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Opinions on Social Media.


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Curious to know what you guys think about social media and do you use it much?

I had facebook in the late 2000's but it became too much about peoples arguments amongst one another so I got rid of it.

Then I tried Twitter and LOVED it to begin with. The way you could tailor your experience and only see the content that was of interest to you was great. I used it ALOT.

I interacted with folks on there I thought I'd never speak to.

Though, in recent times Twitter now puts the most depressing and awful news in front of you just like the main stream media does...…. so I deleted the app about 10 day's ago.

I feel like I'm done with social media.

Anyone else feel the same? what's your take?


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Different social media suits different people depending on what they want to accomplish and who they want to interact with. Like most technology it can either be extremely useful, or harmful depending on how precisely it gets used. But that's the fault of the user, not the technology. I find Facebook useful for keeping up with what friends and family are up to, plus updates on topics I care about. I stay out of the comments sections on public pages generally - particularly the news - as they tend to be a cesspool of idiocy. It's not perfect, but it works. Mostly. Sort of.


Twitter is not for me. Lots of celebrity crap I could not give less of a toss about, and whatever the outrage flavor of the microsecond is that I similarly could not care less about. I almost never visit any instagram pages. Tiktok... just no.

Basically, everyone is different and every platform is different. As I often say to my customers when they are discussing what they should and should not be doing with their tech, you do you. If you want to hang it up, have at it. Or rather not at it.

Edited by Murdoch

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I got peer-pressured into making a Facebook account back in 2011 and it was fun for a while. I deleted in back in 2017 for personal reasons I won't unravel here. I honestly don't regret doing so in retrospect, especially with how shady the company has become when it comes to how it uses your personal information and the shonky psychology experiments it has been placing on its users as well as the data scandal it had with in its involvement with Cambridge Analytica not long afterwards, so fuck them. Twitter's a bit of a different story. Again, got strong-armed into making an account through a friend of mine, but I've found it much more fun when it comes to shitposting with friends and interacting with creators whose work I respect. It can be filled with a lot of bullshit that makes you want to kill yourself as Murdoch pointed out, but it gives you the tools to block out a lot of what you don't want to see. More recently, since 2019, I've mainly been using it to run my freelancing business as a video editor. It's worked out really well as I can use it to get in contact with lots of clients since a great deal of creative people, especially my kind of clientele, have Twitter accounts so it's easy for me to solicit them as well as them getting in touch with me. All of this saving me great expense from having to use a personal website. It's a great way to advertise my services as my followers will like and retweet my stuff and helps give me more and more exposure and thus getting me even more clients. I very much treat my account as purely a business venture these days, though I still manage to shitpost with friends hehe.


I don't trust Facebook as far as I could throw 'em, so I avoid them like the plague. Same goes for Instagram because they're owned by Facebook. I used to use Tumblr from 2011-2015, but have no use for it anymore. Same goes more recently for Reddit where I used some resources regarding freelancing and video editing specifically just to help build my business for scratch, but found no other use for it besides that and deleted my account last month. Twitter and YouTube are the only two I still use these days. Twitter can be an amusing dumpster at times, though this entire year has been exhausting with the ever-cycling onslaught of just really terrible news that's been depressing the absolute fuck out of me, so I've been avoiding my feed for months now, only tweeting business-related stuff and talking to clients/friends in the DMs. At the end of the day, Social Media is what you make of it. One thing I would suggest is make sure you don't ever let their analytics: Likes/Retweets/Views/etc become a source for personal validation. If you're not careful, that can become one hell of a drug and lead you down a dark path. I've seen it happen to a lot of people in my observations.   

Edited by Biodegradable

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Other than Whatsapp, I don't use it (with exception for work purposes in Marketing). I don't take interest in acquaintances opinions, which often conflict with my own. Also I really don't like narcissism, which seems common in Facebook. It also gives very opinionated people and / or idiots a platform to be louder.


