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Command-line GZDoom Windows batch script generator


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Command-line GZDoom Windows batch script generator.



Generates editable dbsg-<game>.bat where <game> is a game file.


Generated script can accept user parameters.


Project site




  • Generates editable Windows batch GZDoom command-line launch script.
  • User can control generation using custom configuration.
  • Should work with any GZDoom compatible port.
  • Generated script can be easily customized.
  • Generated script is portable.
  • Generated script can accept user parameters.
  • Last saved game can be loaded on startup.
  • Generated script can set own last write time to launch time.
  • Generated script -w switch performs Wad Archive game search.
  • Generated script -g switch Googles game.

  • Generated script -c switch opens GZDoom command line parameters help.










Command-line GZDoom Windows batch script generator v.1.7

Generates editable dbsg-<game>.bat where <game> is a game file.

Generated script can accept user parameters.

Project site: http://dbsg.sf.net


* Generates editable Windows batch GZDoom command-line launch script.
* User can control generation using custom configuration.
* Should work with any GZDoom compatible port.
* Generated script can be easily customized.
* Generated script is portable.
* Generated script can accept user parameters.
* Last saved game can be loaded on startup.
* Generated script can set own last write time to launch time.
* Generated script '-w' switch performs Wad Archive game search.
* Generated script '-g' switch Googles game.
* Generated script '-c' switch opens GZDoom command line parameters help.


Copy script and game files to GZDoom dir first.

dbsg.bat [-w] game [config.bat]


-w             game is standalone, e.g. doom2.wad, etc.
game           any supported game (wad, pk3, zip, etc.).
config.bat     user batch config. If not specified 'dbsg-config.bat' will be used.


User batch config is executed first. The following variables are supported:

doom           GZDoom executable. 'gzdoom.exe' is default.
doomConfig     GZDoom user configuration. 'gzdoom-%USERNAME%.ini' is default.
wad            main wad. 'doom2.wad' is default.
mods           mods (wad, pk3, zip, etc.).
deh            DEH patch.
bex            BEX patch.
savedir        savegames subdir. 'saves' is default.
shortdir       screenshots dir. 'screenshots' is default.
params         any parameters.
loadLast       load last save if set.
saveExt        save extension. 'zds' is default.
scriptPrefix   generated script prefix. '%scriptName%-' is default. "" for no prefix.
updateLaunch   updates last script launch time if set. set in config by default.


Edit generated script if you have any additional files.

* Generate with default config:

dbsg.bat dead-air_v2.pk3

* Generate with custom config:

dbsg.bat dead-air_v2.pk3 dbsg-my-config.bat

* Specify '-w' flag for standalone game:

dbsg.bat -w square1.pk3


Run script to launch the game.
Any GZDoom parameters are accepted as script parameters if no script specific switches are specified.


Switches are mutually exclusive, only one at a time:

-w             Wad Archive game search.
-g             Google game search.
-c             open GZDoom command line help.


Names with spaces, percent and culture-specific characters may not be handled properly.








:: GZDoom executable.
::set doom=my-doom.exe

:: Existing GZDoom user config at GZDoom dir.
::set doomConfig=my-doom-config.ini

:: Main wad.
::set wad=doom2.wad

:: DEH
::set deh=my.deh

:: BEX
::set bex=my.bex

:: Saves dir.
::set savedir=my-savedir

:: Screenshots dir.
::set shortdir=my-shortdir

:: Mods.
::set mods=target-spy-v1.14.pk3

:: Any GZDoom parameters.
:: https://zdoom.org/wiki/Command_line_parameters
::set params=-fast

:: Load last save if set.
::set loadLast=1

:: Save extension.
::set saveExt=zds

:: Script prefix. "" for empty.
::set scriptPrefix=""

:: Update script launch time if set.
set updateLaunch=1








@echo off

:: Generated by GZDoom Windows batch script generator 1.7
:: http://dbsg.sf.net

:: Run script to launch the game.
:: Any GZDoom parameters are accepted as script parameters if no script specific switches are specified.

