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Responding to GmanLives' Unity Doom video (Removed)


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I'm not sure that I believe Gman when he says that he has faced abuse over this video. Of course this is the internet, so it's entirely possible that some pathetic rage-aholic has used his mistakes as an excuse to have a go at him. Did anyone get a good look at the comments before he took down his video?

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  On 9/14/2020 at 4:11 PM, chemo said:

TBH I don't even think GZDoom is very "convenient". There's so many terrible default settings and going through the sheer number of options to get your desired configuration is a nightmare. I'm almost never sure if I adjusted everything I wanted.


Being able to tweak things is nice, but I think this source port is the quintessential example of "too much of a good thing".


That's my problem with GZDoom too, for all the things it has been praised with, it annoys the hell out of me that it has the smoothing filters enabled (which to me doesn't look good with original Doom games at all), a default keyboard layout that's awkward moreso than using keyboard-only controls in the DOS version, the music doesn't sound quite right out of the box (and having to use alternative soundfont to sort of get it something sort of like the SC-55 playback), all of which are annoyances configured by default, which had me making a *.cfg file to execute in GZDoom to fix some off these issues for me so I don't have to go through 50 menus to get GZDoom to sort of look like the original games.


  On 9/14/2020 at 4:49 PM, seed said:

People debunking someone else's misinformation is absolutely necessary, especially in this day and age, because this is exactly how fake new, propaganda, lies, idiocy, and misinformation spreads, no-one takes their time to debunk it and people start eating that shit, then cut each other's throat for it. Not, cool.


It's the same problem I had with ICARUSLIV3S and his "review" of The Citadel after he made some juvenile jab at doekuramori claiming he had some kind of "gore fetish" even though doekuramori himself stated he was never into that sort of crap (he's into some darker art but nothing tasteless like some of the gruesome and gory H-games I've seen and regret knowing about), yet ICARUS's fanbase took that and decided to condemn doekuramori, so much so that he was contemplating censoring his game and had to distance himself from that uncalled backlash, just because his game featured the kind of hyper-violence you'd seen in some older anime titles or even recent series like Goblinslayer. It doesn't seem like ICARUS even bothered to properly apologize to doekuramori for the shitstorm he created, intentional or not.


Guru Larry also had the nerve to drudge up the lie about Mighty No. 9 bricking Wii Us. As someone who actually played that game on a Wii U, I can prove that that's not even true at all (prune to hard-locking crashes like my experience with BioShock 2 on Xbox 360, yes, but not completely destroy a console) and there was a PSA about that debunks the claims but Larry blatantly went with the console bricking story for personal gain/views/clickbait and callously catering to that game's toxic hatedom who still obsess with shitting on that game and forcing their "opinions" on anyone that don't hate it since they refuse to get over their butthurt with that game.


  On 9/14/2020 at 4:49 PM, seed said:

Same here, Civvie's review is what got me to watch the rest of his videos too.


I'm glad I've stumbled onto Civvie's content after seeing how Gman complained about how SIGIL was "too hard and uninspired" and I haven't looked back.

Edited by AmethystViper

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  On 9/14/2020 at 6:32 PM, NoXion said:

I'm not sure that I believe Gman when he says that he has faced abuse over this video. Of course this is the internet, so it's entirely possible that some pathetic rage-aholic has used his mistakes as an excuse to have a go at him. Did anyone get a good look at the comments before he took down his video?


Well, I'm sure there was some people correcting gmanlives's errors about (as i remember) the port isn't fully "running with unity" but also running the doom original code while playing like doom (i'm sure Senor500,Mr Vt on youtube was saying similar things like everyone). Maybe my memory is a bit rusty right now.

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  On 9/14/2020 at 6:32 PM, NoXion said:

I'm not sure that I believe Gman when he says that he has faced abuse over this video. Of course this is the internet, so it's entirely possible that some pathetic rage-aholic has used his mistakes as an excuse to have a go at him. Did anyone get a good look at the comments before he took down his video?



Some people here did, and said at the time it was fairly chill.


But yeah, this being the internet I'm convinced someone, somewhere may have used it as an excuse to shit on him, but I'm not inclined to believe that under these circumstances at all, not on YT at least. He likely misinterpreted the criticism he faced as "backlash" and went away with it.