However the introduction to Social Media is very interesting. It has disrupted society in many ways. From challenging the traditional channels of media / news, how people network, how data is collected and new platforms for businesses to promote - I'd say Social Media has had a major impact on our society.


It's still relatively young, has teething issues and a still in the wild west phase as far as the law is concerned.


My conclusion: I never liked Social Media, but I see it as an important and interesting part of our society moving forward.

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I would prefer to never use social media again. I only made a Facedork account after I was asked if I had one. I said no I don't use FaceJunk, then looked at the site, made an account and less than an hour... they noticed I was on there before I even posted anything. I rarely go on to look at Facepope as I think it's a cesspit and I hate the design of the place. I don't give a shit if somebody I haven't talked to in decades took their dog to the groomers or they went to Shit-Mart or some crap. I'm pretty close to just deleting the whole thing. The other Social Media things like Twitter and Instagram and whatnot, I stay away from.

Edited by Doom_Dude

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I haven't used any since around 2011 and lord willing, I never will again. I do rarely go to Twitter to lurk a few select accounts just in case anything interesting is happening but I can't stay for more than half an hour without developing rapid onset ebola.

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I will say my opinion about some of the ones i actively use or used:


Facebook: Pretty boring, i only have it because everyone does.


Twitter: It sucks.


Reddit: I think this one is a bit better than some people give it credit for, the most popular subreddits suck but the smaller ones usually range from average to good.


Whatsapp: I never cared much about this one before 2020, the pandemic has made me use it a lot.


Discord: I only use it to follow a project i'm interested on, i haven't had many good experiences with it.


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We've literally had a couple of those a few months ago...


Anyway my opinion will always be the same, it's the most toxic invention that modern civilization could come up with, and has played a direct role in an ever increasing population suffering from depression, full of anti-consumer practices. Good for business and nothing more, also highly addicting. No redeeming qualities.


May it forever rot and writhe in agony.

Edited by seed

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Facebook - I use it to keep in touch with familly and neighborhood friends, political news pages are crap so I stay away from those

Twitter - Facebook 2.0, except none of my relatives are there so basically no use for it

Youtube - Watch reviews, tutorials and get some advices on multiple topics.

Discord - Useful for following some projects I'm interested in, and occasionally for asking for help

Reddit - This is the one I use the most because it's the most calm / sugar-high-free experience out of the bunch (depending on which subs you follow) also helpful for when there's no discord server for a topic I'm interested in.


depends on the what you follow and how you use it. also, forums are social media, so make of that what you will

Edited by sluggard

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6 minutes ago, magicsofa said:

You're using social media right now.


I 'spose you've got a point there, Mr Technicalpants hehe. Mind you, I think colloquially when people hear the phrase, "Social Media" they tend to think of the big-ass websites like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, Tumblr and YouTube rather than as an encompassing term that we could you to count to literally every kind of platform on the internet available where one can make contact with other people such as a forum, a DM service or, hell, even email. 

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28 minutes ago, magicsofa said:

You're using social media right now.


At least on a forum or even on a place like Discord you don't have your fake friends from highschool and relatives you haven't seen in 15 years all reading your posts and sending you candy crush gaming requests. Nor do you end up reading what the porn stars and celebs are posting.... ;)

Edited by Doom_Dude

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I don't use any of the most popular, i just have Facebook for work, and Whasapp for family, and thats it.

But i do use others, but not in the social way per ce.
I had an account on Last.FM that i still use to this day while listening music on my PC with a good amount of 1000+ artist and at least one album of each of them.

