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Have you ever re-created a map you last played 10+ years ago but can't find?


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I don't think I've ever recreated a map from memory. I've done recreations of official Doom maps, but I always cheat and go in there and look around or look at them in the editor.

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I remember recreating an elusive Skulltag map I stumbled upon and remember liking, sadly never found it again and my recreation wasn't good at all, don't think it would have helped finding it, also lost the recreation. Another one I tried to re-create was an old wolfenstein styled map and I tried adding ZDoom stuff on it, only remember half finishing it but I felt like it turned out good, sadly again I lost the maps, had a lot of wads on an HDD that's now dead.

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I sometimes find myself trying to mimic structures from other wads I've played before, but I don't think I've tried recreating a full map.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/18/2020 at 3:39 AM, Doomkid said:

One is a deathmatch-only wad that is visually very similar to both Heretic and Eternal Doom. Deep blue skies, grey stone walls, a very "castle" vibe everywhere with loads of stained-glass textures, and a really wide, open-concept design surrounded by lots of water, and it was at least a few maps, and finally it couldn't have been made after 1999. You wouldn't think there'd be too many wads out there meeting all of those criteria, but sadly it hasn't helped me in finding any leads yet.

Perhaps this is too obvious, but your description sounds like Eternal Deathmatch Set.

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My god, that's the one - thanks Andromeda! I would have found this on some random GeoCities, Tripod or AngelFire site way back when. I haven't played this in years, wandering around these empty maps amazed me as a kid. It's cool to finally hear the music too, I think I didn't have music at that point. That's a ~20 year personal mystery wrapped up, just one more missing childhood wad left to find!

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On 9/18/2020 at 5:14 AM, Doom-X-Machina said:

Never recreated a map in a WAD but I've recreated real-world places in WADs... my highschool turned into a military base. The layout and architechture worked so well.

Yikes, dunno about the implications of making a high school wad. What I do know, is that they usually follow a trend of being kinda symmetrical and linear.

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6 hours ago, VoanHead said:

Yikes, dunno about the implications of making a high school wad. What I do know, is that they usually follow a trend of being kinda symmetrical and linear.

Guess you missed the part where I mentioned it became a military base... and there was nothing symmetrical or linear about it.

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