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DOOM 64 Remaster Getting Physical Release for PS4 and Switch From Limited Run Games


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Hey! The disc itself is being sold for $25. So everything else would then be valued at 30 dollars. Not bad.


The price is the same on Switch

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Won't be buying it as I have the original on a n64 cartrdige already. The Developer interviews could be interesting though. Once it releases, hopefully someone will upload them so many of us who cannot buy it (because its limited) so we can read them, if there's any new insights into the development process of the game... 

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I just got the standard release, the deluxe is neat but personally I got my own original D64 cart in a Bitbox game case with a custom D64 insert. (I'm also short on cash so thats kinda why I oped out of the classic edition :b) Doom helmet looks cool but it would make it a sweet deal if it came with a USB floppy like what sigil had where it included Ultimate doom on it. 


Speaking of sigil I hope we don't run into delay snags like what the phisical box copies of sigil had and have another rabble-fest about dumb stuff like last time. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

i ordered a ps4 copy and a t-shirt, i already have it on pc and psn but it's been a while since i had this game on my shelf.

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