The other one i use is Goodreads, as i love to read its a good way to keep track of my reads. Right now reaching the 500 books readed..
Goodreads is the one i use most, as i am almost all the time reading during the week, seeking new things to read, or adding books that are not on their database.
Besides that, i don't use it that much. I made a list, for myself, but its public, on my investigation about all the books that i find are menippean in nature or similar at least.
Then Doomworld, but its not work as a social media for me. I chat, i share opinion or against them, but its different somehow to a social media. Might be that there isn't any celeb showing their ass, beside @Maes

The one that i hate the most is Youtube. Give a camera to an idiot and you will see why he/she/it is that. We have the proof of that long ago with Jackass. And now we have pletora of people that believe that their opinion is unique and they need to share it. People that receive money for just being watched, and they are not actors even, just people with an egomaniacal complex of needing attention.
Obviously, not all are this.
Tutorials for whatever thing you need are cool, gameplay/walkthroughts without comments are cool. Sharing meaninful and objetive information is cool.

But when people start to share their opinion in a medium so gigantic, objetivity is lost, and that how we are now. Fake news everywhere, impossibility of dialogue, fascism all around in ways never imagined before.
Youtube is surely a cancer, at least for me.
And if not a cancer, it surely help it to spread.

Edited by P41R47

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I have a love-hate relationship with social media. On the one hand, it's a nice tool for following people whose work I enjoy and keeping in touch with friends I wouldn't be able to contact by any other means - but on the other, it's a cesspool of people flinging shit at each other over ultimately trivial things. The political side of social media I find to be the worst, but it's damn near impossible to avoid.

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I was dragged into various social medias over my life, usually by female friends/love interests. Once those circles friendsvanish, no reason to keep the account, so ive burnt all of them except facebook, as my family is on it and will give me no end of drama if I delete it (even though I havent logged in in....HOW long?)


My sole internet social life is Doomworld, a single discord server, and a few groups on an art streaming site similar to twitch, that I stay connected to mostly because its an important place to my girlfriend.


Over my life ive found that its impossible for me to keep friends on the internet for long, where one wrong sentence can cost you years of bonds without a second thought, so I generally stopped trying. Still gotta interact with people now and then for sanity though :V

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54 minutes ago, Doom_Dude said:

At least on a forum or even on a place like Discord you don't have your fake friends from highschool and relatives you haven't seen in 15 years all reading your posts and sending you candy crush gaming requests. Nor do you end up reading what the porn stars and celebs are posting.... ;)

Lol, sounds like you're just following the wrong pages. When it comes to people you don't meet it can get irritating but I usually just block them and pretend I've lost access to my account heh.

Edited by sluggard

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1 minute ago, sluggard said:

Lol, sounds like you're just following the wrong pages. It can get irritating but I usually just block them and pretend I've lost access to my account heh.


Actually I don't even remember what pages I'm following on Facebook besides the ones Phoebus put up for Newdoom and Raven Games.. I can go about 5 or 6 months without ever going on there. lol

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45 minutes ago, Biodegradable said:


I 'spose you've got a point there, Mr Technicalpants hehe. Mind you, I think colloquially when people hear the phrase, "Social Media" they tend to think of the big-ass websites like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, Tumblr and YouTube rather than as an encompassing term that we could you to count to literally every kind of platform on the internet available where one can make contact with other people such as a forum, a DM service or, hell, even email. 


I completely agree, and that's exactly why I feel the need to point out the discrepancy between what people tend to think of, and what's actually true. People get all dramatic, saying "I'm done with social media," but really they just have a problem with specific platforms and the society/industry that has grown up around them. I feel that the most common complaints are A) constant arguments and B) distaste for the information presented. And those are fair complaints, which aren't surprising to hear about platforms where nobody is moderating your discussions and everybody is trying to get something onto your screen, often for monetary gain. However, those qualities are not inherent to social media. People tend to think of those qualities because they tend to only interact with those platforms. That fallacy has become so deeply rooted that many people don't even consider something to be social media unless it includes rampant shitposting, misinformation, and chaos.

I thought the definition of social media was "websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking." That means Doomworld counts, and not on a technicality. The fact that it is anonymous and has some semblance of civility is what makes it good social media.

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5 minutes ago, magicsofa said:


I thought the definition of social media was "websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking." That means Doomworld counts, and not on a technicality. The fact that it is anonymous and has some semblance of civility is what makes it good social media.


