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What if: Doomguy Origin Cinematic/Animatic?


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During my spare time I was imagining what an origin story for Doomguy would look like as an animated film or acted with real people. It would be an interesting concept since aside from there being brief summaries of how he got to the position he was in, there isn't much that expands on the visual aspect of the events that led up to his demon-perforating voyage.


From the fan-written fiction on Doomguy we know that he was demoted for disobeying an order to fire on civilians and went up in arms against his commanding officer, this act of insubordiantion led to his reassignment to serving on a base on Mars, in what was believed to be a punishingly boring and secluded post. During his time on Mars, Doomguy worked alongside the UAC as they were performing secret experiments on interdimensional travel. When the UAC's experiments backfired on them, the demons of Hell were able to invade and swarm Deimos and Phobos, Mars' moons, where they slaughtered nearly all UAC and Space Marine personnel, transforming them into zombies to fight their former allies -- leading to E1M1.

Edited by Thorogrimm

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There's an ancient cartoon from 2000 that's only about 3 minutes long and has probably aged like milk where it depicts the actual Doomguy punching the (subtly demonic) sergeant in the face and getting sent off to Mars. I'd absolutely love to see this concept fleshed out into a proper 15-20 minute animation or well made fan film, could be interesting!


I was expecting that scene in both "doom" ""movies"", what with it being literally one of the only plot points present in the game naturally I assumed it would make it into the film about said game, but turns out those movies were just random junk with the word Doom thrown on 'em. I was double deprived!


I mean really, by now, from Doom 1 all the way through Doom Eternal, there is definitely enough lore to make an actually decent short film or animation or whatever about Doomguy's journey. Once that's actually Doomy, I mean:


Show him assaulting his superior, getting sent to mars, being left outside the Hangar door while basically being forced to listen to everyone get slaughtered over his little radio, then a sweet 10 minute action scene depicting E1, but then when he steps on the teleporter he goes to Hell.. Then another action scene or two, Earth, finding Daisy, Going back to hell decided to live there to protect humanity, being entombed and then rediscovered at the start of Doom 2016... I mean, come the fuck on, they've made films about WAY shittier things than this with WAY less meat on the bone than this. I think it has the potential to be done well, it just sucks ass that no one ever seemingly will (or even really wants to).

Edited by Doomkid

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Comes complete with super compressed MP3s, really grainy JPEGs, gratuitous Comic Sans, ripped Counter Strike SFX... So many trademarks of an animation from 2001. Conceptually though, I think it hits the mark great. If a decent animator tried their hand at this same thing again today, it could be fantastic. The sarge isn't demonic after all, I was surely mixing it up with some of the other ancient animations from the same era:



Edited by Doomkid

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  On 9/18/2020 at 2:14 AM, Doomkid said:



Comes complete with super compressed MP3s, really grainy JPEGs, gratuitous Comic Sans, ripped Counter Strike SFX... So many trademarks of an animation from 2001. Conceptually though, I think it hits the mark great. If a decent animator tried their hand at this same thing again today, it could be fantastic. The sarge isn't demonic after all, I was surely mixing it up with some of the other ancient animations from the same era:




Damn that's a good find, the same user made a point and click game on Doom that's actually pretty good...




Wouldn't mind a continuation of this

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  On 9/18/2020 at 2:14 AM, Doomkid said:



Comes complete with super compressed MP3s, really grainy JPEGs, gratuitous Comic Sans, ripped Counter Strike SFX... So many trademarks of an animation from 2001. Conceptually though, I think it hits the mark great. If a decent animator tried their hand at this same thing again today, it could be fantastic. The sarge isn't demonic after all, I was surely mixing it up with some of the other ancient animations from the same era:




holy shit this is terribly amazing 

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I've always wanted to make a Doom film myself (if I ever get far enough into the film industry), and I feel like the opening after the credits would be a narrated prologue of how Doomguy put his C.O. in a body cast, upon being ordered to fire on civilians, and the initial boredom on the Phobos base. It could mirror the text from the manual before DG's viewing session of restricted flicks is interrupted by the sound of gunfire and carnage a few rooms over.

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  On 9/18/2020 at 2:14 AM, Doomkid said:



Comes complete with super compressed MP3s, really grainy JPEGs, gratuitous Comic Sans, ripped Counter Strike SFX... So many trademarks of an animation from 2001. Conceptually though, I think it hits the mark great. If a decent animator tried their hand at this same thing again today, it could be fantastic. The sarge isn't demonic after all, I was surely mixing it up with some of the other ancient animations from the same era:





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