  On 9/14/2020 at 6:37 PM, AmethystViper said:

It's the same problem I had with ICARUSLIV3S and his "review" of The Citadel after he made some juvenile jab at doekuramori claiming he had some kind of "gore fetish" even though doekuramori himself stated he was never into that sort of crap (he's into some darker art but nothing tasteless like some of the gruesome and gory H-games I've seen and regret knowing about), yet ICARUS's fanbase took that and decided to condemn doekuramori, so much so that he was contemplating censoring his game and had to distance himself from that uncalled backlash, just because his game featured the kind of hyper-violence you'd seen in some older anime titles or even recent series like Goblinslayer. It doesn't seem like ICARUS even bothered to properly apologize to doekuramori for the shitstorm he created, intentional or not.



Wow, what kind of trash you have to be to want people to censor themselves or want them to adhere to your psychotic delusions, it's a sad reality but it is what it is. Never censor yourself.


You mentioned "some darker art", I find that intriguing.

Edited by seed

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  On 9/14/2020 at 6:22 AM, Doomkid said:

Hopefully with this CLEARLY JOKING video, he will be convinced that this was all just a bit of fun...!







well, if he takes his time and watches your video and looks up some facts about the game, then it should be clear to him that you only corrected him where he was factually wrong, and did this in a friendly and constructive manner. you even gave him credits where he was right. if he took down his video, then i guess he realized his mistakes.

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Anyway Gman isn't a Doom expert, he just has to get videos out so that he can make some revenue of of advertisements. Most people watching aren't Doomers so they probably don't even care if it's incorrect or not, they just enjoy watching his videos. 

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  On 9/14/2020 at 6:32 PM, NoXion said:

I'm not sure that I believe Gman when he says that he has faced abuse over this video. Of course this is the internet, so it's entirely possible that some pathetic rage-aholic has used his mistakes as an excuse to have a go at him. Did anyone get a good look at the comments before he took down his video?


I was in there. There were some strongly worded comments, the worst being stuff like "wow, this is the most misinformed thing I've seen you do" and being somewhat meaner than was necessary, but nothing worse than I've seen in any other youtube comment section. Like dude, you call people snowflakes and have skin this thin?

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  On 9/14/2020 at 6:51 PM, seed said:

You mentioned "some darker art", I find that intriguing.


doekuramori himself in this PSA after the some cretins decided to vilify him as something he's not that he's into darker and oppressive styles of art and he's also a fan of H.R. Giger's work, I've seen of doekuramori's art (some of which is NSFW) and it's nothing like what those trying to demonize him claiming but you can kinda see where his influences come from. Thankfully it seems he hasn't gone through with censoring his own game (for the time being anyway) with recent updates for The Citadel.

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  On 9/14/2020 at 7:04 PM, whybmonotacrab said:

There were some strongly worded comments, the worst being stuff like "wow, this is the most misinformed thing I've seen you do" and being somewhat meaner than was necessary, but nothing worse than I've seen in any other youtube comment section. Like dude, you call people snowflakes and have skin this thin?



I saw the same thing. No doubt there were some genuine insults in there but I have seen much worse reactions to far lesser mistakes. Given how caustic he comes across, you would think he would be able to take things on the chin better.

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  On 9/14/2020 at 7:45 PM, Thermal Lance said:

He could have even uploaded a short video in which he addresses the issues. The video was wrong on many level but the production value was still there.


Then he could have ended the video saying "Okay, I've made a mistake.... like your mom." XD



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Frankly this whole thing seems kind of weird to me, it didn't sound like he was comparing it to vanilla doom, to be honest it just sounded like he had a bit higher expectations coming from GZDoom to this new port.


Besides, it's not like this is the first time a reviewer decided to redo or take down a review because they got things wrong. As for his responses, well it just looks like he just wants to forget about it and move on. "I don't really feel like getting abused and insulted" was most likely aimed at the inevitable wave of comments taking jabs at him if he didn't remove it.


You guys are reading too much into this, we all make mistakes, it happens. At least he apologized and admitted he got things wrong, others would have just ignored those comments and re-upload like nothing happened. But of course he made the mistake of responding to comments and give people more stupid reasons to nitpick what he says :P


I'm probably going to regret posting this because someone somewhere is going to take it the wrong way and think i'm being rude or whatever lol, just how I see it so hopefully not getting into a feud over it.