I feel like Doomworld is better described as pseudonymous rather than anonymous, in that every user has a unique identifying handle; this allows users to build relationships and form opinions of one another which I feel contribute to the semblance of civility you mention, in a way that's absent from a more thoroughly anonymous discussion platform like 4chan.


It's also worth noting that, at least within the realm of users who create and share maps, it's often possible to check Doomwiki and find a real-world name listed alongside a username or creative pseudonym, which is another way in which Doomworld or perhaps the Doom community in general is less anonymous/pseudonymous a realm than other communities or discussion platforms.

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I used to like Twitter a few years ago because it seemed like a good way to promote the music project I had at the time, and to network with supportive people when I didn't have very many irl.


I recently started logging back in after a 3-4 year break, and coming back to it has been flat out disturbing.


Nearly everyone, from authors I used to respect to artists whose work I admired, now just seem to be foaming at the mouth with vitriolic political rhetoric and uninformed/poorly-researched reactionary opinions to everything.


I guess it's still a decent platform if you only follow accounts related to specific interests, but ugh.


I feel a bit like I dodged a bullet, because the brain drain there seems intense.


Can't really comment on any other social media though.

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2 hours ago, Doom_Dude said:

At least on a forum or even on a place like Discord you don't have your fake friends from highschool and relatives you haven't seen in 15 years all reading your posts and sending you candy crush gaming requests. Nor do you end up reading what the porn stars and celebs are posting.... ;)


This is just one of the many aspects of social media that bother me, a lot.


These platforms follow no rules, only what they fucking want, so they keep around or censor anything that is displeasing, and it's enough to post opinions people don't agree with and have your account or page closed soon afterwards, either temporarily or for good, the best friend of witch hunters and cancel culture adherents. It's also way too easy to have them taken down as well. What an abhorrent piece of crap.


If you want to publish your thoughts or have something more personal, or much more personal depending on context, you're better off making a blog on WordPress and similar platforms, these are the worst places you could possibly go to for this purpose. It's why I rarely ever log in on FB anymore, unless necessary or to check some pages of interest and that's it, I have a good portion of my family there and that's enough to keep me from using it since they stir up shit and drama obsessively over every little thing. I've learned long ago that if I want to be honest about anything, this is not the place for it, it's not suitable. People hate honesty and not sharing their views on these sites, and will hunt you down for it.

Edited by seed

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I've only recently joined twitter, I wanted a platform to promote my indie game stuff and network with similar groups of people within the doom community and strategy side of things.


I just ignore all the political stuff or try anyway, I generally mute political hot take opinion people, it's not the reason I'm there and I certainly wouldn't comment on any of it.

Edited by Liberation

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we've had this topic before, and it was closed down. But I will say the same thing I said before, it's a joke. 


A big Social platform for Gen-z kids is Tik-Tok. It is a vile, and evil program, where competition overpowers talent. In my grade, the most popular kid is a girl with the most likes on her Tik-Tok or Instagram page. She is rather a very awful person, who many people refer to as rude. She pretends she is queen, and we are all her peasants, thinking of us as those below her. About 2 years ago, I showed her my poetry, to show her that she isn't the most talented kid in the grade, and that others could perform. Instead of understanding my point, she gave me the nickname "Nerd" (It never caught on, thankfully). But this just shows what social media does to people. 


I don't know if any of you watch Community, but in one of the seasons of the sitcom, there was an app where you could rate people based on how nice they are on a scale of 1-5. Soon, the 5s became kings and queens, while 1s and 2s became slaves. This was used as just a comedic storyline, but sadly, it seems that it is becoming fact. Those with the least likes are seen as morons, or nobody's, while those with the most followers are seen as gods or goddesses, and praised by everyone else for their talent. But in truth, it is all meaningless.


Likes does not mean you are liked in real life, and just because you have 900 friends on Instagram, does not mean 900 people see you as there friend. You are just another human, and the sooner you realize that, the sooner everybody can live a more meaningful life. It is sad that people think that it is their life, and there is nothing else to it other than social media. 