:: Command line switches are mutually exclusive, only one at a time:
:: -w  Wad Archive game search.
:: -g  Google game search.
:: -c  open GZDoom command line parameters help.

:: Editable config.
set doom=gzdoom.exe

set gameDir=doom2

set game=
set wad=doom2.wad
set deh=
set bex=
set mods=
set params=
set loadLast=
set updateLaunch=1

set saveExt=zds

set doomConfig=%gameDir%\gzdoom-%USERNAME%.ini
set savedir=%gameDir%\saves
set shortdir=%gameDir%\screenshots

:: Process command line.
call :processCommandLine "%~1" %game% %wad% || exit /b 0

:: Update script last launch time.
if not "%updateLaunch%"=="" copy /b %0 +,, 2>&1 > nul

:: Look for a last save.
if not "%loadLast%"=="" if exist "%savedir%" echo Looking for a last save... & for /f %%i in ('dir "%savedir%\*.%saveExt%" /b /a-d /od /tw') do set recentSave=%%i

:: GZDoom command-line generation.
if not "%doomConfig%"=="" set doom=%doom% -config "%doomConfig%"
if not "%game%"==""       set doom=%doom% -file %game%
if not "%mods%"==""       set doom=%doom% -file %mods%
if not "%wad%"==""        set doom=%doom% -iwad "%wad%"
if not "%deh%"==""        set doom=%doom% -deh "%deh%"
if not "%bex%"==""        set doom=%doom% -bex "%bex%"
if not "%savedir%"==""    set doom=%doom% -savedir "%savedir%"
if not "%shortdir%"==""   set doom=%doom% +set screenshot_dir "%shortdir%"
if not "%params%"==""     set doom=%doom% %params%
if not "%recentSave%"=="" set doom=%doom% -loadgame "%savedir%\%recentSave%"

:: Create game dir and copy GZDoom user config there.
if not exist "%gameDir%"    echo Creating '%gameDir%'...    & mkdir "%gameDir%"               || goto ERROR
if not exist "%doomConfig%" echo Creating '%doomConfig%'... & call :copyConfig "%doomConfig%" || exit /b 1

echo Launching...

echo on

:: Launch GZDoom with command-line generated.
start "%gameDir%" /b %doom% %*

@exit /b

copy "%~nx1" "%~1" || goto ERROR
exit /b

@echo off
echo Run failed. 1>&2
exit /b 1

set what=%~n2
if "%what%"=="" set what=%~n3
if /i "%~1"=="-w" echo Searching Wad Archive for '%what%'... & start "Searching Wad Archive for '%what%'..." /b "https://www.wad-archive.com/search?q=%what%" & exit /b 1
if /i "%~1"=="-g" echo Googling '%what%'... & start "Googling '%what%'..." /b "https://google.com/search?q=%what% doom wad OR pk3 OR ipk3 OR zip OR 7z" & exit /b 1
if /i "%~1"=="-c" echo Opening GZDoom command line parameters help... & start "Opening GZDoom command line parameters help..." /b "https://zdoom.org/wiki/Command_line_parameters" & exit /b 1
exit /b






dbsg.bat dead-air_v2.pk3



@echo off

:: Generated by GZDoom Windows batch script generator 1.7
:: http://dbsg.sf.net

:: Run script to launch the game.
:: Any GZDoom parameters are accepted as script parameters if no script specific switches are specified.

:: Command line switches are mutually exclusive, only one at a time:
:: -w  Wad Archive game search.
:: -g  Google game search.
:: -c  open GZDoom command line parameters help.

