the whole map and get an exit I'll post all the attempts along with my thoughts on the changes, but for now I'll just say that I'm enjoying how it plays a lot. :)

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5 hours ago, Walter confetti said:

Also I shall upgrade warimp for also containing the new monster made by CaptainToneail in his map, always if he wants that other people use them!


Ok I don't want to be an ass and say no, but I did sacrifice a lot of precious kb on that monster. Seems a little unfair that others could use it without the penalty - does that mean we can use textures/music etc. that others have added? Can we specify a custom midi to be used if we don't have enough room to add one?

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All right, so I compile all togheter when the megawad is over.

11 minutes ago, Captain Toenail said:

does that mean we can use textures/music etc. that others have added?


No, not this round. Maybe when the ultimate doom megawad is completed I'll add this option if everybody is ok with it. Or maybe just use a universal texture pack to use...

17 minutes ago, Captain Toenail said:

Can we specify a custom midi to be used if we don't have enough room to add one?


Yeah, sure! I'll add this to the main rules.

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Great thanks Walter.


I cannot really stop other mappers from adding Things 23 and 137 to their maps, so you might as well add them to the resource. Will be fun to see what people do with them (still a big miffed about spending those kb though :P)


19 minutes ago, Walter confetti said:

Yeah, sure! I'll add this to the main rules. 


Cool. To clarify though - does this mean we choose an existing midi from Doom and you add it in via mapinfo once the maps are compiled? Or do we get to add a custom midi of our choice free-of-charge?

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Asking your question to the new music:

Both, i'll add the music not using MAPINFO, but copying it from the IWAD(s) or using the midi you gave me...


EDIT: played @wydoomer map, really good and fun level but the map unluckily lacks a little of ammunition near the final part of the map and this lift sector here isn't tagged.

Edited by Walter confetti

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3 hours ago, Walter confetti said:

Asking your question to the new music:

Both, i'll add the music not using MAPINFO, but copying it from the IWAD(s) or using the midi you gave me...


EDIT: played @wydoomer map, really good and fun level but the map unluckily lacks a little of ammunition near the final part of the map and this lift sector here isn't tagged.


Oops, I'll fix those things. Did you run out of shells, or did you need more bfg ammo to kill the cyber?

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