A few weeks ago, a 9-year-old girl asked me why I didn't have a phone. I told her that I saw no point in it. She was surprised. She asked me what I could possibly do without a phone. This almost killed me. This is how far society has come. people seriously don't think there is a life beyond their screen. It is so sad. I wish people could go outside. They could run and have fun. Instead, they look at how many likes they have, how many followers. 


I wouldn't include Doomworld into this, since most people hear are much more educated, and understand that likes and followers means absolutely nothing. Still, it is amazing how far society has come, and yet, there is always something holding us back. Social media is that burden. We can never get rid of it, but we can try to teach our children to look beyond it. So sad. 

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18 minutes ago, LiT_gam3r said:

we've had this topic before, and it was closed down. But I will say the same thing I said before, it's a joke. 


A big Social platform for Gen-z kids is Tik-Tok. It is a vile, and evil program, where competition overpowers talent. In my grade, the most popular kid is a girl with the most likes on her Tik-Tok or Instagram page. She is rather a very awful person, who many people refer to as rude. She pretends she is queen, and we are all her peasants, thinking of us as those below her. About 2 years ago, I showed her my poetry, to show her that she isn't the most talented kid in the grade, and that others could perform. Instead of understanding my point, she gave me the nickname "Nerd" (It never caught on, thankfully). But this just shows what social media does to people. 


I don't know if any of you watch Community, but in one of the seasons of the sitcom, there was an app where you could rate people based on how nice they are on a scale of 1-5. Soon, the 5s became kings and queens, while 1s and 2s became slaves. This was used as just a comedic storyline, but sadly, it seems that it is becoming fact. Those with the least likes are seen as morons, or nobody's, while those with the most followers are seen as gods or goddesses, and praised by everyone else for their talent. But in truth, it is all meaningless.


Likes does not mean you are liked in real life, and just because you have 900 friends on Instagram, does not mean 900 people see you as there friend. You are just another human, and the sooner you realize that, the sooner everybody can live a more meaningful life. It is sad that people think that it is their life, and there is nothing else to it other than social media. 


A few weeks ago, a 9-year-old girl asked me why I didn't have a phone. I told her that I saw no point in it. She was surprised. She asked me what I could possibly do without a phone. This almost killed me. This is how far society has come. people seriously don't think there is a life beyond their screen. It is so sad. I wish people could go outside. They could run and have fun. Instead, they look at how many likes they have, how many followers. 


I wouldn't include Doomworld into this, since most people hear are much more educated, and understand that likes and followers means absolutely nothing. Still, it is amazing how far society has come, and yet, there is always something holding us back. Social media is that burden. We can never get rid of it, but we can try to teach our children to look beyond it. So sad. 

I love you, kiddo!
Really! you expressed what i tryied to say in a more focused and meaningful way.
I really hope there more kids like you around the world.

EDIT: then i realice that sometimes, we, adults, are far more childish than kids haha hahahahah hahahahahahahahhaah

Edited by P41R47

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3 hours ago, magicsofa said:

You're using social media right now.


When I say social media I mean stuff like Facebook, twitter, instagram etc.... I get that this -A forum- is a social activity but here on Doomworld it's a completely different deal. 


What you said @LiT_gam3r is spot on. 


Sorry if there has been this discussion before, hadn't seen it.

Edited by Eurisko

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I only use Doomworld and YouTube, and both are completely different. Doomworld is a community that cares about eachother, and they also like good ol 90's shooters too. YouTube is a vile corporate place with an almighty copyrighting demonitizing algorithm that can instantly destroy channels with no struggle. Occasionally YouTube will do something really stupid and make everyone mad, and then YouTubers will just forget it even happened. I imagine that YouTube could remove dislikes entirely and everyone would get mad but forget about it. The only reason I use YouTube is to watch stuff, subscribe and make dumb videos. If I had to chose one platform to use for the rest of eternity, it would obviously be Doomworld.

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