Edited by sluggard

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It was pretty amusing to see "person x, y, z, and 60 others commented on Responding to Gmanlives' removed unity doom video" in my notifications feed the other day. LOL

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  On 9/15/2020 at 12:04 AM, sluggard said:

I'm probably going to regret posting this because someone somewhere is going to take it the wrong way and think i'm being rude or whatever lol, just how I see it so hopefully not getting into a feud over it.



I doubt anyone here is petty enough to have a go at you. I think most people's reaction to this is similar to mine - not angry, more amused with a side order of bewilderment that he got so much wrong, and it obviously sent him off on completely the wrong tangent. But he also made some other baffling mistakes like calling Brutal Doom "Simple". Yes he did apologise and remove the video which is good, but if you look at all of his responses on Twitter there is a snide undercurrent there. It all gives the impression of a very bruised ego.

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  On 9/15/2020 at 12:04 AM, sluggard said:

At least he apologized and admitted he got things wrong, others would have just ignored those comments and re-upload like nothing happened. But of course he made the mistake of responding to comments and give people more stupid reasons to nitpick what he says :P



I'd personally love to see him grow from the experience and perhaps take greater care when it comes to presenting the information of his topics. I understand how YouTube works and it can be really challenging to make sure an upload gains the traction it needs and there's that temptation to strike when the iron is hot as quickly as possible. However, I've seen plenty of people prove that if you take the time to be thorough, you can produce a well-informed video that performs well rather than rush at break-neck speed-consequences be damned-to appease the algorithm in the moment of the topic is trending at its highest point at the risk of tarnishing your credibility by getting a lot of shit wrong. He'd certainly regain mine and probably a lot of other people's respect if he were to take that lesson from this unfortunate fuck-up. Naturally, this really isn't a HUGE deal in the grand scheme of things, but if Gman wants to be taken at least a little seriously when it comes to his ability to provide useful and correct information about the games he covers, without having people poke holes in his videos all the time, it's definitely something he should take into account.


  On 9/15/2020 at 12:04 AM, sluggard said:

I'm probably going to regret posting this because someone somewhere is going to take it the wrong way and think i'm being rude or whatever lol, just how I see it so hopefully not getting into a feud over it.



No, not at all, Slug. That's a perfectly reasonable perspective to have. I feel like just about everyone here has been talking about this thing in very much a similar constructive manner and nobody is baying for the man's blood, burning little Gman effigies or celebrating his mistake.

Edited by Biodegradable

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  On 9/15/2020 at 12:57 AM, P41R47 said:

Hey, guys.
After 139 comments (140 with this one) on the amazing video that Doomkid made to correct this guy, i think its time to start moving on.
I know the man already made a fool of himself, but we can't change his behaviour or what his fans like.
We are all amused and can't certaily grasp how this fellow has the bollocks to distort all in his favor.
And unfortunatelly, even when we know the truth and try to share it adequately, people that just follow this guy for his ''internet persona'' will just think that we want to bash their idol.

But besides there are a lot to still be amused and even angry, I think that we already spent a lot of time on this topic, making him more advertising than he deserves.

Doomkid intention were clear, to correct the missinformation that could be damaging for a port that is just really doing the things right.

This man intentions are clear, just make money clickbaiting the people that watch him.
Him dramatizing this is another move on just making more money.

So, seriously guys, going on with this thread will just make us the ''toxic people at doomworld''.
Even when we know that is totally nonsense.



I've had no time to weigh in on this and I agree. Do not be a part of cancel culture. Especially over something so insignificant. 

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Wow, I must've watched the video just before he took it down/privated it then. If I would've known he was going to do that, I would've saved it.


Now I'm wondering if anyone did, since without the original video for context, it's not fully possible to get a full picture of the points.

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Only a small handful of what he said was cut for the sake of my response, but I did save his video (admittedly with pretty poor quality). I guess I'll refrain from sharing it since he apparently doesn't want it out there anymore..

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The criticisms were valid, and he must have taken them to heart if he went as far as to take down the video. No need to kick him when he's down! I like Gman a lot.

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