:: Editable config.
set doom=gzdoom.exe

set gameDir=dead-air_v2

set game=dead-air_v2.pk3
set wad=doom2.wad
set deh=
set bex=
set mods=
set params=
set loadLast=1
set updateLaunch=1

set saveExt=zds

set doomConfig=%gameDir%\gzdoom-%USERNAME%.ini
set savedir=%gameDir%\saves
set shortdir=%gameDir%\screenshots

:: Process command line.
call :processCommandLine "%~1" %game% %wad% || exit /b 0

:: Update script last launch time.
if not "%updateLaunch%"=="" copy /b %0 +,, 2>&1 > nul

:: Look for a last save.
if not "%loadLast%"=="" if exist "%savedir%" echo Looking for a last save... & for /f %%i in ('dir "%savedir%\*.%saveExt%" /b /a-d /od /tw') do set recentSave=%%i

:: GZDoom command-line generation.
if not "%doomConfig%"=="" set doom=%doom% -config "%doomConfig%"
if not "%game%"==""       set doom=%doom% -file %game%
if not "%mods%"==""       set doom=%doom% -file %mods%
if not "%wad%"==""        set doom=%doom% -iwad "%wad%"
if not "%deh%"==""        set doom=%doom% -deh "%deh%"
if not "%bex%"==""        set doom=%doom% -bex "%bex%"
if not "%savedir%"==""    set doom=%doom% -savedir "%savedir%"
if not "%shortdir%"==""   set doom=%doom% +set screenshot_dir "%shortdir%"
if not "%params%"==""     set doom=%doom% %params%
if not "%recentSave%"=="" set doom=%doom% -loadgame "%savedir%\%recentSave%"

:: Create game dir and copy GZDoom user config there.
if not exist "%gameDir%"    echo Creating '%gameDir%'...    & mkdir "%gameDir%"               || goto ERROR
if not exist "%doomConfig%" echo Creating '%doomConfig%'... & call :copyConfig "%doomConfig%" || exit /b 1

echo Launching...

echo on

:: Launch GZDoom with command-line generated.
start "%gameDir%" /b %doom% %*

@exit /b

copy "%~nx1" "%~1" || goto ERROR
exit /b

@echo off
echo Run failed. 1>&2
exit /b 1

set what=%~n2
if "%what%"=="" set what=%~n3
if /i "%~1"=="-w" echo Searching Wad Archive for '%what%'... & start "Searching Wad Archive for '%what%'..." /b "https://www.wad-archive.com/search?q=%what%" & exit /b 1
if /i "%~1"=="-g" echo Googling '%what%'... & start "Googling '%what%'..." /b "https://google.com/search?q=%what% doom wad OR pk3 OR ipk3 OR zip OR 7z" & exit /b 1
if /i "%~1"=="-c" echo Opening GZDoom command line parameters help... & start "Opening GZDoom command line parameters help..." /b "https://zdoom.org/wiki/Command_line_parameters" & exit /b 1
exit /b




Copy script and game files to GZDoom dir first.

dbsg.bat [-w] game [config.bat]




-w             game is standalone, e.g. doom2.wad, etc.
game           any supported game (wad, pk3, zip, etc.).
config.bat     user batch config. If not specified 'dbsg-config.bat' will be used.




User batch config is executed first. The following variables are supported:


doom           GZDoom executable. 'gzdoom.exe' is default.
doomConfig     GZDoom user configuration. 'gzdoom-%USERNAME%.ini' is default.
wad            main wad.
mods           mods (wad, pk3, zip, etc.).
deh            DEH patch.
bex            BEX patch.
savedir        savegames subdir. 'saves' is default.
shortdir       screenshots dir. 'screenshots' is default.
params         any parameters.
loadLast       load last save if set.
saveExt        save extension. 'zds' is default.
scriptPrefix   generated script prefix. '%%scriptName%%-' is default. "" for no prefix.
updateLaunch   updates last script launch time if set. set in config by default.




Edit generated script if you have any additional files.


  • Generate with default config:
    dbsg.bat dead-air_v2.pk3
  • Generate with custom config:
    dbsg.bat dead-air_v2.pk3 dbsg-my-config.bat
  • Specify -w flag for standalone game:
    dbsg.bat -w square1.pk3




Run script to launch the game. Any GZDoom parameters are accepted as script parameters if no script specific switches are specified.




Switches are mutually exclusive, only one at a time:


-w             Wad Archive game search.
-g             Google game search.
-c             open GZDoom command line help.




Names with spaces, percent and culture-specific characters may not be handled properly.

Edited by i2van

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